
How to run HP fortify scan using gradle or Running Fortify from Gradle build on Jenkins

偶尔善良 提交于 2019-12-24 04:56:31
问题 I'm using the following code to run fortify using Gradle, but this code takes time to generate reports, I'm not sure how to optimize this script to run faster, it will be great if someone can help me to optimize this script // Add a new configuration configurations { fortify { extendsFrom compile } } // pull in the fortify libs for the new configuration dependencies { fortify fileTree(dir: 'C:/Program Files/Fortify Software/HP Fortify v3.20/Core/lib', include: '*.jar') } task fortifyReport

Advantages of SCA over Spring?

六眼飞鱼酱① 提交于 2019-12-21 05:21:14
问题 I have experience developing java web applications with Spring, but not so much with the world of SOA. I was reading about SCA- SCA4J - - and alot of this seems very similar to Spring. I was trying to learn about what situations SCA would be useful, but still dont understand what features / benefits SCA offers over using Spring standalone. I found this old blog post - - but

What are the differences / similarities between JBI and SCA

青春壹個敷衍的年華 提交于 2019-12-13 03:24:12
问题 Could point me to some good links, or share experiences of the differences / similarities between the JBI and SCA specifications? Many thanks :-) 回答1: This article can provide the beginning of an answer (even though it does not detail the specifications) OSOA article SCA allows multiple technologies to be used to implement services (e.g. Java, BPEL, C++) and multiple bindings for communicating with services (e.g. Web services or JMS). However, SCA does not describe how you would introduce a

what is the best way to get azure blob storage

前提是你 提交于 2019-12-11 17:59:02
问题 I'm working with scala and spark and need to access azure blob storage and get its list of files. What is the best way to do that knowing spark version is 2.11. 回答1: For Spark running on local, there is an official blog which introduces how to access Azure Blob Storage from Spark. The key is that you need to configure Azure Storage account as HDFS-compatible storage in core-site.xml file and add two jars hadoop-azure & azure-storage to your classpath for accessing HDFS via the protocol wasb[s

Differences between SCA (Service Component Architecture ) and ESB (Enterprise Service Bus)?

梦想的初衷 提交于 2019-12-10 21:43:39
问题 i have started learning about Software architectures and i came across these terms ESB and SCA . Now these terms i found quite confusing as they seems to serve the same purpose (i know this could sound ridiculous to people masters in these topics, still). Can anybody please explain the differences ? Any help appreciated. 回答1: Actually they are quite different from each other. ESB stands for Enterprise Service Bus. It is a pattern for how to decouple services that you use across your