
SaveAs command does not work, but SaveCopyAs does

不问归期 提交于 2019-12-11 05:27:38
问题 I am having a lot of difficulty getting a SaveAs command to work properly. For a local hospital, there are patient charts which are created from a template file, in which patient data is entered after which it is manually renamed (using save-As) and then copied to another location as a backup. The template is re-used over and over again. The goal of my code is this to automate this process. Therefore I want to save to two different locations, starting from a template file. The template file

Save troublesome webpage and import back into Python

强颜欢笑 提交于 2019-12-11 04:47:49
问题 I am trying to extract some information from a variety of pages and struggling a bit. This shows my challenge: import requests from lxml import html url = "" response = requests.get(url) print(response.content) If you copy the output into Notepad, you cannot find the value "9.20" anywhere in the output (the Team A odds in the bottom right of the webpage). However, if you open the webpage, do a Save-As and then import it back into Python

Powershell - SaveAs function when file already exists

廉价感情. 提交于 2019-12-10 19:16:30
问题 I'm trying to run some code that looks for all .doc & .docx files in a directory & sub-directories and then converts each one to PDF format. The code below works only if there are no instances of the pdf in these directories i.e. it only works first time. Every subsequent time it fails with: Exception calling "SaveAs" with "2" argument(s): "Command failed" At C:\convert\convertword.ps1:12 char:13 + $doc.saveas <<<< ($path, $wdFormatPDF) + CategoryInfo : NotSpecified: (:) [],

Application of wget to “Save As Complete Web Page”

人走茶凉 提交于 2019-12-10 17:39:37
问题 Is there a way to wget-ing a web page and obtaining the same exact result (that is a .htm file) as with the browser command "Save As Complete Web Page" (Chrome or Firefox)? I was not able to find any configuration of wget that does it correctly. I'm interesting in saving automatically dynamic data. The web page is the following: Now, I've automatized the Save As browser command through java

save plot into image file in matlab: difference between saveas and print

杀马特。学长 韩版系。学妹 提交于 2019-12-09 17:19:35
问题 I wonder when saving plot into image file in matlab, what is the difference between saveas and print? In what cases both can be used and in what cases only one can be used? Thanks and regards! 回答1: I believe SAVEAS is just a wrapper for PRINT. Look at the source code for SAVEAS (edit saveas) - a lot of argument checks and only one print line at the end. Both function supports the same formats. SAVEAS has a little easier syntax. From the SAVEAS remarks: "If you want to control the size or

Save MATLAB figure with different background color

独自空忆成欢 提交于 2019-12-09 05:14:16
问题 I want to print a MATLAB figure with a dark background and white labels. If I use the print or saveas command I lose somehow the colors. The plot symbols are dark again and the background is white. points = rand(100,3); plot3(points(:,1),points(:,2),points(:,3),'*w') grid on set(gca,'Color',[0.5 0.5 0.5]) saveas(gcf,'test1','pdf') saveas(gcf,'test2','png') print(gcf,'test3.pdf','-dpdf') All three test files end up being wrong. If I choose "Save As" in the figure menu I am able to save the

Saving .fig file from Octave

丶灬走出姿态 提交于 2019-12-07 01:34:28
问题 I need to make a .fig file that can be reopened in Matlab, but I am working in Octave. But apparently there is no saveas command in Octave. This is what I am trying: octave:3> plot([1,2,3],[45,23,10]) octave:4> saveas(gcf,'myfig.fig') error: `saveas' undefined near line 4 column 1 octave:4> 回答1: Currently the Matlab fig file format is a proprietary binary file format. Octave doesn't know how to export to this format and won't be able to until it is reverse engineered. The fig format that

Saving .fig file from Octave

时光怂恿深爱的人放手 提交于 2019-12-05 04:26:43
I need to make a .fig file that can be reopened in Matlab, but I am working in Octave. But apparently there is no saveas command in Octave. This is what I am trying: octave:3> plot([1,2,3],[45,23,10]) octave:4> saveas(gcf,'myfig.fig') error: `saveas' undefined near line 4 column 1 octave:4> Currently the Matlab fig file format is a proprietary binary file format. Octave doesn't know how to export to this format and won't be able to until it is reverse engineered. The fig format that Octave knows about is a different fig format used by Xfig with the same extension name, but nothing else in

Programmatically convert SVG shapes to paths (lineto, moveto)

半城伤御伤魂 提交于 2019-12-04 03:57:18
I have an SVG file coming from Inkscape, Illustrator, or any other application. I want to convert the shapes to lineto , moveto , curveto format. What I want is something like: ./Appname svgfile outfilewithpath I will give the SVG file as an argument, then my application will convert the object into the respective paths. Paul Sweatte Inkscape has a command-line interface. Use the Inkscape man page along with the verb source for reference: The ObjectToPath verb converts an object to a path: inkscape filename.svg --select=myobject --verb=ObjectToPath --export-plain-svg=filename_to_path.svg The

Struggling to save as xlsx file in VBA

三世轮回 提交于 2019-12-03 15:17:34
Im new to VBA so any help is appreciated. Im having a problem with my SaveFile sub. This actually allows me to save the file but when I try to open it again Excel doesn't recognize it as an Excel file. In fact if I right click the file from my desktop and check the properties, the type of file is "File". I've read up on the formatting stuff but cant get this file to save as just an xlsx format. I was able to get a macro-enabled excel file to work properly but that's not what I want. My code is below. Please ask questions if its not clear! Thanks for your help. Sub SaveFile() MsgBox ("You will