
Element does not have a match in class

和自甴很熟 提交于 2021-01-27 04:08:22
问题 I am working with Simple XML framework, and just renamed some XML layouts, which now don't seem to work any more. This is my XML: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="yes"?> <orderListReply id="R000000000006"> <order orderid="12" type="outbound" state="available"> <todo>2</todo> <done>0</done> <lines>1</lines> <erporderid>0</erporderid> </order> </orderListReply> And this is my code class definition: @Root(name="orderListReply") public class OrderListReplyTelegram extends Telegram

Element does not have a match in class

烂漫一生 提交于 2021-01-27 04:07:10
问题 I am working with Simple XML framework, and just renamed some XML layouts, which now don't seem to work any more. This is my XML: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="yes"?> <orderListReply id="R000000000006"> <order orderid="12" type="outbound" state="available"> <todo>2</todo> <done>0</done> <lines>1</lines> <erporderid>0</erporderid> </order> </orderListReply> And this is my code class definition: @Root(name="orderListReply") public class OrderListReplyTelegram extends Telegram

Element does not have a match in class

亡梦爱人 提交于 2021-01-27 04:07:08
问题 I am working with Simple XML framework, and just renamed some XML layouts, which now don't seem to work any more. This is my XML: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="yes"?> <orderListReply id="R000000000006"> <order orderid="12" type="outbound" state="available"> <todo>2</todo> <done>0</done> <lines>1</lines> <erporderid>0</erporderid> </order> </orderListReply> And this is my code class definition: @Root(name="orderListReply") public class OrderListReplyTelegram extends Telegram

Simple XML framework on android, class attribute

感情迁移 提交于 2020-01-23 10:47:08
问题 Ive got a weird problem with simplexml framework on android. Im trying to read and fill an object called weatherdata from a xml source. XML File (no control on this one): <weatherdata> <product class="pointData"> .... </product> </weatherdata> So my java file looks like : @Root(name = "weatherdata", strict=false) public class Weatherdata { @Element(name="product", required = true) protected ProductType product; But I get a very weird error : 01-14 14:22:28.919: W/System.err(18011): java.lang

Simple XML framework on android, class attribute

让人想犯罪 __ 提交于 2020-01-23 10:46:12
问题 Ive got a weird problem with simplexml framework on android. Im trying to read and fill an object called weatherdata from a xml source. XML File (no control on this one): <weatherdata> <product class="pointData"> .... </product> </weatherdata> So my java file looks like : @Root(name = "weatherdata", strict=false) public class Weatherdata { @Element(name="product", required = true) protected ProductType product; But I get a very weird error : 01-14 14:22:28.919: W/System.err(18011): java.lang

Removing XML Java class attribute from SimpleXML code [duplicate]

送分小仙女□ 提交于 2020-01-17 08:47:07
问题 This question already has an answer here : Remove class= attribute (1 answer) Closed 6 years ago . I am using SimpleXML to generate XML in a web service. But what I find with SimplexML is that the resulting code includes an attribute containing the underlying Java class type of the objects being represented. So if I am using a Java ArrayList of a class of mine which is stored in the recentVisualisation element below, I get: <User_Recent_Visualisations> <userNo>025347_17042011_1303046799093<

Avoid Empty Element Tag in Simple Framework output

岁酱吖の 提交于 2020-01-05 08:58:46
问题 What is the correct way to avoid "empty element tags" when serializing required elements? Example: @ElementList(name="rpc", required=true) public ArrayList<FunctionRequest> getRequestedFunctions() { return requestedFunctions; } An empty list will result in a single XML element in the referred "empty element tag" style: <rpc/> What I actually need is the following representation: <rpc></rpc> Edit: I need a solution for Lists of different types! For example, there might also be List<String> ,

Excessive garbage collection (GC_FOR_MALLOC) in Android emulator when using simpleframework

我的梦境 提交于 2020-01-05 04:35:09
问题 I have an Android app that uses the SimpleFramework for XML serialization. The app runs fine on all real devices I have tested it on with no lags, but when run on the emulator, the garbage collector kicks in a runs for about about 3 minutes on each launch of the app. Here is what I have observed so far: Garbage collection kicks in just before serializing objects to XML It only happens before the first object is serialized and sent over the network, and does not happen for successive calls.

Serialize HashMap as root element with Simple

我的未来我决定 提交于 2020-01-04 11:05:37
问题 I want to serialize an element that extends HashMap with Simple. @Root(name = "settings") @ElementMap(entry="element", key="id", attribute=true, required=true, empty=true) public class Settings extends HashMap<String, Object> { ... Whenever I serialize it, I get no errors, but I also get an empty file that looks like this: <settings/> Is there any way to do this without creating an inner object instead, and then having to delegate all of the methods to it? 回答1: I suppose the reason is, that

Serialize HashMap as root element with Simple

馋奶兔 提交于 2020-01-04 11:05:09
问题 I want to serialize an element that extends HashMap with Simple. @Root(name = "settings") @ElementMap(entry="element", key="id", attribute=true, required=true, empty=true) public class Settings extends HashMap<String, Object> { ... Whenever I serialize it, I get no errors, but I also get an empty file that looks like this: <settings/> Is there any way to do this without creating an inner object instead, and then having to delegate all of the methods to it? 回答1: I suppose the reason is, that