MYSQL - Thousands separator
I would like to know if there is a way to get a thousand separator in a SQL Query ? As i'm a bit lazy, I want to build a request which can allow me to copy/paste the result to my boss without adding this separator :D The request looks like this : SELECT COALESCE(Customer, 'TOTAL') AS "Customer", CONCAT( COUNT( SegmentId ) , ' bookings' ) AS "Nb bookings", CONCAT( REPLACE( SUM( Price ) , '.', ',' ) , ' €' ) AS "Total (€)", CONCAT( ROUND( ( SUM( Price ) / ( SELECT SUM( Price ) FROM my_db WHERE CreationDate = CURRENT_DATE( ) AND SegmentStatus = "OK" ) *100 ) , 2 ) , ' %' ) AS "PDM" FROM my_db