
Skip validation when going backwards in SmartWizard

ぃ、小莉子 提交于 2019-12-07 03:25:15
问题 I am using the SmartWizard 2.0 (link) and I need to stop the validation from kicking in when the users hits the "Prev" button or in any way moves backward in the form. Currently I am using // Triggers whenever you change page/tab in wizard function leaveStep(obj) { $("form").validate(); if ($("form").valid()) return true; return false; } I know that I can use var currentStep = obj.attr('rel'); // get the current step number to find the currentStep, but I need to know which way the user is

validate form segments independently

旧巷老猫 提交于 2019-12-02 16:13:21
问题 I have a very big form which I am splitting across four segments in a wizard like way. The wizard plugin (smart wizard) has the form segment currently in focus avtive while the remaining 3 segments are hidden in the dom. I am using the jquery validate plugin to validate the form on the fly. The problem is validating that part of the form which is shown. Only when the user moves to the next step I want to run validation on that part of the form. Is there a way to specify an array of elements

validate form segments independently

泄露秘密 提交于 2019-12-02 08:11:52
I have a very big form which I am splitting across four segments in a wizard like way. The wizard plugin (smart wizard) has the form segment currently in focus avtive while the remaining 3 segments are hidden in the dom. I am using the jquery validate plugin to validate the form on the fly. The problem is validating that part of the form which is shown. Only when the user moves to the next step I want to run validation on that part of the form. Is there a way to specify an array of elements to validate any the validation plugin is triggered ? In the onLeaveStep option of the wizard plugin, I