
Sort Array of Objects having decimal/dotted numbers [duplicate]

独自空忆成欢 提交于 2021-02-17 06:59:47
问题 This question already has answers here : Sort version-dotted number strings in Javascript? (15 answers) Closed 4 days ago . how can I sort the below array in ascending order in JS? let obj_list = [{Sno:"1"},{Sno:"4"},{Sno:"3"},{Sno:"9"},{Sno:"9.1"}, {Sno:"9.2"},{Sno:"9.6"},{Sno:"9.3"},{Sno:"9.10"}, {Sno:"9.11"},{Sno:"9.13"},{Sno:"9.12"}]; I tried the normal sort function as written below, but the output was coming incorrect obj_list.sort(function(a,b){ return a.Sno - b.Sno; }); UPDATING the

Sort Array of Objects having decimal/dotted numbers [duplicate]

风流意气都作罢 提交于 2021-02-17 06:59:06
问题 This question already has answers here : Sort version-dotted number strings in Javascript? (15 answers) Closed 4 days ago . how can I sort the below array in ascending order in JS? let obj_list = [{Sno:"1"},{Sno:"4"},{Sno:"3"},{Sno:"9"},{Sno:"9.1"}, {Sno:"9.2"},{Sno:"9.6"},{Sno:"9.3"},{Sno:"9.10"}, {Sno:"9.11"},{Sno:"9.13"},{Sno:"9.12"}]; I tried the normal sort function as written below, but the output was coming incorrect obj_list.sort(function(a,b){ return a.Sno - b.Sno; }); UPDATING the

Problem a friend has getting Error 438 all the time

断了今生、忘了曾经 提交于 2021-02-17 05:21:10
问题 I sent a friend a workbook with a macro that includes some sorting. When he tries it he gets: Run-time error '438' Object doesn't support this property or method. He clicks Debug to see the offending code and is taken to a line or two of (fairly simple) data sorting. The text that gets highlighted is: ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets("Data Set").Sort.SortFields.Add2 Key:=Range( _ "H2:H8065"), SortOn:=x1SortOnValues, Order:=x1Descending, DataOption:= _ x1SortNormal Those 3 lines are it, part of a

Place positive numbers before negative

梦想与她 提交于 2021-02-17 05:13:51
问题 So I have this code which I found on the internet which takes an array of negative and positive numbers and rearranges the array so all negative numbers are before the positive ones. But the position of appearance of each number has to remain the same. So for example if i have -2 5 -9 ..... , in the organized array -2 still has to be the first number of the negative ones and -9 has to be the second of the negative ones, also 5 has to be the first number of the positive ones. Example: Input:

Place positive numbers before negative

自作多情 提交于 2021-02-17 05:13:29
问题 So I have this code which I found on the internet which takes an array of negative and positive numbers and rearranges the array so all negative numbers are before the positive ones. But the position of appearance of each number has to remain the same. So for example if i have -2 5 -9 ..... , in the organized array -2 still has to be the first number of the negative ones and -9 has to be the second of the negative ones, also 5 has to be the first number of the positive ones. Example: Input:

Place positive numbers before negative

半城伤御伤魂 提交于 2021-02-17 05:13:05
问题 So I have this code which I found on the internet which takes an array of negative and positive numbers and rearranges the array so all negative numbers are before the positive ones. But the position of appearance of each number has to remain the same. So for example if i have -2 5 -9 ..... , in the organized array -2 still has to be the first number of the negative ones and -9 has to be the second of the negative ones, also 5 has to be the first number of the positive ones. Example: Input:

Sort array by frequency

我的未来我决定 提交于 2021-02-17 02:51:05
问题 I would like to count how many times is every string in array and sort them by number of times they exist in array I have this code now hlasy.sort(); var zaciatok = null; var pocet = 0; for (var i = 0; i < hlasy.length; i++) { if (hlasy[i] != zaciatok) { if (pocet > 0) { console.log(zaciatok + ' má ' + pocet + ' hlasov'); } zaciatok = hlasy[i]; pocet = 1; } else { pocet++; } } if (pocet > 0) { console.log(zaciatok + ' má ' + pocet + ' Hlasov'); } it works, but it outputs strings from array

Python better alternative to sort key lambda

此生再无相见时 提交于 2021-02-17 02:44:06
问题 I am needing to sort a list that contains tuples inside. I can sort them using key=lambda . The list is larger than 1000 elements. >>> a = [(<object>, 4), (<object>, 5), (<object>, -2)....] >>> b = sorted(a, key=lambda tup: tup[1]) Is there a faster way to accomplish this? 回答1: You can use itemgetter >>> from operator import itemgetter >>> a = [(None, 4), (None, 5), (None, -2)] >>> b = sorted(a, key=itemgetter(1)) >>> b [(None, -2), (None, 4), (None, 5)] Now if you want to look at the

How to sort object array by time in javascript

时间秒杀一切 提交于 2021-02-17 02:38:07
问题 I have a object array looking something like this: [0] = { transportnumber: '45', time: '10:28:00', date:"2017-01-16"} [1] = { transportnumber: '45', time: '10:38:00', date:"2017-01-16"} [2] = { transportnumber: '45', time: '10:48:00', date:"2017-01-16"} [3] = { transportnumber: '14', time: '10:12:00', date:"2017-01-16"} [4] = { transportnumber: '14', time: '10:24:00', date:"2017-01-16"} [5] = { transportnumber: '14', time: '10:52:00', date:"2017-01-16"} The object array will always look like

Sorting Parallel Arrays

只愿长相守 提交于 2021-02-17 02:08:24
问题 Beginner in Java using an old textbook and Head First: Java books to figure some stuff out. I have three arrays all parallel. I need to be able to sort by Title, Author, or Page Count based on user selection. I can sort one using Arrays.sort() but I'm getting hung up on how to sort the other two arrays to correspond to the new sorted one. Say I sort the BookTitle array, but I'm going to need to display the proper author and page count of its respective arrays and I'm stumped. do { entry =