
RAD - JVM debug port is in use

江枫思渺然 提交于 2019-12-07 08:58:47
问题 I am using RAD 7.5.0 and the websphere server v6.1. When i start the server in debug mode, it displays a error message states that 'Starting WebSphere application server in localhost; has encountered a problem. JVM debug port #### is in use. What is the problem? How to resolve this? 回答1: It simply means that the debug port is currently in use. Do you have any other IBM products already running on that box? Does this happen when you start your server for the first time or for subsequent tries?

How can I branch “main” node of a UCM project?

对着背影说爱祢 提交于 2019-12-06 14:18:50
We're using RAD with ClearCase plugin as "ClearCase Explorer Perspective". I need to make a new main version of a java project. For that reason, I want to change main/0 version to ie. main/1. How can I forward version from top-level? I tried to make new project by using "Project Explorer" creating new stream. It required previous baselines. However, when I checkin from this new project stream, it branches from the given baseline version(say 1) like below. main | 0 | MyProj1_Integration | 0 | 1(BL)---MyProj2_Integration | | 2 0 | 1 I want it to be like: main 0 ------------------- 1 | | MyProj1

Ways to purge the workspace environment with RAD (based on Eclipse)

回眸只為那壹抹淺笑 提交于 2019-12-06 04:20:27
问题 I am getting a lot of errors when starting RAD7. The server doesn't respond to class changes. Sometimes the server won't start. Sometimes RAD will not acknowledge modules that I added to the server. It is kind of buggy. I know there is metadata in the workspace, are there safe ways to clean the metadata or RAD in general? Where RAD = Rational Application Developer 回答1: Another tip is to remove all projects in your Servers view in Eclipse, stop your server, start your server, open the admin

RAD - JVM debug port is in use

冷暖自知 提交于 2019-12-05 13:07:55
I am using RAD 7.5.0 and the websphere server v6.1. When i start the server in debug mode, it displays a error message states that 'Starting WebSphere application server in localhost; has encountered a problem. JVM debug port #### is in use. What is the problem? How to resolve this? It simply means that the debug port is currently in use. Do you have any other IBM products already running on that box? Does this happen when you start your server for the first time or for subsequent tries? One suggestion would be to hunt down rogue hanging Java processes and kill them (in case you don't need

Ways to purge the workspace environment with RAD (based on Eclipse)

南楼画角 提交于 2019-12-04 10:01:55
I am getting a lot of errors when starting RAD7. The server doesn't respond to class changes. Sometimes the server won't start. Sometimes RAD will not acknowledge modules that I added to the server. It is kind of buggy. I know there is metadata in the workspace, are there safe ways to clean the metadata or RAD in general? Where RAD = Rational Application Developer Another tip is to remove all projects in your Servers view in Eclipse, stop your server, start your server, open the admin console of your server and see that everything is gone in there as well. If you still see configured apps,

RAD (Rational Application Developer) — Clean vs. Publish vs Restart

此生再无相见时 提交于 2019-12-03 15:22:56
I am currently using the Spring 3.0 framework in a websphere 6.1 environment. The IDE I am using is RAD (Rational Application Developer) 7.5. I was working on a problem last night and I found that my code wasn't being 100% refreshed on the server after making a change in my workspace. My question is what is the difference from websphere's perspective between the following: Restarting the entire server with an EAR installed Cleaning an EAR within WebSphere Clicking on the project and selecting publish Do other Application Server / IDEs have the same type of syning issues when developing J2EE

Starting Websphere from Eclipse hangs when security is enabled

人走茶凉 提交于 2019-12-03 14:09:59
I have a Websphere Application Server, which was installed as part of RAD. I need to run the server from an Eclipse Java EE Kepler or Luna. There is no problem when administrative security is disabled. However, once security is enabled, the server either doesn't start completely, or Ecplise is unable to to detect it. The progress bar stops at 23%. The last message logged is "Server server1 open for e-business". The status however is still "starting". After a while I get an error complaining that the server didn't start within 300 seconds. It then tries to stop the server, and remains

What RAD tools are out there? [closed]

こ雲淡風輕ζ 提交于 2019-12-03 01:02:50
问题 As it currently stands, this question is not a good fit for our Q&A format. We expect answers to be supported by facts, references, or expertise, but this question will likely solicit debate, arguments, polling, or extended discussion. If you feel that this question can be improved and possibly reopened, visit the help center for guidance. Closed 7 years ago . We all know the drill: You have a (small) model, you need to persist it, you need a UI for it (web, desktop, mobile, some of the

What RAD tools are out there? [closed]

倖福魔咒の 提交于 2019-12-02 14:22:50
We all know the drill: You have a (small) model, you need to persist it, you need a UI for it (web, desktop, mobile, some of the former, all of them). This is such a repetitive process that I can't help but wonder why we are still stuck with POJOs, OR mappers, and coding UIs from hand (since most UI "designers" don't even know about inheritance and you need to build every OK/cancel dialog with more than one field from scratch). RAD tools/platforms promise to fix that but I haven't seen anything real, yet. The idea of this wiki is to collect all the tools which allow you to flesh out an idea in

Difference between Axis and Axis2 to develop Web Service

做~自己de王妃 提交于 2019-12-01 17:31:16
问题 In my project, I will have to develop a some data in/out interfaces based on Web Service technology. So until now I have studied about it. What I am curious about Web Service with Java is what library I can use or not. As I searched java library, I found that Axis2 and CXF are very common and famous java w/s library. The problem is I have to use RAD 7.0 which contains axis. It seems there are huge change between Axis and Axis2 and unfortunately I can't use Axis2. Now, my partner provides WSDL