
Using condition in SPARQL query

会有一股神秘感。 提交于 2021-01-03 06:21:07
问题 I have a SPARQL query which is like this- SELECT ?informationPath ?businessEntitylabel ?path ?sourced ?mastered ?delivered WHERE { ?businessEntity dd:hasPropertyPath ?informationPath . ?businessEntity rdfs:label ?businessEntitylabel . ?informationPath dd:hasPath ?path . OPTIONAL { ?informationPath a dd:SourcedData . BIND("Yes" as ?sourced) } OPTIONAL { ?informationPath a dd:MasteredData . BIND("Yes" as ?mastered) } OPTIONAL { ?informationPath a dd:DeliveredData . BIND("Yes" as ?delivered) } }

Using condition in SPARQL query

浪子不回头ぞ 提交于 2021-01-03 06:16:44
问题 I have a SPARQL query which is like this- SELECT ?informationPath ?businessEntitylabel ?path ?sourced ?mastered ?delivered WHERE { ?businessEntity dd:hasPropertyPath ?informationPath . ?businessEntity rdfs:label ?businessEntitylabel . ?informationPath dd:hasPath ?path . OPTIONAL { ?informationPath a dd:SourcedData . BIND("Yes" as ?sourced) } OPTIONAL { ?informationPath a dd:MasteredData . BIND("Yes" as ?mastered) } OPTIONAL { ?informationPath a dd:DeliveredData . BIND("Yes" as ?delivered) } }

Calculate length of path betwen nodes (with unknown edges)?

匆匆过客 提交于 2020-12-26 08:26:39
问题 The problem is how to calculate the distance between two nodes (concepts) in a Triple Store (RDF) using sparql queries without know the type of edges. Essencially, is to use Dijkstras_algorithm to find the shorter path between two concepts in a Triple Store. It is possible if we know the type of egde: Calculate length of path between nodes? One other solution is to use classes distances(do not work if concepts are not extended from the main classes): Measuring distances among classes in RDF