
Better way to reparent visual items in QML

末鹿安然 提交于 2020-01-02 05:46:07
问题 It would seem that in the design of QML user reparent was not really "envisioned", because even though it is possible, it involves creating and changing states, which is just not convenient to add to each and every item. import QtQuick 1.0 Item { width: 200; height: 100 Rectangle { id: redRect width: 100; height: 100 color: "red" } Rectangle { id: blueRect x: redRect.width width: 50; height: 50 color: "blue" states: State { name: "reparented" ParentChange { target: blueRect; parent: redRect;

TFS reparent to be a grandchild

时间秒杀一切 提交于 2019-12-20 05:44:05
问题 Been trying all I can think of for days to get this to work. Baseless merges, reparenting, branching and then reparenting. I would like to reparent a branch to be the child of one of it's children and break the relationship between that branch and its parent. In the image below, I would like to move Cassidy-Main and Bohem-Main to be a child of Cassidy-QA and Bohem-QA respectively. Then reparent Cassidy-QA and Bohem-QA to be children of Acme-QA. Thanks in advance for any help/advice/solutions!

How to call CreateProcess() with STARTUPINFOEX from C# and re-parent the child

柔情痞子 提交于 2019-12-20 02:54:05
问题 I need to create a new process but so that it is a "child" of another process not the current process eg re-parent the new process. The following have got me almost there .NET : How to call CreateProcessAsUser() with STARTUPINFOEX from C# and .NET : How to PInvoke UpdateProcThreadAttribute and using System; using System.Diagnostics; using System.IO; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; public class ProcessCreator { [DllImport("kernel32.dll

How do I host an application window as a child of a window belonging to another process?

落爺英雄遲暮 提交于 2019-12-13 12:31:25
问题 I would like to host an application window from a process "A" into the main window of a process "B", just as if "A"'s window were a MDI child window. Is this possible in Windows? Or are there some tricks which would allow me to fake this? By the way, I'd like to remove the title bar (or better yet, all the non-client stuff) of "A"'s window when it is embedded into "B"'s window. I suppose that this must be possible by tweaking the window styles or window classes, but I am by no means an expert

Handling messages for window from other process

只谈情不闲聊 提交于 2019-12-10 11:35:33
问题 I'm developing a C# WPF application that reparents the main window of another application using a call to Win32 SetParent(). The handle to this out-of-process child window is wrapped by a class named FormHost which is derived from HwndHost. All is working well except for one thing: messages for the reparented window are not delivered to FormHost. MSDN documentation clearly states that the HwndHost window procedure WndProc() cannot be used with out-of-process windows. The alternative,

Java/SWT: How to receive mouse events from an embedded window

社会主义新天地 提交于 2019-12-08 08:52:28
问题 I am embedding a windows application into my SWT application using 'reparenting'. That part works ok. I would now like to hook my SWT app into the message queue for the embedded app to receive mouse move events. I see that the OS class in SWT has a number of interesting methods for adding hooks but I have not been able to figure out how to use them. Can anyone help? Thanks 回答1: This should work, but it relies on using reflection to call non-API, so use it at your own risk. Use reflection to

Reparenting in Mercurial: how does one bring two independent svn clones back together?

自古美人都是妖i 提交于 2019-12-06 00:54:39
问题 Here's the situation: developer Foo created a hg repo from our svn repo. Foo's hg repo was only a shallow clone of the trunk in svn (no svn branches, tags, etc. and the history was incomplete [about 100 changesets]). Developer Bar did the same thing, but cloned the entire svn repo including the entire history, branches, tags, etc. Both Foo and Bar have done branchy development on their repositories. There is a common SVN ancestor to both repositories, but each hg repo has a different version

How do I host an application window as a child of a window belonging to another process?

六眼飞鱼酱① 提交于 2019-12-05 18:29:48
I would like to host an application window from a process "A" into the main window of a process "B", just as if "A"'s window were a MDI child window. Is this possible in Windows? Or are there some tricks which would allow me to fake this? By the way, I'd like to remove the title bar (or better yet, all the non-client stuff) of "A"'s window when it is embedded into "B"'s window. I suppose that this must be possible by tweaking the window styles or window classes, but I am by no means an expert in these Win32 intricacies. It's possible to host the Window. Change A's parent HWND by calling the

Reparenting in Mercurial: how does one bring two independent svn clones back together?

时光总嘲笑我的痴心妄想 提交于 2019-12-04 05:56:47
Here's the situation: developer Foo created a hg repo from our svn repo. Foo's hg repo was only a shallow clone of the trunk in svn (no svn branches, tags, etc. and the history was incomplete [about 100 changesets]). Developer Bar did the same thing, but cloned the entire svn repo including the entire history, branches, tags, etc. Both Foo and Bar have done branchy development on their repositories. There is a common SVN ancestor to both repositories, but each hg repo has a different version number for it. I would like to reparent Foo's changes from the common ancestor onto Bar's repo. Here's

TFS reparent to be a grandchild

让人想犯罪 __ 提交于 2019-12-02 13:19:47
Been trying all I can think of for days to get this to work. Baseless merges, reparenting, branching and then reparenting. I would like to reparent a branch to be the child of one of it's children and break the relationship between that branch and its parent. In the image below, I would like to move Cassidy-Main and Bohem-Main to be a child of Cassidy-QA and Bohem-QA respectively. Then reparent Cassidy-QA and Bohem-QA to be children of Acme-QA. Thanks in advance for any help/advice/solutions! Once you have completed a baseless merge between where it was and where you want tit to be you will be