
How to plot multiple glmer models into one single plot?

▼魔方 西西 提交于 2019-12-11 14:23:25
问题 I have two glmer models with two covariates each that I'm trying to plot into a single figure. MWE : ## generalized linear mixed model library(lattice) cbpp$response <- sample(c(0,1), replace=TRUE, size=nrow(cbpp)) gm1 <- glmer(response ~ size + incidence + (1 | herd), data = cbpp, family = binomial) cbpp$obs <- 1:nrow(cbpp) gm2 <- glmer(response ~ size + incidence + (1 | herd) + (1|obs), family = binomial, data = cbpp) I am trying to plot the predicted values againts each covariate for each

Plotting random slopes from glmer model using sjPlot

不打扰是莪最后的温柔 提交于 2019-12-11 01:53:43
问题 In the past, I had used the sjp.glmer from the package sjPlot to visualize the different slopes from a generalized mixed effects model. However, with the new package, I can't figure out how to plot the individual slopes, as in the figure for the probabilities of fixed effects by (random) group level, located here Here is the code that, I think, should allow for the production of the figure. I just can't seem to get it in the new version of sjPlot . library(lme4) library(sjPlot) data(efc) #

crosstab output getting displayed in viewer pane only and not in Shiny app

你。 提交于 2019-12-02 09:08:13
问题 I am generating a cross table output (contingency table). My requirement is to have column percentages along with row and column totals. I found this package "sjPlot" which gives very good output with colour features and was meeting my requirement. I used this package to generate the output in Shiny. But to my surprise the output is getting generated only in the viewer pane and not in the app. Below is a small part of my code. library("shiny") library("sjPlot") ui <- shinyUI(fluidPage(

crosstab output getting displayed in viewer pane only and not in Shiny app

我的未来我决定 提交于 2019-12-02 07:17:22
I am generating a cross table output (contingency table). My requirement is to have column percentages along with row and column totals. I found this package "sjPlot" which gives very good output with colour features and was meeting my requirement. I used this package to generate the output in Shiny. But to my surprise the output is getting generated only in the viewer pane and not in the app. Below is a small part of my code. library("shiny") library("sjPlot") ui <- shinyUI(fluidPage( tabPanel("First Page"), mainPanel(tabsetPanel(id='mytabs', tabPanel("Table",tags$b(tags$br("Table Summary" ))