
How to retrieve certain user fields using Rally REST API?

馋奶兔 提交于 2021-01-28 18:59:47
问题 When I query Rally REST API (.net) I am able to get all the user values except the following fields: Role CostCenter LastLoginDate OfficeLocation c_RoleType CreationDate When I fire up a url "https://rally1.rallydev.com/slm/webservice/v2.0/user/xxxxxxxxxx" in a browser I am able to access all the above fields. However, when I use REST API the result set doesn't include any of the above fields. Not sure if I need to do anything differently. request = new Request("user"); request.Fetch =


穿精又带淫゛_ 提交于 2020-11-17 22:41:56
来源|Rokey的Blog 作者|rokey Apple 在2020年已经办了4场发布会,全部是线上,不谈产品,我反而觉得苹果创新性的发布会设计很有启发,值得记录思考一下。 录播发布会不是Apple首创,但可以看到Apple对录播发布会进行了重新思考和创新。 WWDC2020 第一次在线发布会就已经非常惊艳,4次下来感觉越来越驾轻就熟。 疫情前录播形态发布会绝对是个次级选项,但2020不仅是Apple,Google,Facebook 都在积极思考什么是新形态的发布会。 一些小细节: ▲Apple Event Nov 发布会开场 ▲Google Launch Night In 发布会开场 Apple Event Nov 和 Google Launch Night In 的开场设计,在原来的线下发布会都是不可想象的。 WWDC 2020 Craig 在讲 Privacy 隐私功能 同一场发布会Craig在讲其他大部分产品 ▲注意环境光???? 还有无数的细节相信大家都能察觉到。 01 新一代录播发布会带来的启发 1 | 镜头语言的突破 现场发布会的镜头语言表达是极其受限的,基本是时间连续性的远/近景,全屏幕产品图等,是留在脑海中最典型的画面。 远景 近景 ▲Apple September Event 2019 而 录播镜头语言极大的丰富起来 ,比如这一段Google Launch


爱⌒轻易说出口 提交于 2020-10-19 07:54:22
  上市 10 年,在破产边缘徘徊过,在量产泥潭中挣扎过,不过如今的特斯拉已被彻底盘活,成为备受资本市场看好的电动汽车行业新巨头。   2010 年 6 月 29 日,特斯拉在纳斯达克上市,当时的市值仅有 17 亿美元,至 2020 年 6 月 29 日上市十周年之际,特斯拉市值创下历史新高,盘中市值一度突破 2100 亿美元,十年间市值涨了 123 倍,再次领先于丰田汽车市值。   据粗略估算,这个起初并不被传统汽车巨头看好的外来破局者,如今单从市值维度来看已是 1.1 个丰田汽车、2.1 个大众汽车、4.9 个戴姆勒、5.9 个通用汽车、8.9 个福特汽车。如果与国产造车新势力样本相比,大约相当于 22.4 个蔚来汽车。      图|特斯拉近 5 年的市值变化   放在十年的时间维度来看,这是一项了不起的成就,但就在两年前,特斯拉还处于至暗时刻。成立 15 年来连年亏损、深陷产能地狱、如期交付困难,连硅谷 “钢铁侠” 马斯克都曾一度扛不住压力,向外媒倾诉自己在汽车工厂打地铺亲自监督生产,长时间高压工作靠安眠药入睡,甚至在推特上发出要把特斯拉 “私有化” 的争议性事件,以及在直播节目中公开抽大麻来缓解精神压力。   质的转变发生在 2019 年,特斯拉超级工厂落户上海,随后的公司经营状态出现较大的转机。在上海市政府的支持下,特斯拉超级工厂以前所未有的速度拔地而起,2019 年

update Rally TestSet with Test Results

孤人 提交于 2020-06-17 15:50:45
问题 I have created Rally utility that download userstory, create testcase, testplan, update test result. I got an enhancement request to create testset and update the test result to it. I am able to create testset and group test case into it but I am not able to update the test set with the test result. I am using below code to update test result for test set but getting error. Please help where I am wrong with the code. Note: When I remove the line newTestCaseResult.addProperty("TestSet",

Extending UserStory model with a custom field fails with “compile function not found”

不想你离开。 提交于 2020-01-25 20:23:09
问题 Following the discussion in Fetch a specific tag from Rally in order to compute a value in another field I have started rewriting a custom app to extend the Rally's UserStory model to add custom fields to it for easier display and user input. In the success function of the model factory, I use an extend of the model to add my field, but that alone makes the SDK fail with the following error: Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'compile' of undefined In fact it's not able to instantiate

Not able to update parent for all PortfolioItem/Feature which I copied for particular PortfolioItem/MMF

六月ゝ 毕业季﹏ 提交于 2020-01-25 11:05:10
问题 I am trying to set parent for features which I copied for particular MMF, but parent is getting set for only last feature. Below line of code to set the parent Record is new feature object _newParent is the MMF object, where I am doing wrong record.set("Parent", _newParent.get("_ref")), Need help please.Any suggestions? Whole is method is this _genericInnerCopy: function(_childObj) { that = this; model = that.model; var record = Ext.create(model, { Name: _childObj.get('Name'), //Parent:

Find out plan estimate of user stories moved to next iteration in rally

*爱你&永不变心* 提交于 2020-01-17 03:43:05
问题 Does anyone know how to use Rally Web service APIs to calculate the total amount of accepted work delivered by the last day of the iteration and the total amount of accepted work delivered since the last day of the iteration. Thanks 回答1: You can find that information using the Lookback API. Every time an artifact changes in Rally it takes a snapshot of that data. If you query that API for artifacts that have had their Schedule state changed during those time periods you will be able to gather

Rally percent done by story count and plan estimate color coding algorithm

若如初见. 提交于 2020-01-16 18:37:50
问题 Related to Progress Bars for Portfolio Items, but now we have the SDK 2.0 Is there a way to see the algorithm for displaying percent done by story count and percent done by story plan estimate? I have an attempt which is close, and works in most cases, but sometimes when I compare it to the actual information in rally, the colors differ. I would like this to be consistent for my app: if (recordData.PercentDoneByStoryPlanEstimate === 1) { //All work has been accepted return App.colorCodes.grey

Rally 2.0 JavaScript API - Creating HTML tables and setting values dynamically

馋奶兔 提交于 2020-01-15 15:32:26
问题 I'm using Custom HTML Rally Grid to develop a table that must return some statistics. My JavaScript is being called at the head of my HTML and i'm creating a table in the body tag. So, my JavaScript is setting values in the table using the fields ids. The problem is: the table is being loaded but when the Rally.launchApp method runs, the table disappears. Curiously, if i check the font-code, the table still there. <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <title>Grid With Freeform Data Example</title>

Rally 2.0 JavaScript API - Creating HTML tables and setting values dynamically

雨燕双飞 提交于 2020-01-15 15:29:43
问题 I'm using Custom HTML Rally Grid to develop a table that must return some statistics. My JavaScript is being called at the head of my HTML and i'm creating a table in the body tag. So, my JavaScript is setting values in the table using the fields ids. The problem is: the table is being loaded but when the Rally.launchApp method runs, the table disappears. Curiously, if i check the font-code, the table still there. <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <title>Grid With Freeform Data Example</title>