
Correctly set headers for Laravel 5 CSRF Token

牧云@^-^@ 提交于 2019-12-21 19:20:12
问题 Alright, been searching this one for hours and just can't find the start of a solution. I am using an angularJS frontend with a laravel backend. Restangular is my communcation service. My POST are fine, because I can include the _token in the data and it will work. But for Restangular to call a destroy function it looks like... Restangular.all('auth/logout').remove(); //maps to AuthController@Destroy All fine, but then you will get a TOKENMISMATCH Exception, which is a good security messure

Restangular not setting headers on post

雨燕双飞 提交于 2019-12-20 05:51:33
问题 I am trying to set the header for a single post request using restangular but the request is being sent as plain text instead of json. I have read the documentation here as well as a similar question. I have followed the prescribed methods but to no avail. On the server side am using Express 4.x and communicating with Mongodb using an ORM called Moongoose. Server side: server.js using express.js 4.0 'use strict'; var express = require('express'), morgan = require('morgan'), port =process.env

MixedContent when I'm loading https page through ajax, but browser still thinks it's http

▼魔方 西西 提交于 2019-12-19 17:35:07
问题 After Installing SSL Cert on a web page, I had the problem where the page served with https would require http endpoint with ajax. I'm using restangular, and I changed the base url to have https. var uri = location.protocol + "//" +; RestangularProvider.setBaseUrl(uri); The interesting part is that, when I see the request in the chrome developer tools i see Request URL: Request Headers Provisional headers are shown Accept:application/json, text

MongoDB: how to find 10 random document in a collection of 100?

我是研究僧i 提交于 2019-12-18 04:39:18
问题 Is MongoDB capable of funding number of random documents without making multiple queries? e.g. I implemented on the JS side after loading all the document in the collection, which is wasteful - hence just wanted to check if this can be done better with one db query? The path I took on the JS side: get all data make an array of the IDs shuffle array of IDs (random order) splice the array to the number of document required create a list of document by selecting them by ID which we have left

Restangular put() not working on multiple put()'s

不问归期 提交于 2019-12-13 17:53:12
问题 Here is the code in question function putCategory(category) { console.log(category.parent_id); category.put().then(function (data) { console.log(data.parent_id); delete category._updating; angular.extend(category, data); updateCategories(); }, function (error) { delete category._updating; category.errors = readError(error); }); } Here is a brief example of the problem: initial state: parent_id = null (it is a root category) change the parent_id to 1, and call putCategory. The category updates

Put Object in Restangular

喜你入骨 提交于 2019-12-13 08:02:27
问题 You see below my code to change a record from my db using restangular."/mywebsite/bin/server.fcgi/REST/players", "70").get().then(function(c){ $scope.content = c; }) $scope.content.Name= "Asqan"; $scope.content.put(); when i try to put as the last line of my code, it gives the error: PUT http://localhost/mywebsite/bin/server.fcgi/REST/players 404 (Object not found) ps: no other issue with adding or getting. 回答1: you should do it in the then function,"

Restangular - _.contains() is not a function

匆匆过客 提交于 2019-12-12 10:49:55
问题 If you have recently updated restangular through bower it will have installed the latest lodash - the new 4.0. However this is a problem as restangular/angular now throws the error - "_.contains() is not a function." How do you solve? 回答1: The solution is very simple - you need to tell restangular to use a lower version than the newest lodash - 3.10.0 Through bower.json "lodash": "~3.10.0" 回答2: If you have not specified the entry for lodash

control when put vs post is called with restangular save method?

泪湿孤枕 提交于 2019-12-12 06:05:05
问题 I'm using a regularized element and trying to save it. If it's a new element it's calling post in exactly the format I want. However, for an existing element that was changed it tries calling put. The rest interface I'm working with does not have a put command, instead it uses post with an element id to update that element. Is there an easy way to make the save method realize that I want it to use post, with the element id, instead of put when I call save on the method? do I have to overwrite

Impossible to capture 503 even with AngularJS' http interceptor

大兔子大兔子 提交于 2019-12-12 05:07:21
问题 I'm wondering why I cannot capture the status 503 when I encounter the error. HTTP interceptor captures the error with a status of 0. Is it even possible? If so, can you provide a code please? 来源:

Restangular delete from list after remove() not working

旧时模样 提交于 2019-12-12 04:59:11
问题 i've been trying to work with Restangular, but there are some issues i'm running into. i'm not sure if its the implementation of Restangular, or my lack of understanding, but i can't seem to delete anything from a returned getList on the Restangular object. I was looking at this post and trying to implement something very similar to this: AngularJS (Restangular CRUD , Simplify / DRY Controllers?) But no matter what i do, i can't delete or remove items from the list. adding or pushing is fine.