
Sankey plot where edges between nodes correspond to an N3 column

谁说我不能喝 提交于 2020-01-13 06:49:10
问题 I would like to draw a sankey plot based on the below generated data structure where the edges between nodes correspond to an N3 column and their presence and thickness depend on the Value column. For the below dummy data, the plot would look like this (but with edge thickness corresponding to the value in the Value column). I haven't seen any example of sankey plots built like this. I've tried different options using the riverplot package, but as it doesn't seem to be able to handle the N3

Riverplot package in R - output plot covered in gridlines or outlines

南笙酒味 提交于 2019-12-23 07:38:21
问题 I've made a Sankey diagram in R Riverplot (v0.5), the output looks OK small in RStudio, but when exported or zoomed in it the colours have dark outlines or gridlines. I think it may be because the outlines of the shapes are not matching the transparency I want to use for the fill? I possibly need to find a way to get rid of outlines altogether (rather than make them semi-transparent), as I think they're also the reason why flows with a value of zero still show up as thin lines. my code is

R - Riverplot package uses - Sankey diagram

[亡魂溺海] 提交于 2019-12-11 01:55:55
问题 I try to draw a sankey chart using riverplot package by January. However my cases is quite complex and I haven't found way to fix my chart so I post this questions, hope this help either find some answer to my questions or way to improve the packages. My charts as below. As you can see my chart in the 1st image have the node's status overlap each others and not readable. Is it possible to display the nodes name on the side of the chart, and each nodes name will next to the lane that it stand

Sum each list of numerical values within a list

 ̄綄美尐妖づ 提交于 2019-12-10 19:44:50
问题 I would like to attach values to labels in a riverplot in R I have a list of lists of values, which is required to show flows between nodes, like this: edges <- list( A= list( C= 10, E= 5 ), B= list( C= 10 ), C=list(D = 13, E = 7 )) I am aware of a function that would reduce (or sum) one element of a list like this: Reduce("+",edges$A) Is there a way of reducing such a list of lists of values to a dataframe or so that I could get the sums: Node Sum A 15 B 10 C 20 D 13 E 12 Edit: I just