
wait x seconds or until a condition becomes true

瘦欲@ 提交于 2020-05-25 12:09:06
问题 How to wait x seconds or until a condition becomes true? The condition should be tested periodically while waiting. Currently I'm using this code, but there should be a short function. for (int i = 10; i > 0 && !condition(); i--) { Thread.sleep(1000); } 回答1: Assuming you want what you asked for, as opposed to suggestions for redesigning your code, you should look at Awaitility. For example, if you want to see if a file will be created within the next 10 seconds, you do something like: await()

weird delay of the output of an object when followed by start-sleep (or until script end)

人盡茶涼 提交于 2020-05-12 04:46:03
问题 For some reason, the object won't output until the sleep command is done. [pscustomobject]@{message = 'hi'}; sleep 5 Here's another example. You won't see the output until the loop finishes. foreach ($i in 1..60) { if ($i -eq 1) { [pscustomobject]@{message = $i} } sleep 1 } I guess you have to output at least 2 objects to see anything? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ After 15 seconds, you see both objects. foreach ($i in 1..60) { if ($i -eq 1 -or $i -eq 15) { [pscustomobject]@{message = $i} } sleep 1 } Or output

weird delay of the output of an object when followed by start-sleep (or until script end)

♀尐吖头ヾ 提交于 2020-05-12 04:42:54
问题 For some reason, the object won't output until the sleep command is done. [pscustomobject]@{message = 'hi'}; sleep 5 Here's another example. You won't see the output until the loop finishes. foreach ($i in 1..60) { if ($i -eq 1) { [pscustomobject]@{message = $i} } sleep 1 } I guess you have to output at least 2 objects to see anything? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ After 15 seconds, you see both objects. foreach ($i in 1..60) { if ($i -eq 1 -or $i -eq 15) { [pscustomobject]@{message = $i} } sleep 1 } Or output

weird delay of the output of an object when followed by start-sleep (or until script end)

北战南征 提交于 2020-05-12 04:40:10
问题 For some reason, the object won't output until the sleep command is done. [pscustomobject]@{message = 'hi'}; sleep 5 Here's another example. You won't see the output until the loop finishes. foreach ($i in 1..60) { if ($i -eq 1) { [pscustomobject]@{message = $i} } sleep 1 } I guess you have to output at least 2 objects to see anything? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ After 15 seconds, you see both objects. foreach ($i in 1..60) { if ($i -eq 1 -or $i -eq 15) { [pscustomobject]@{message = $i} } sleep 1 } Or output

Python Selenium - Adjust pause_time to scroll down in infinite page

走远了吗. 提交于 2020-04-16 03:22:04
问题 I'm trying to scrape all the links available in an infinite page, scrolling down and getting the new links available. However, time.sleep() does not allow to pause the driver for a reasonable time, before scrolling down again and again. Is there any way to adjust the code that you can find at the bottom to reduce the number of sleep during the first iterations (when the page still loads the new content fast) and wait for the necessary time for the next iterations (when the page will load the


二次信任 提交于 2020-04-15 09:52:56
【推荐阅读】微服务还能火多久?>>> 实现方式 简单介绍一下Java多线程实现方式,有以下三种: 1、继承Thread类 2、实现Runnable接口 3、使用ExecutorService、Callable、Future实现有返回结果的多线程 区别是前两种执行完之后不带返回值,最后一种带返回值,其中最常用为前两种。 线程的状态 java线程的整个生命周期有5个状态:新建,就绪,运行中,阻塞,结束。 5个状态之间的关系将结合下图理解: 上图为java线程生命周期期间的各种命运,下面介绍常见的几种命运。 命运一 : 新线程创建成功,调用start()进入就绪状态,即进入待运行的线程池中等待,等待获取CPU的使用权。当获得CPU使用权,该线程从就绪状态进入运行状态。运行过程中,运气好的,一次运行就把所要执行的任务执行完毕,线程结束;命运不好的,运行中途被CPU暂停运行,重新回到就绪状态,等待分配,然后再等待进入运行期,直到最后运行完毕,最后结束。 命运二 : 新线程创建成功,进入就绪状态,获取了CPU使用权,处于运行状态。这里意外出现,该线程执行了sleep、yield、join三者其中一个命令。sleep、join需要被暂停执行一段时间,线程进入阻塞状态。休息时间到,再重新进入就绪状态;而yield是从运行状态直接跳会就绪状态。当到了就绪状态后再重新等待CPU调度,重新进入运行期

setAlarmClock() fires too late in doze mode

巧了我就是萌 提交于 2020-04-10 18:46:53
问题 I have soooo much trouble getting my radio alarm clock working as intended and I have read a lot of threads here about that topic, but unfortunatley none did help me. AlarmManager am = (AlarmManager) getSystemService(ALARM_SERVICE); Intent intent = new Intent(this, AlarmReceiver.class); PendingIntent penInt = PendingIntent.getBroadcast(this, intentId, intent, 0); This method of distinction between the API levels I found here on stackoverflow and put it inside my calcNextAlarm() function (plus

How to sleep PHP(Laravel 5.2) in background

好久不见. 提交于 2020-04-08 17:57:45
问题 I have created an artisan command that I want to run immediately after a method called. But the command contains a sleep(); command. I want to run that artisan command in background because the method need to return immediately response to user. My sample code is a below: In route file Route::get('test', function(){ Artisan::queue('close:bidding', ['applicationId' => 1]); return 'called close:bidding'; }); In close:bidding command public function handle() { $appId = $this->argument(

How to pause a script just for a fraction of a second in PHP using the SLEEP() function?

别来无恙 提交于 2020-03-10 04:04:21
问题 sleep(1); #waits/sleeps for one second then continue running the script Q1. How to make this 1/100 of a second? which of these work: 0,01 or 0.01 or .01 ? Q2. What are alternatives? wait(); or snap(); ?? how do they differ (more/less precise)? 回答1: Q1. How to make this 1/100 of a second? which of these work: 0,01 or 0.01 or .01 ? None of the above! usleep is what you want for fractions of a second. usleep(100000) will sleep for one tenth of one second. Your other options are time_nanosleep

How to pause a script just for a fraction of a second in PHP using the SLEEP() function?

匆匆过客 提交于 2020-03-10 04:02:06
问题 sleep(1); #waits/sleeps for one second then continue running the script Q1. How to make this 1/100 of a second? which of these work: 0,01 or 0.01 or .01 ? Q2. What are alternatives? wait(); or snap(); ?? how do they differ (more/less precise)? 回答1: Q1. How to make this 1/100 of a second? which of these work: 0,01 or 0.01 or .01 ? None of the above! usleep is what you want for fractions of a second. usleep(100000) will sleep for one tenth of one second. Your other options are time_nanosleep