
windows shortcut with relative path to the icon

↘锁芯ラ 提交于 2019-12-12 11:11:13
问题 Is there a way to set relative path to the icon in win shortcut? for the target location it works fine: %windir%\system32\cmd.exe /c "cd %CD% && start fileToExecute.bat" I read that win shortcuts can pick up icon from .exe files automatically but what to do if my target file is a batch file? 回答1: It's not entirely clear what you're asking, since your title says one thing but your question says another. if the question is whether it is possible to set a relative path for the icon location in a

Multiple Keyboard Shortcuts

人盡茶涼 提交于 2019-12-11 20:28:14
问题 I am using the following code to try and get Ctrl + S to press a toolstrip button: Private Sub take_register_KeyDown(ByVal sender As Object, _ ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.KeyEventArgs) Handles Me.KeyDown If e.KeyCode = Keys.S And Keys.Control Then ToolStripButton20.PerformClick() End If End Sub I am a newbie at this, so I dont understand millions of lines of coding, so can you please keep it as simple as possible :-) . 回答1: Total guesswork here since there is no actual question. First, in

Is there a way to resolve a .lnk target that works for links that end up in c:\windows\installer?

孤人 提交于 2019-12-11 12:27:44
问题 The usual way to resolve lnk involve using WShell.WshShortcut or IShellLink that way : var WshShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell"); var oShellLink = WshShell.CreateShortcut(strDesktop + "\\some-shortcut.lnk"); WScript.Echo(oShellLink.TargetPath) But there are links that can't be resolved that way : the resolution end up in c:\windows\installer\{some-guid}\python_icon.exe for example. Most Office programs have this issue too. CodeProject has another solution done by reverse

Working comfortably in C using Eclipse

血红的双手。 提交于 2019-12-11 11:54:37
问题 Umm, I've been using Eclipse for Java development and I am trying to use it now for making C apps. The problem is that I don't feel too comfortable with it. Namely: I need to include headers by hand, i.e. not automatically. I've never seen a 'quickfix' to be available for any problem. I can't spot the problem before it has been compiled. Any ideas on how I could make myself feel a bit better? Sorry if my questions are rather stupid, but getting the way down from Java to C is rather hard on me

Shortcuts for Switching Scripts within Editor in Spyder

烈酒焚心 提交于 2019-12-11 11:41:07
问题 Does anyone know the shortcuts to switch between different scripts opened in Spyder? I know that Ctrl + Shift + E is for switching to editor, but within the editor, is there any ways to switch with just keyboards? 回答1: You can switch between files with CTRL + Pageup / Pagedown , but there is still an open issue with that For me it works fine in the currentversion. 回答2: You can also use Ctrl + P to show a widget listing all your open

While searching for .pst files FOR keeps looping when it reaches a hidden shortcut folder

≡放荡痞女 提交于 2019-12-11 02:12:24
问题 The following command creates an infinite loop which is not what I want since I am iterating through files and it needs to end sometime... Here is what I have: cd C:\ FOR /R %i IN (*.pst) do @echo %i See what happens is that when it reaches AppData and finds a .pst (in AppData\Local\Microsoft\Outlook) there is a shortcut folder inside AppData\Local called "Application Data" which loops back to AppData\Local but keeps adding it's name to the address like so: %AppData%\Local\Application Data

Tag and Element shortcuts - Sublime Text 2

只愿长相守 提交于 2019-12-11 01:45:17
问题 Is there a way you can make your own shortcuts for your tags, like if I type in "li" It will automatically put in li type="square" and all I have to do is hit enter? 回答1: Have you tried to make your own snippets? Try the New Snippet command in the Tools -menu and add the following and save it: <snippet> <content><![CDATA[ <li type="square">${1:Item} ${2:} ]]></content> <tabTrigger>li</tabTrigger> </snippet> This will enter an <li> -tag in the current file if you type li and then press Tab .

Disable timeout on esc key

感情迁移 提交于 2019-12-10 23:14:57
问题 Problem I am in insert mode , and then I might type a number, and then quickly ESC , because I stopped typing so it will change to visual mode . What happens then, is that the cursor jumps, and not only that, the number on the line that I was (and I just typed) is decremented. This thing is a nightmare! What is causing this? Is this some kind of default behavior? If so, how can I disable it? Could this be a plugin causing it? Because I didn't always had this "feature". I was trying for some

Get desktop path for all administrators in C#

感情迁移 提交于 2019-12-10 16:03:14
问题 I need to create desktop shortcuts to my app for all administratos in the system. I'm using the following code to get user list. var identifier = new SecurityIdentifier(WellKnownSidType.BuiltinAdministratorsSid, null); GroupPrincipal group = GroupPrincipal.FindByIdentity(new PrincipalContext(ContextType.Machine), identifier.Value); foreach (Principal principal in group.Members) { Console.WriteLine(principal.Name); } I need somehow to get desktop path for each user. Could you suggest me

VIM Custom arrow key mappings not working with window switching?

醉酒当歌 提交于 2019-12-10 15:07:36
问题 I've been trying to create a shortcut for switching between open window splits in vim, rather than having to use ctrl+w+[arrowkey] I would prefer to just be able to use ctrl+[arrow keys]. This is what I currently have in my vimrc: map <silent> <C-v> <c-w>v map <silent> <C-Left> <c-w>h map <silent> <C-Down> <c-w>j map <silent> <C-Up> <c-w>k map <silent> <C-Right> <c-w>l The first shortcut for doing the vsplit works fine, however none of the others work. I've tried several variations of this