
How can I find the Largest Common Substring between two strings in PHP?

这一生的挚爱 提交于 2019-11-27 23:32:14
Is there a fast algorithm for finding the Largest Common Substring in two strings or is it an NPComplete problem? In PHP I can find a needle in a haystack: <?php if (strstr("there is a needle in a haystack", "needle")) { echo "found<br>\n"; } ?> I guess I could do this in a loop over one of the strings but that would be very expensive! Especially since my application of this is to search a database of email and look for spam (i.e. similar emails sent by the same person). Does anyone have any PHP code they can throw out there? The similar_text function may be what you want. This calculates the

If i use captcha will i be able to stop the spam completely in my blog?

こ雲淡風輕ζ 提交于 2019-11-27 15:15:05
I have a Wordpress blog and the only user input is the commenting system. I want to totally avoid spam comments. Wordpress comes with Akismet but I can also use Captcha. Which plugin/method should I use? My client doesn't mind users entering verification strings to post comments. If I adopt either Akisment or Captcha will I be able to completely control the spam? Is it possible to use either Akismet or Captcha for a simple 4-digit verification? If not then please also recommend a plugin/method capable of just a 4-digit verification. The captchas seem to be fooled by adept people. The Akismet

Is it worth obfuscating email addresses on the web these days?

时间秒杀一切 提交于 2019-11-27 14:46:20
问题 There are various ways to obfuscate email addresses on the web, but most of them don't work when you need to have a mailto: href. I generally use name[AT] , because I think it's fairly obvious to the user what they have to do to get a real email address, but I wonder if there's any benefit to this (as it's easy to automate by a spammer). I'm aware of the services which hide the email address behind a captcha, but to me this is too much work for the user. So, two questions: Is there

Prevent site data from being crawled and ripped

こ雲淡風輕ζ 提交于 2019-11-27 14:40:01
问题 I'm looking into building a content site with possibly thousands of different entries, accessible by index and by search. What are the measures I can take to prevent malicious crawlers from ripping off all the data from my site? I'm less worried about SEO, although I wouldn't want to block legitimate crawlers all together. For example, I thought about randomly changing small bits of the HTML structure used to display my data, but I guess it wouldn't really be effective. 回答1: Any site that it

How to protect html form from spammers?

谁说我不能喝 提交于 2019-11-27 13:18:15
I'm getting problems with spam entries in my database through signup form. I have tried many open source Captcha solution, but still facing same problem. I am therefore looking for an alternative solution. What about the solution, where users would have to input the answer to a question? The answer to the question will be a server-side specific word then would this surely defeat a spambot? Would it be better to have a series of simple randomized questions or something like "6 + ? = 9" be better as a question? The only thing that concerns me is that if it's as easy as this to protect a signup

How to Prevent SPAM without CAPTCHAs or a Centrally managed system (e.g. akismet)

别说谁变了你拦得住时间么 提交于 2019-11-27 12:54:20
Has anyone been able to successfully prevent spam on their site without placing a burden on your visitor (e.g. CAPTCHA) and without using a centralized spam reporting system (e.g. Akismet) I've found this & it looks promising, but doesn't contain detailed deployment instructions. I want to present my web forms without burdening my users with CAPTCHA like technologies, but also actively automate preventing spam. There doesn't seem to exist a detailed instruction/tutorial on how to implement such a technology. Disclaimer Also, I realize there no silver bullet appropriate to preventing spam. But

Reliably detecting PhantomJS-based spam bots

∥☆過路亽.° 提交于 2019-11-27 11:35:46
Is there any way to consistently detect PhantomJS/CasperJS? I've been dealing with a spat of malicious spambots built with it and have been able to mostly block them based on certain behaviours, but I'm curious if there's a rock-solid way to know if CasperJS is in use, as dealing with constant adaptations gets slightly annoying. I don't believe in using Captchas. They are a negative user experience and ReCaptcha has never worked to block spam on my MediaWiki installations. As our site has no user registrations (anonymous discussion board), we'd need to have a Captcha entry for every post. We

Better Honeypot Implementation (Form Anti-Spam)

我们两清 提交于 2019-11-27 10:16:34
How do we get rid of these spambots on our site? Every site falls victim to spambots at some point. How you handle it can effect your customers, and most solutions can discourage some people from filling out your forms. That's where the honeypot technique comes in. It allows you to ignore spambots without forcing your users to fill out a captcha or jump through other hoops to fill out your form. This post is purely to help others implement a honeypot trap on their website forms. Update: Since implementing the below honeypot on all of my client's websites, we have successfully blocked 99.5%

How to detect fake users ( crawlers ) and cURL

风格不统一 提交于 2019-11-27 10:01:45
Some other website use cURL and fake http referer to copy my website content. Do we have any way to detect cURL or not real web browser ? Alain Tiemblo There is no magic solution to avoid automatic crawling. Everyting a human can do, a robot can do it too. There are only solutions to make the job harder, so hard that only strong skilled geeks may try to pass them. I was in trouble too some years ago and my first advice is, if you have time, be a crawler yourself (I assume a "crawler" is the guy who crawls your website), this is the best school for the subject. By crawling several websites, I

Protect e-mail address with CSS only

吃可爱长大的小学妹 提交于 2019-11-27 09:14:52
问题 I want to protect my e-mail address on webpages. But I don't know JavaScript and PHP. I know only HTML and CSS. So, please help me how to protect my email address with CSS only. 回答1: It's very simple. You can protect your email address with only HTML & CSS. You don't need to know about PHP or Java script. Try below code. Simple HTML and CSS code: <!doctype html> <html> <head> <title>Protect e-mail with only css</title> <style type="text/css"> .e-mail:before { content: attr(data-website) "