问题 I'm using a custom shader with cocos2d 3.17 for my macOS app on XCode11 but I have some troubles. myShader.frag #ifdef GL_ES precision lowp float; #endif uniform sampler2D u_texture; varying lowp vec4 v_fragmentColor; uniform mat4 u_rotation; void main() { mat4 t1= mat4(1); mat4 t2= mat4(1); t1[3] = vec4(-0.5,-0.5,1,1); t2[3] = vec4(+0.5,+0.5,1,1); vec2 pos = (t2 * u_rotation * t1 * vec4(gl_PointCoord, 0, 1)).xy; gl_FragColor = v_fragmentColor * texture2D(u_texture, pos); } myShader.vert