
'cl' is not recognized as an internal or external command

 ̄綄美尐妖づ 提交于 2021-02-15 05:50:22
问题 Below is the error message when I run "scons" to compiler in windows7: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 'cl' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file. scons: *** [out\windows-x86-MD-unicode-vs2008-rel\obj-static\src\featuresets\ada pters\im-history\AddToChatRoomHistoryVisitor.obj] Error 1 scons: building terminated because of errors. ------------------------------------------------------------------

RT-Thread 设备驱动-硬件定时器浅析与使用

杀马特。学长 韩版系。学妹 提交于 2021-02-11 15:57:43
RT-Thread 4.0.0 访问硬件定时器设备 应用程序通过 RT-Thread 提供的 I/O 设备管理接口来访问硬件定时器设备,相关接口如下所示: 函数 描述 rt_device_find() 查找定时器设备 rt_device_open() 以读写方式打开定时器设备 rt_device_set_rx_indicate() 设置超时回调函数 rt_device_control() 控制定时器设备,可以设置定时模式(单次/周期)/计数频率,或者停止定时器 rt_device_write() 设置定时器超时值,定时器随即启动 rt_device_read() 获取定时器当前值 rt_device_close() 关闭定时器设备 RT-Thread 提供的 I/O 设备硬件定时器,示例仅提供最通用简单的定时功能,其他定时器高级功能需自行在control中添加; 下面对基于CubeMX、Hal库的BSP的硬件定时器的使用做简单描述。 配置CubeMX 配置之后生成代码, 在 stm32f4xx_hal_conf.h 中 会实现 hal模块驱动 #define HAL_TIM_MODULE_ENABLED 修改工程目录下的 Kconfig 在 Kconfig 中添加对 TIM的支持 menuconfig BSP_USING_TIM bool " Enable Hardware TIM

How to add pre and post-process actions to SCons build?

巧了我就是萌 提交于 2021-02-10 04:50:07
问题 I'm trying to add pre and post-process actions when building a project with SCons. The SConstruct and SConscript files are at the top of the project. Pre-process actions : Generating code(by calling different tools): -> without knowing the exact files that will be generated after this pre-process (additional pre-process for deciding which files were generated can be created in order to feed SCons with them) -> running external scripts(python, pearl scripts), executed before compilation Post

How to add pre and post-process actions to SCons build?

爷,独闯天下 提交于 2021-02-10 04:47:29
问题 I'm trying to add pre and post-process actions when building a project with SCons. The SConstruct and SConscript files are at the top of the project. Pre-process actions : Generating code(by calling different tools): -> without knowing the exact files that will be generated after this pre-process (additional pre-process for deciding which files were generated can be created in order to feed SCons with them) -> running external scripts(python, pearl scripts), executed before compilation Post

How to add pre and post-process actions to SCons build?

别等时光非礼了梦想. 提交于 2021-02-10 04:47:16
问题 I'm trying to add pre and post-process actions when building a project with SCons. The SConstruct and SConscript files are at the top of the project. Pre-process actions : Generating code(by calling different tools): -> without knowing the exact files that will be generated after this pre-process (additional pre-process for deciding which files were generated can be created in order to feed SCons with them) -> running external scripts(python, pearl scripts), executed before compilation Post

How do I interrupt a long task managed by SCons?

拟墨画扇 提交于 2021-01-29 09:27:06
问题 I'm using SCons to manage a Python function long_task() that carries out a long calculation. If I call long_task() directly from a script, then I can interrupt it with Ctrl-C. However, if SCons is running long_task() and I press Ctrl-C, then long_task() continues to run until it completes, and then SCons says "Build interrupted. / building terminated because of errors". Is there a way to make Ctrl-C stop long_task() immediately in this situation? If I use a signal handler in long_task() to

