
SSRS 2008 R2 - Printing in portrait rather than landscape from report server link

牧云@^-^@ 提交于 2020-01-14 13:46:12
问题 Having an issue with one of my SSRS reports where if I print direct from the server it prints in portrait and thus cuts off the left hand side of the report, basically it seems to print off the right side OK and prints as far left as possible within the page. It is not as if the rest of the report gets printed on a seperate page thats it. If I export to PDF and print it works fine, it seems to do only do this when printing from the report server. Interactive Size and page size are both Width

Tableau Javascript API HTTPS isn't working

偶尔善良 提交于 2020-01-14 09:47:27
问题 I am trying to embed a report onto my website but getting the following error Mixed Content: The page at '' was loaded over HTTPS, but requested an insecure resource ''. This request has been blocked; the content must be served over HTTPS. But on my JS API call I have the url with 'HTTPS://' ie '' Do I need to add an API option to make it HTTPS? What am I missing? 回答1:

.PRN file generation

萝らか妹 提交于 2020-01-14 06:35:06
问题 I want to generate a .prn file using Java. Is there any java api already available ? Is there any value in generating a .PRN file now-a-days (Mine is a web based application trying to mimic the existing client/ server application functionality. The current fat client application is pretty old). If there is no API available whats the strategy to generate the .PRN file ? 回答1: A PRN is the byte stream which would be sent to the printer to generate the output, and is generated by the printer


旧城冷巷雨未停 提交于 2020-01-12 23:14:09
Ant下载 地址: Ant部署 将下载的Ant放到需要的目录下解压 进入Ant的安装目录 将Ant的bin目录添加到环境变量略) b.mac: cd //使用cd进入主目录 vi . bash_profile //修改配置文件,若没有,不要新增,输入vi /etc/bashrc修改另外一个配置文件 在末尾添加: export ANT_HOME = / Users / zheng . luo / aotumation / apache - ant - 1.10 .7 export PATH = $ { PATH } : $ { ANT_HOME } / bin Ant部署验证 输入ant -version,出现ant的版本等信息,则安装成功,未出现或报错请重新安装 配置build文件 复制如下代码: < ? xml version = "1.0" encoding = "UTF-8" ? > < project name = "ant-jmeter-test" default = "run" basedir = "." > < tstamp > < format property = "time" pattern = "yyyyMMddhhmm" / > < / tstamp > < !

nomon+ pyNmonAnalyzer实现基于python的nmon监控性能数据可视化

拟墨画扇 提交于 2020-01-12 22:24:46
pip install pyNmonAnalyzer nnmon for linux from sourceforge: github project地址: readme: usage: pyNmonAnalyzer [-h] [-x] [-d] [--force] [-i INPUT_FILE] [-o OUTDIR] [-c] [-b] [-t REPORTTYPE] [-r CONFFNAME] [--dygraphLocation DYGRAPHLOC] [--defaultConfig] [-l LOGLEVEL] nmonParser converts NMON monitor files into time-sorted CSV/Spreadsheets for easier analysis, without the use of the MS Excel Macro. Also included is an option to build an HTML report with graphs, which is configured through report.config. optional

Magento Reports - Products - Products Ordered issue: Item (Mage_Catalog_Model_Product) with the same id already exist

点点圈 提交于 2020-01-12 03:39:25
问题 The issue: In Magento admin panel, when generating report via Reports - Products - Products Ordered, an error occurs: Item (Mage_Catalog_Model_Product) with the same id "45" already exist #0 /home/glassesm/public_html/app/code/core/Mage/Eav/Model/Entity/Collection/Abstract.php(236): Varien_Data_Collection->addItem(Object(Mage_Catalog_Model_Product)) #1 /home/glassesm/public_html/app/code/core/Mage/Eav/Model/Entity/Collection/Abstract.php(964): Mage_Eav_Model_Entity_Collection_Abstract-

Passing data between usercontrols c#

蹲街弑〆低调 提交于 2020-01-11 09:44:51
问题 It's known that there are some solutions similar to this one, but I can't solve my problem with them. I have two user controls: The first one makes a Report object. The second one shows it. I have a main Form that links both controls. These two controls are created in a DLL, and are added to the main form like this: //ADDS THE FIRST CONTROL TO THE PANEL CONTROL myDll.controlUserReport userControlA = new myDll.controlUserReport(); panelControl1.Controls.Add(userControlA); userControlA.Dock =

Exception on importing Blob image into ms Access report

我们两清 提交于 2020-01-11 07:05:09
问题 In an Access 2013 Report I connect to an Oracle DB View via a Linked Table. One View field is of type BLOB and holds images that have been previously stored there. In my Access Report the linked table has a field (named BILD_INHALT) of type "OLE Object" that maps to the BLOB field in Oracle DB. In the report view, I created an "Image" field (named MST_Image) has to load the image and it is initialized in the following way: If Len(RS![BILD_INHALT]) > 0 Then Me.MST_Image.PictureData = RS![BILD

How can I assign a normal table from a dynamic pivot table?

依然范特西╮ 提交于 2020-01-10 06:10:09
问题 I need to make a report in Stimulsoft from the last 12 months from our current date, I used dynamic pivot table to make this, the original table is at figure 1 Then the pivot table is like the figure 2 (bigger image link here: The DACP_Value at figure 1 is the row at the date it corresponds at figure 2. Note that the culture is set to pt-BR (brazil) Here is a sample code of the generation of the pivot table made in SQLFiddle!3

c# 条码打印—电子监管码打印

a 夏天 提交于 2020-01-09 14:30:03
  说到条码打印,很多人会说直接调用诸如codesoft 或者bartender之类的 软件来打印 。没错,简单单独打印是可以使用这些方法。但实际项目应用中所需要的条码打印功能却很复杂,必须结合公司的业务软件才能很到位的打印条码。这时候,咱们不能依赖别人给的软件来打印,必须自己写代码耦合应用程序中去。看下图:   如何打印中国药品电子监管码的条码?看起来很容易,实际上生成药品监管码有一定的命名规则。在这里就不说了,自己上网看一下就明白了。以后大家买药前也可以去 中国药品电子监管平台,查看一下自己买的是否真假。可以在系统 上追朔药品流向情况【包括、生产厂商是谁,卖给谁了,谁又批发给谁了,该药品通过合不合格,质检机构是。。。】 我还是附上药品监管码组成的一些常识,给偷懒的自己一个交代。     1. 普通药品的监管码文件名称系统自动生成,生成规则是“药品通用名_申请单号_码开始序列号(20位监管码的前16位)_-文件序号(3位数字)_包装规格_包装级别”     例:复方苦参注射液_20090813-1_8200008400050520-000_盒5瓶_1     药品名称:复方苦参注射液;     申请单号:20090813-1;     码开始序列号:8200008400050520;     文件序号:000     包装规格