
how to use vh units instead of pixels for .scrolltop functions

风格不统一 提交于 2021-02-08 14:48:32
问题 I have a menu bar who's class I want to change after a users scrolls to the next div, the div is 100vh tall. The function below works only with screens my size, anything smaller or bigger the animation will go to early or too late. How do I make the units that this function uses vh? Thanks $(window).scroll(function() { var scroll = $(window).scrollTop(); if (scroll >= 600) { <---- change to vh units not px----- $(".home").removeClass("open"); } 回答1: 100vh is the actual view height of that

iPad Safari elements disappear and reappear with a delay

自闭症网瘾萝莉.ら 提交于 2021-02-08 12:13:49
问题 For this bug I have referred the below stack overflow question and have applied in the css as follows (Refer: iPad Safari scrolling causes HTML elements to disappear and reappear with a delay) *:not(html) { -webkit-transform: translate3d(0, 0, 0); } After applying, I am facing a new issue. That is if I apply fixed position for an element, that's not fixed in the browser top instead of scrolling. If I remove the above css, It is working fine. (Refer: Position fixed not working is working like

Horizontal scrolling on Mouse Wheel

喜你入骨 提交于 2021-02-08 11:22:32
问题 I have a single row table containing images with horizontal scroll bar, and I want to scroll images horizontally using mouse wheel. Here is my html. <div class="container"> <div class="image-gallery"> <table> <tr> <td class="images"> <div class="img"><img src="../Images/small_Image_1.jpg" /><div class="description"><a class="image-slider-studets-names" href=" ">Alia Bhatt</a></div> </div> </td> <td class="images"> <div class="img"><img src="../Images/small_Image_2.jpg" /><div class=

$(window).scroll not fast enough to process my jquery?

拥有回忆 提交于 2021-02-08 10:55:54
问题 Im having an issue with window scrolling where I think events are firing too quickly to process. Im using waypoints to detect when a subnav on my page hits the header when scrolling, and when it does it pushes the header up off the page. And when scrolling back up, the header gets pulled down into its original position. Now the first part works flawlessly, the head gets pushed up, but pulling it back down is very buggy. Scrolling too quickly results in the header getting stuck on the way. It

Is it possible to limit / adjust the scroll height of a browser page?

試著忘記壹切 提交于 2021-02-08 07:53:58
问题 I have a page for my csspp library and tool that makes use of a fixed header and footer. These are fixed when the browser is at least 1,300px wide. The problem I have is that when those objects are fixed, it changes the size of the area the user can see. However, when you use Page Up and Page Down, these fixed objects are not taken in account (at least not by default). In other words, when you do a Page Down, instead of seeing the next page in the visible area, the browser scrolls down by One

automated scrolling text in div's

喜夏-厌秋 提交于 2021-02-08 07:29:32
问题 i saw a stack question posted already: [question]: < Text in div - automated scrolling with jQuery - jsFiddle inside > My question adding to this is, is it possible to have the text in each paragraph or separated divs highlighted (boldness, background color, etc.) once they are in main view, whilst the p's or div's leaving/entering the slider box are faded? So like the jsfiddle referenced, you have a div container with say 4,5,6,... div's or p's inside of it and one div or p is visible whilst

swift 3 ios tableview scroll by cell

半城伤御伤魂 提交于 2021-02-08 07:25:23
问题 I created a tableview and it works normally as intended. However, I would like to change the scrolling such a way where the user can only scroll one cell at a time so that, there is never a time where the cell is cut in half.. This is an example: So basically i do not want the default scrolling.. i would like it to be scrolled one cell at a time to constantly remain with the view of the original state.. Is there a way? 回答1: how about this ?

How to use the JScrollPane in Java

风格不统一 提交于 2021-02-08 07:10:47
问题 How can I get the scroller around my JList component in the code given below? It doesn't seem to work properly :( public class JButtonO extends JFrame{ String[] values = {"henry", "Michael","Uche","John","Ullan","Nelly", "Ime","Lekan","Austine","jussi","Ossi","Imam","Empo","Austine","Becky", "Scholar","Ruth", "Anny"}; public JButtonO() { super("the button"); this.setSize(400,200); JPanel panel = new JPanel(); JLabel label = new JLabel("Output Items:"); label.setAlignmentX(1); label

How to use the JScrollPane in Java

霸气de小男生 提交于 2021-02-08 07:06:21
问题 How can I get the scroller around my JList component in the code given below? It doesn't seem to work properly :( public class JButtonO extends JFrame{ String[] values = {"henry", "Michael","Uche","John","Ullan","Nelly", "Ime","Lekan","Austine","jussi","Ossi","Imam","Empo","Austine","Becky", "Scholar","Ruth", "Anny"}; public JButtonO() { super("the button"); this.setSize(400,200); JPanel panel = new JPanel(); JLabel label = new JLabel("Output Items:"); label.setAlignmentX(1); label

PyQt4 - how to add scrollbar into tabbed windows of fixed size?

旧巷老猫 提交于 2021-02-08 06:34:51
问题 Simplest case: How do you add a scrollbar to a tabbed GUI window of fixed size? Full case: I'm working with a GUI with non-scaleable objects (scenes) in each tabbed frame, and would like the user to still be able to drag-scale the window down on itself (whereby the objects in the scene don't scale, but just get hidden as the window-drag moves over them) and a scroll bar appears. This is the minimal, working code that I've written to help exemplify: import sys from pyface.qt import QtGui,