

陌路散爱 提交于 2021-02-20 07:37:47
什么是 PAGEIOLATCH_EX 等待事件? 下面我们将对 PAGEIOLATCH_EX 等待事件的相关资料做一个简单的归纳、整理。关于 PAGEIOLATCH_EX ,官方文档的简单介绍如下: PAGEIOLATCH_EX : Occurs when a task is waiting on a latch for a buffer that is in an I/O request. The latch request is in Exclusive mode. Long waits may indicate problems with the disk subsystem. 在任务等待 I/O 请求中缓冲区的闩锁时发生。 闩锁请求处于 “ 独占 ” 模式。 长时间的等待可能指示磁盘子系统出现问题。 In SQL Server, a latch is a short-term lightweight synchronization object. Buffer latches including the PAGEIOLATCH_EX wait type are used to synchronize access to BUF structures and associated pages in the SQL Server database. The most

Using a SwiftUI List Sidebar in a UISplitViewController

醉酒当歌 提交于 2021-02-20 00:40:30
问题 I am attempting to build my app's navigation such that I have a UISplitViewController (triple column style) with my views built with SwiftUI. My Primary Sidebar is currently quite simple: struct PrimarySidebarView: View { @EnvironmentObject var appModel: AppModel var body: some View { List(PrimarySidebarSelection.allCases, id: \.self, selection: $appModel.primarySidebarSelection) { selection in Text(selection.rawValue) } .listStyle(SidebarListStyle()) .navigationBarItems(trailing: EditButton(

[Vue 牛刀小试]:第十三章

一笑奈何 提交于 2021-02-18 08:04:11
一、前言   在上一章的学习中,我们简单介绍了前端路由的概念,以及如何在 Vue 中通过使用 Vue Router 来实现我们的前端路由。但是在实际使用中,我们经常会遇到路由传参、或者一个页面是由多个组件组成的情况。本章,我们就来介绍下在这两种情况下 Vue Router 的使用方法以及一些可能涉及到的概念。   学习系列目录地址:   仓储地址: 二、干货合集   1、命名路由   在某些时候,我们期望生成的路由 URL 地址可能会很长,在使用中可能会显得有些不便。这时候通过一个名称来标识一个路会更方便一些,因此在 Vue Router 中,我们可以在创建 Router 实例的时候,通过在 routes 配置中给某个路由设置名称,从而方便的调用路由。 const router = new VueRouter({ routes: [ { path: '/form' , name: 'form' , component: '<div>form 组件</div>' } ] })   当我们使用命名路由之后,当需要使用 router

How to make toctree link refer to the separate file like it refers to the subsections

喜你入骨 提交于 2021-02-15 16:35:49
问题 Structure The following structure of the project: index.rst MyProject ========= Contents: .. toctree:: group1 group1.rst Group1 ------ Subgroup1 ========= Subgroup1 contents Subgroup2 ========= Subgroup2 contents Rendered to (after clicking on Group1 -> Subgroup2 ): As you can see it opens the Group1 page and linked to Subgroup2 section. Want I want to have the same on the left side ( Group1 openned and Subgroup2 choosed) but on the right side I want to see only Subgroup2 page (page without

How to make toctree link refer to the separate file like it refers to the subsections

﹥>﹥吖頭↗ 提交于 2021-02-15 16:33:32
问题 Structure The following structure of the project: index.rst MyProject ========= Contents: .. toctree:: group1 group1.rst Group1 ------ Subgroup1 ========= Subgroup1 contents Subgroup2 ========= Subgroup2 contents Rendered to (after clicking on Group1 -> Subgroup2 ): As you can see it opens the Group1 page and linked to Subgroup2 section. Want I want to have the same on the left side ( Group1 openned and Subgroup2 choosed) but on the right side I want to see only Subgroup2 page (page without

How to make toctree link refer to the separate file like it refers to the subsections

纵然是瞬间 提交于 2021-02-15 16:31:10
问题 Structure The following structure of the project: index.rst MyProject ========= Contents: .. toctree:: group1 group1.rst Group1 ------ Subgroup1 ========= Subgroup1 contents Subgroup2 ========= Subgroup2 contents Rendered to (after clicking on Group1 -> Subgroup2 ): As you can see it opens the Group1 page and linked to Subgroup2 section. Want I want to have the same on the left side ( Group1 openned and Subgroup2 choosed) but on the right side I want to see only Subgroup2 page (page without

