
Custom scrollbar for Bootstrap Table

做~自己de王妃 提交于 2019-12-18 12:44:40
问题 I have a striped table done using Bootstrap Table with the following code (from first example on I need to find a way for the scrollbar to look like one generated by slimScroll ( This is a non-negotiable client requirement. <table data-toggle="table" data-url="data1.json" data-cache="false" data-height="299"> <thead> <tr> <th data-field="id">Item ID</th> <th data-field="name">Item Name</th> <th

Custom scrollbar for Bootstrap Table

二次信任 提交于 2019-11-30 07:46:12
I have a striped table done using Bootstrap Table with the following code (from first example on ). I need to find a way for the scrollbar to look like one generated by slimScroll ( ). This is a non-negotiable client requirement. <table data-toggle="table" data-url="data1.json" data-cache="false" data-height="299"> <thead> <tr> <th data-field="id">Item ID</th> <th data-field="name">Item Name</th> <th data-field="price">Item Price</th> </tr> </thead> </table> Questions: 1) Is this doable, and if so -

Scrollable HTML table with top row and left column frozen

无人久伴 提交于 2019-11-27 02:18:17
问题 Has anyone been able to implement a scrollable table in HTML where the TOP row and LEFT columns are frozen, but the rest of the table is scrollable? A perfect example of this is: Google Squared I tried to reverse engineer the code for the google squared table, but I have been unsuccessful so far. Note: I need the ability to FREEZE the TOP ROW and the LEFT COLUMN at the same time. 回答1: There's a working example at that should be easy to