是的,RT-Thread 4.0代码发布了 ,还有···

左心房为你撑大大i 提交于 2020-12-24 04:23:36
RT-Thread 4.0版本代码Release啦! 因为支持SMP(对称多核处理器)的缘故,RT-Thread v4.0的发布有些延期。 再包括增加对64位处理器的支持,内核的改动也比较大,应该说是自RT-Thread创建以来内核调整最大的一次。但这份改动可以让对称多核处理器运行RT-Thread时,只需要运行一份实例。当有核空闲时,则会把就绪态的任务分配到这些空闲的核上执行起来,真正做到多任务并发执行,提升整体的计算性能。 本次发布主要有以下调整: 内核: 加入SMP支持和64位处理器支持; 组件: 增加单元测试框架utest、轻型进程实现`components\lwp,并优化部分组件使用体验; BSP: 更新以STM32为基础的新BSP框架,使得BSP达到了对18个STM32开发板的支持;增加多个BSP:LPC54114-lite、Nuvoton-M487、嘉楠K210 、RV32M1 VEGA开发板、华芯微特SWM320、TI TMS320F28379D BSP、Synopsys DesignWare ARC EM Starter Kit等; 工具: RT-Thread ENV工具也发布了v1.1.0正式版; 开发者致谢 在此特别感谢: HubretXie、gbcwbz、fullhan、thomasonegd、NoeXu、liruncong、Bluebear233

是的,RT-Thread 4.0.1发布了

霸气de小男生 提交于 2020-12-22 06:20:56
RT-Thread 4.0.1版本代码Release啦! v4.0.1是RT-Thread v4.0.0的完善,bugfix修正版本;增加netdev,可以更好的管理网络设备,修正了多核下的signal问题,POSIX thread管理更合理等。同时在这个版本中也见到数家芯片厂商(例如国产芯片厂商东软载波,灵动微,联盛德,国外芯片厂商NXP,IP厂商Synopsys等)来为RT-Thread贡献代码,贡献BSP。 v4.0.1版本的发布也代表着v4.0.x系列日趋稳定化,后面也还会再加入更多的多核处理器支持(真实芯片而不是QEMU这样的模拟器版本),包括同构的,异构的等。 ( 对于如何选择合适的RT-Thread版本进行开发有疑惑的小伙伴可以点击此处>>> ) 本次发布主要有以下调整 内核: v4.0.0的完善,bugfix修正; 组件: 加入更多的AC6工具链支持;使用C实现方式重写sensor传感器框架;添加 netdev 组件;完善电源管理框架,把运行模式的调频从电源模式中独立出来 BSP: 新增STM32 BSP 18个,使其总量达到了33个;增加多个BSP:东软载波ES32芯片、ARM Cortex-M23内核GD32E230K-start、IMXRT1021-EVK、LPC1114、灵动微MM32芯片、RISC-V RV32M1芯片VEGA、联盛德Wi-Fi


馋奶兔 提交于 2020-12-18 04:14:43
一、 初始RT-Thread RT-Thread,全称是 Real Time-Thread,顾名思义,它是一个嵌入式实时多线程操作系统。以下我们就简称RTT,RTT是一款完全由我们国内团队开发的嵌入式实时操作系统,它诞生于2006年,最初源于对当时小型RTOS现状的诸多不满,RTT要打造一个精致而优雅的操作系统。从最初的V0.0.1发布,历经十几个年头的沉淀到今天的V4.0.0的发布,它正演变成一个功能强大、组件丰富的物联网操作系统。 RTT支持任务抢占,STM32默认支持优先级范围是32,支持多任务(线程)轮转调度,可以通过信号量、互斥量、事件集进行线程间同步,通过邮箱、消息队列、信号进行线程间的通信。RTT也支持动态内存、中断等管理。 二、 辅助工具 2.1、Env简介 Env是RTT推出的开发辅助工具,针对基于RTT操作系统项目工程,提供编译构建环境、图形化系统配置及软件包管理功能,其内置的menuconfig提供了简单易用的配置剪裁工具,可对内核、组件和软件包进行自由剪裁,使用系统以搭积木的方式进行构建。   2.1.1 准备工作   在电脑上首先安装好git,软件包管理功能需要git的支持。   git下载地址:   下载后一路next安装,安装完成测试是否安装成功。按下win+R键,打开cmd,输入git

How to build C++ code using scons for solaris compatible OS using jenkins?

半腔热情 提交于 2020-12-15 05:51:49
问题 Here is my C++ code: #include<iostream> int main() { std::cout<<"Starting Program"<<std::endl; int a = 10; int b = 20; int c = a + b; std::cout<<"Sum of A and B is "<<c<<std::endl; std::cout<<"Ending Program"<<std::endl; return 0; } Here is my SConstruct script file: env = Environment(platform='sunos') env.Program('hello.C') Does above SConstruct file is correct to build hello.C for solaris ? Will this work. Any suggestions. 回答1: This is how I would do it: Setup a Solaris machine x86/SPARC