
How to check if page has FULLY loaded(scripts and all)?

若如初见. 提交于 2019-12-25 02:16:16
问题 I know, there are lots of answered questions about it here. My situation is a bit different, though, and I couldn't find an answer yet. I'm trying to show a message after the page has fully loaded. Using $(document).ready, document.readyStateChange , I don't care. The thing is that the document gets ready right in the middle of a script that needs to be executed. I've tried to do it with window.onload (and it's jQuery equivalent), but it shows me the message before some images/elements show

【RTX51 Tiny初级】11_os_wait和os_switch_task区别和使用场合

你说的曾经没有我的故事 提交于 2019-12-24 01:37:11
文章目录 01 - os_send_signal()和os_set_ready()的区 02 - 使用场合 03 - 总结 01 - os_send_signal()和os_set_ready()的区    os_wait()用于等待某个信号,os_switch_task()用于协助调度 ,相同点和不同点如下:    相同点 :正常情况下都能发生上下文切换,也就是成功执行API后task都会停止当前执行,由running态转为waiting / ready态。    不同点 :os_wait()让task进入waiting态,需要信号触发(set signal / set ready)才能恢复到ready,等待调度后才能运行进入running。os_switch_task()让task进入ready态,是一种协助调度的手段,主动让出CPU资源,随后等待调度进入running 02 - 使用场合    当一个task在完成自己的工作后可以让出CPU资源,等待下一次继续执行的时候,就用os_switch_task() 。例如,有一个main_task,它主要轮询handle各种由定时器或中断引起的flag,由于是轮询,所以不必要一直执行,于是轮询完一次后,就可以让出CPU资源,供其它task使用: void main_task ( ) _task_ 1 { while ( 1 ) {

Calling a jQuery function multiple times

↘锁芯ラ 提交于 2019-12-19 11:38:10
问题 So, I have this function in jQuery: $(function(){ $( ".unfocused" ).click(function ClickHeader () { $( this ).addClass( "focused" ); $( this ).removeClass( "unfocused" ); $(".header").not(this).addClass( "unfocused" ); $(".header").not(this).removeClass( "focused" ); }); }); It works perfectly when a header is clicked the first time , but when I try to click another unfocused header, the function doesn't work anymore. Is it because it runs on document .ready? Thanks for your help! 回答1: Change

Calculating Variables from Variables from ids

妖精的绣舞 提交于 2019-12-12 01:14:53
问题 The following code placed in document.ready() finds every .scrollable div and creates a variable giving each panel an id and activating a scrolling script. var orderit = 0; var scrolls = {}; $('.scrollable').each(function(){ = 'scrollp' + (++orderit); scrolls[ 'myScroll' + ] = new iScroll(, { scrollbarClass: 'myScrollbar' }); }); The problem is that later on I need to refresh these variables by calling the .refresh() method embedded in the script. To do this we need

Knowing when all other ready callbacks are done

限于喜欢 提交于 2019-12-11 00:06:34
问题 I want my handler of the ready event will fire after all other handlers are done . It's extremely handy for manipulating plugins' undesired actions. If I write my handler after all others, it only guarantees it will fire after all others fired , not finished: $(function() { setTimeout(function() { alert('other handler'); }, 500); }); $(function() { alert('my handler'); });​ Fiddle In that code, my handler alerted first. I read that before jQuery version 1.4 the readyList was public. so in

How can I check if cordova is ready if the deviceready event has already fired?

こ雲淡風輕ζ 提交于 2019-12-06 21:09:28
问题 In the example app cordova provides through cordova create ... , the following code listens to the deviceready event: bindEvents: function() { document.addEventListener('deviceready', this.onDeviceReady, false); }, This is nice, but what happens when the event is fired before I've had time to listen for it? As an example, replace the code from the example app (above) with the following: bindEvents: function() { setTimeout(function () { document.addEventListener('deviceready', this

jQuery difference between live() and ready()?

泄露秘密 提交于 2019-12-06 05:42:04
问题 What is the exact difference between live() and ready() ? Edit: found that die() is the opposite of live() 回答1: .ready() lets you register a callback that fires when the DOM is ready - this is similar to using window.onload but fires earlier (and you can register more than one callback). .live() lets you register a callback to a range of events based on a selector, which continually monitors the DOM and will register itself to new nodes that are added. 回答2: live is used for attaching events


我们两清 提交于 2019-12-04 20:28:51
分布式Barrier 解决线程同步问题 jdk中的Barrier main: ExecutorService es = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(2); for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) { es.submit(new R("t"+i)); } es.shutdown(); static class R implements Runnable{ String name; public R (String name){ = name; } public void run(){ System.out.println(" is ready"); try { barrier.await(); } catch (InterruptedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (BrokenBarrierException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } System.out.println(" run"); } } static CyclicBarrier barrier = new CyclicBarrier(2); t0 is ready t1 is ready t1 run t0 run t2 is

jquery $(document).ready() 与window.onload的区别

孤街浪徒 提交于 2019-12-04 05:31:05
Jquery中$(document).ready()的作用类似于传统JavaScript中的window.onload方法,不过与window.onload方法还是有区别的。 1.执行时间 window.onload必须等到页面内包括图片的所有元素加载完毕后才能执行。 $(document).ready()是DOM结构绘制完毕后就执行,不必等到加载完毕。 2.编写个数不同 window.onload不能同时编写多个,如果有多个window.onload方法,只会执行一个 $(document).ready()可以同时编写多个,并且都可以得到执行 3.简化写法 window.onload没有简化写法 $(document).ready(function(){})可以简写成$(function(){}); 来源: oschina 链接:

javascript Document ready firefox (jQuery)

纵然是瞬间 提交于 2019-12-04 02:05:53
问题 In FireFox I have this jQuery at the end of the body: $(document).ready(function() { $.getScript('LiveMapsJavascriptProvider.aspx?type=reference&value=6', init); }); There are a lot of js files in the head that are needed to be all loaded before this would work. So I put my call in a document.ready event. It doesn't work. IE works fine. If I put an alert(''); before I call $.getScript it works. It looks like a problem with the scripts not getting loaded yet? I thought Document.ready was fired