
Sinch Answered Call Event Callback (ACE) not called

拜拜、爱过 提交于 2020-04-18 06:12:10
问题 I have added a Callback in Sinch portal to handle app to app calls via our server. When a call reaches the Sinch platform, the system makes a POST request to our server's calling callback URL i.e. Incoming Call Event Callback (ICE) called. In response to ICE event our server response it as { "instructions": [], "action": { "name": "connectMXP" } } and callee receive incoming call notification. When Callee pick-up call the call get connected but it doesn't request to our server's callback URL,

Sinch CallBack API : Hangup in ICE event

自闭症网瘾萝莉.ら 提交于 2020-04-16 12:45:05
问题 I had place call between two Android devices which is running successfully. Now I want to implement Callback Rest API because of some server side decision before place call. As given in this image, ICE event fire and developer backend respond SVAML response. Now I want to simply Hangup Call , for this I had done following code : [System.Web.Http.HttpPost] public SvamletModel MakeCall(CallbackEventModel model) { var sinch = SinchFactory.CreateCallbackResponseFactory(Locale.EnUs); var reader =