

旧巷老猫 提交于 2020-04-06 19:23:10
copter_control_ifs 多旋翼无人机控制接口 copter control interface with dji or mavlink devicce like px4/ardupilot 适应大疆(未开发)和mavlink设备 Introduction 介绍 基于C++的多旋翼无人机控制程序。可用于SLAM、路径跟踪或者其他算法的开发和验证。 A C++ based copter control interface to simplify the repeated work in copter control . One should be easily use this to devolop slam,trajectory planning ,or other state-of-art things.Currently Only mavlink interface has been developed. FlightTaskManager 飞行任务管理器 采用虚函数进行开发,方便拓展 Flight tasks manager is develop to virtual funtion ,so it is easy to extend other motion group by using the api.More work will be done.