
使用Visual Studio的Spy++查找弹窗广告进程

南笙酒味 提交于 2019-11-27 16:34:46
  现在很多软件都会“赠送”弹窗广告,如上图(不想给某东做广告),最可恨的是装的软件多了后不知道是哪个程序调用的。在网络上搜索了一下,发现最近经常使用的Visual Studio就有查找相关进程的工具,最后果然找到目标进程,记录一下。 我用的是VS 2017,在软件菜单栏找到“工具”--Spy++启动该软件。 打开spy++后点击工具--查找窗口 接下来是最重要的一步,要确保弹窗广告还悬浮着。 按照图中序号操作,得到弹窗程序的PID。 最后在Windows任务管理器找到符合PID的进程,打开文件所在位置,发现是驱动人生里面的一个广告程序。哈哈哈,接下来就好办了,把这个程序删掉,然后在原文件目录建一个和广告程序同名的文件夹,以后就不会有弹窗了。 来源: https://www.cnblogs.com/yishuad/p/11370341.html

Mockito - spy vs mock

£可爱£侵袭症+ 提交于 2019-11-27 10:54:49
Mockito - I understand a spy calls the real methods on an object, while a mock calls methods on the double object. Also spies are to be avoided unless there is a code smell. However, how do spies work and when should i actually use them? How are they different from mocks? Crazyjavahacking Technically speaking both "mocks" and "spies" are a special kind of "test doubles". Mockito is unfortunately making the distinction weird. A mock in mockito is a normal mock in other mocking frameworks (allows you to stub invocations; that is, return specific values out of method calls). A spy in mockito is a

Difference between Mock / Stub / Spy in Spock test framework

帅比萌擦擦* 提交于 2019-11-26 18:48:37
问题 I don't understand the difference between Mock, Stub, and Spy in Spock testing and the tutorials I have been looking at online don't explain them in detail. 回答1: Attention: I am going to oversimplify and maybe even slightly falsify in the upcoming paragraphs. For more detailed info see Martin Fowler's website. A mock is a dummy class replacing a real one, returning something like null or 0 for each method call. You use a mock if you need a dummy instance of a complex class which would


微笑、不失礼 提交于 2019-11-26 18:16:41
ubuntu和debian都有很多的源和镜像,也有不少的国内镜像。一些爱好者为了寻找镜像已经自己“憋”出来了一些pl脚本用于寻找最快的镜像。实际上debian的爱好者早准备了更厉害的武器等你来用,就是apt-spy(是间谍还是小偷?哈哈) 切记先备份你机器里的源列表。误区:通常大家都在交流使用国内的哪个源速度比较快,实际上很多国外源的访问速度是国内的很多倍。记得曾经用过国外某大 学的源,速度是200k以上。日本的部分源可以达到500k以上。最近发现台湾的主镜像在我这里下载速度居然是1084k,达到1M每秒。不忙的时候,试 试看,如果时间够多,可以考虑不限定为亚洲,这样有可能找到更快的镜像源。 转自官方的一部分说明: `apt-spy'会根据站点回应时间和带宽自动创建`sources.list'。 #sudo apt-get install apt-spy #sudo mv /etc/apt/sources.list /etc/apt/sources.list.bak //backup #man apt-spy //获取详细的使用方法 #sudo apt-spy update //更新您的镜像列表文件 /var/lib/apt-spy/mirrors.txt #sudo apt-spy -d testing -a Asia //在亚洲区寻找速度最快的testing版镜像,并生成

Mockito - spy vs mock

杀马特。学长 韩版系。学妹 提交于 2019-11-26 12:54:19
问题 Mockito - I understand a spy calls the real methods on an object, while a mock calls methods on the double object. Also spies are to be avoided unless there is a code smell. However, how do spies work and when should i actually use them? How are they different from mocks? 回答1: Technically speaking both "mocks" and "spies" are a special kind of "test doubles". Mockito is unfortunately making the distinction weird. A mock in mockito is a normal mock in other mocking frameworks (allows you to