Spring Boot(四):thymeleaf使用详解

随声附和 提交于 2021-02-14 13:57:49
Spring Boot(四):thymeleaf使用详解 thymeleaf 是新一代的模板引擎,在spring4.0中推荐使用thymeleaf来做前端模版引擎。 一、thymeleaf介绍 Thymeleaf 是一个跟 Velocity、FreeMarker 类似的模板引擎,它可以完全替代 JSP 。相较与其他的模板引擎,它有如下三个极吸引人的特点: Thymeleaf 在有网络和无网络的环境下皆可运行,即它可以让美工在浏览器查看页面的静态效果,也可以让程序员在服务器查看带数据的动态页面效果。这是由于它支持 html 原型,然后在 html 标签里增加额外的属性来达到模板+数据的展示方式。浏览器解释 html 时会忽略未定义的标签属性,所以 thymeleaf 的模板可以静态地运行;当有数据返回到页面时,Thymeleaf 标签会动态地替换掉静态内容,使页面动态显示。 Thymeleaf 开箱即用的特性。它提供标准和spring标准两种方言,可以直接套用模板实现JSTL、 OGNL表达式效果,避免每天套模板、该jstl、改标签的困扰。同时开发人员也可以扩展和创建自定义的方言。 Thymeleaf 提供spring标准方言和一个与 SpringMVC 完美集成的可选模块,可以快速的实现表单绑定、属性编辑器、国际化等功能。 二、标准表达式语法 分为四类: 变量表达式

Sass、LESS 和 Stylus区别总结

跟風遠走 提交于 2021-02-11 22:59:22
1.什么是 CSS 预处理器 CSS 预处理器是一种语言用来为 CSS 增加一些编程的的特性,无需考虑浏览器的兼容性问题,例如你可以在 CSS 中使用变量、简单的程序逻辑、函数等等在编程语言中的一些基本技巧,可以让CSS 更见简洁,适应性更强,代码更直观等诸多好处。 2.基本语法区别: 在使用 CSS 预处理器之前最重要的是理解语法,幸运的是基本上大多数预处理器的语法跟 CSS 都差不多。 首先 Sass 和 Less 都使用的是标准的 CSS 语法,所以可以很方便的将已有的 CSS 代码转为预处理器代码,默认 Sass 使用 .sass 扩展名,而 Less 使用 .less 扩展名。 /* style.scss or style.less */ h1 { color: #0982C1; } 这是一个再普通不过的,不过 Sass 同时也支持老的语法,就是不包含花括号和分号的方式: /* style.sass */ h1 color: #0982c1 而 Stylus 支持的语法要更多样性一点,它默认使用 .styl 的文件扩展名,下面是 Stylus 支持的语法: /* style.styl */ h1 { color: #0982C1; } /* omit brackets */ h1 color: #0982C1; /* omit colons and semi-colons

How to create a menu using only javascript code

谁说胖子不能爱 提交于 2021-02-08 10:13:07
问题 Ever since I started programming on NetBeans, I had to create a HTML menu for every page that I used which is starting to be very time-consuming because if I have many pages, I have to go back and edit back each to be updated. This is how my menu looks at the moment with HTML: <ul class="sidebar-menu"> <li class="header">MAIN NAVIGATION</li> <li class="treeview active"> <a href="#"> <i class="fa fa-edit"></i> <span>Projects</span> <i class="fa fa-angle-left pull-right"></i> </a> <ul class=

CSS animation not working for mobile devices

让人想犯罪 __ 提交于 2021-02-08 07:27:32
问题 I am currently working on sidebar navigation for a mobile site and I am trying to include the below animation for the main menu button. This works well on different browsers except for mobile devices running iOS - Safari and Android - Android Browser. What am I missing? Thanks. HTML <div class="mainBtn"> <input id="mainmenuBtn" name="exit" type="checkbox" /> <label for="mainmenuBtn"><span class="burger"></span></label> </div> CSS body { padding:0; margin:0;