
Save user object in Session Storage

允我心安 提交于 2019-12-22 03:50:32
问题 I am using Angular 2 and Typescript and wanted to save the user object like a global variable so it hasn't to be retrieved multiple times. I found the session storage and now save the user object there. Do you think it is good practice to store it there or is the data too sensitve? If so, what other kind of cache could I use? Here is the code I use right now: user.service.ts: getProfile() { let cached: any; if (cached = sessionStorage.getItem(this._baseUrl)) { return Observable.of(JSON.parse

SessionStorage and json objects

梦想与她 提交于 2019-12-21 18:41:33
问题 user: {firstName: "loki", lastName: "ch"} I am storing this user in session storage. $window.sessionStorage.user = user; when i retrieved it back using $window.sessionStorage.user , i got: [object Object] I want in JSON. Any suggestions? 回答1: Convert it to JSON before saving it. $window.sessionStorage.user = JSON.stringify(user); Then when you're loading it, parse the JSON. var user = JSON.parse($window.sessionStorage.user); 来源:

sessionStorage in iframe

|▌冷眼眸甩不掉的悲伤 提交于 2019-12-21 10:50:03
问题 I'm going to have several iframes on my page and I'm going to quite intensively use sessionStorage inside them. What I'm curious about is if I will have separate storages or one shared for all iframes? How do the size limits apply? 回答1: If sessionStorage is shared depends on the iframe's page and it's origin, which is the domain part of the URL. If you have a webpage at http://myserver/test.html and it is including http://thatserver/some.html via an iframe, the iframe's page has the domain

Setting an array of objects to sessionStorage

半城伤御伤魂 提交于 2019-12-21 09:03:32
问题 Ok, so I have this JSON: {"Status":"OK!","ListaPermessi": [{"IdPermesso":10,"Nome":"WIND_PARAMS"}, {"IdPermesso":11,"Nome":"ADMIN_SERVER"}, {"IdPermesso":21,"Nome":"REC"}, {"IdPermesso":22,"Nome":"REC_DIST"}, {"IdPermesso":23,"Nome":"REC_DIST_CR"} ]} My code is: var parsedResult = JSON.parse(result); // where result is the above JSON if (parsedResult.Status === "OK!") { // Set sessionStorage vars if (typeof(Storage) !== "undefined") { // localStorage & sessionStorage support! sessionStorage

Setting an array of objects to sessionStorage

自作多情 提交于 2019-12-21 09:03:05
问题 Ok, so I have this JSON: {"Status":"OK!","ListaPermessi": [{"IdPermesso":10,"Nome":"WIND_PARAMS"}, {"IdPermesso":11,"Nome":"ADMIN_SERVER"}, {"IdPermesso":21,"Nome":"REC"}, {"IdPermesso":22,"Nome":"REC_DIST"}, {"IdPermesso":23,"Nome":"REC_DIST_CR"} ]} My code is: var parsedResult = JSON.parse(result); // where result is the above JSON if (parsedResult.Status === "OK!") { // Set sessionStorage vars if (typeof(Storage) !== "undefined") { // localStorage & sessionStorage support! sessionStorage

sessionStorage isn't working as expected

落花浮王杯 提交于 2019-12-20 04:24:53
问题 Here is my code: sessionStorage.loggedIn = true; if (sessionStorage.loggedIn) { alert('true'); } else { alert('false'); } Simple enough. There must be some small thing I'm not understanding about how JavaScript is evaluating these expressions. When I put sessionStorage.loggedIn = false , the "false" alert shows correctly. However, when I change sessionStorage.loggedIn to true, the "false" alert still pops, even after clearing the session. What am I not getting right with this expression? It

Where does Firefox store the sessionStorage content

会有一股神秘感。 提交于 2019-12-19 07:01:13
问题 I am trying to find out where Firefox stores the sessionStorage content but have been unable to find so. I am expecting it to be in a SqLite database like the localStorage content is stored but I have not been able to find it. So far, I have searched all the typical ".sqlite" files in the profile folder such as cookies.sqlite and content-prefs.sqlite etc but they do not seem to have the sessionStorage data. I also tried to open the special in-memory database that Firefox supposedly creates -

Is it possible to override Local Storage and Session Storage separately in HTML5?

谁都会走 提交于 2019-12-18 08:54:53
问题 I know it's possible to override the HTML5 storage APIs by overriding Storage.prototype.getItem, setItem, removeItem and clear. But that will override those methods for both local storage and session storage. Is it possible to just override one and not the other? Or to override both separately? A little context: I have an existing app that makes very heavy use of both local storage and session storage. I want to add some temporary code to mirror the stuff in local storage in another storage

Web Storage (sessionStorage and localStorage) in private browsing mode (incognito)

故事扮演 提交于 2019-12-18 05:47:08
问题 BACKGROUND The HTML5 Web Storage feature in modern browsers is accessed through Javascript commands such as: sessionStorage.setItem("username", "John"); localStorage.setItem("username", "John") The site Can I use indicates that browser support is near 90%. However , in the "Known Issues" tab, Can I use says: In private browsing mode, Safari, iOS Safari and the Android browsers do not support setting localStorage. MY QUESTION In private browsing mode, do Safari, iOS Safari and the Android

How large is HTML5 session storage?

荒凉一梦 提交于 2019-12-17 18:45:16
问题 Although the size of localStorage has been addressed in detail and there is a online test for it, I was wondering what the maximum size of sessionStorage is for the common browsers? 回答1: According to this site, Firefox’s and Safari’s storage limit is 5MB per domain, Internet Explorer’s limit is 10 MB per domain. However, according to this site which tests your web browser local storage capabilities, on my machine: Browser LocalStorage SessionStorage ------- ------------ -------------- Chrome