
MSBuild does not work anymore with Tokyo

邮差的信 提交于 2019-12-12 17:04:56
问题 I have multiple project groups that I want to compile at batch. There are over 100 projects in there. In 2010 we had a "make" file like this: call "c:\Borland\RAD Studio\19.0\bin\rsvars.bat" "c:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\12.0\Bin\MSBuild.exe" /t:Clean,Build Group1.groupproj Under Tokyo it does not work anymore. I get: C:\Borland\RAD Studio\19.0\Bin\CodeGear.Cpp.Targets(3695,5): error : Error: Unable to open file 'L_ER_FD.RES' [P:\Ent\_common\er\prj\l_er_fd.cbproj] However, the project group

Loading OpenSSL dynamic libraries arm & x86 (FMX, C++)

时间秒杀一切 提交于 2019-12-08 09:10:21
问题 I am able to use OpenSSL static libraries (libcrypto.a and libssl.a) in my iOS app thanks to this help. Now i can also use OpenSSL dynamic libraries (libcrypto.so and libssl.so) in my Android app version thanks to this info. I downloaded the files for Android in the OpenSSL_1.0.2g_Android.zip file from here. I just guessed and used the ARM files (armeabi-v7a folder) instead of the Intel files (x86 folder) and it worked on my Android test phone. My question: How do I make an Android build that

Create a borderless form without losing Windows commands

帅比萌擦擦* 提交于 2019-12-06 03:32:24
问题 I've changed my form to a borderless form, I just changed the BorderStyle property to bsNone , but now my application loses the windows anchor and some commands like WIN + ↑ (Align the form Client) WIN + ↓ (Minimize the form) WIN + →(Align the form Right) WIN + ←(Align the form Left) I've tried to set BorderStyle: bsSizeable and use the below code inside of the FormCreate , but this does not worked: procedure TfrmBase.FormCreate(Sender: TObject); begin SetWindowLong(Handle ,GWL_STYLE

Create a borderless form without losing Windows commands

|▌冷眼眸甩不掉的悲伤 提交于 2019-12-04 08:52:07
I've changed my form to a borderless form, I just changed the BorderStyle property to bsNone , but now my application loses the windows anchor and some commands like WIN + ↑ (Align the form Client) WIN + ↓ (Minimize the form) WIN + →(Align the form Right) WIN + ←(Align the form Left) I've tried to set BorderStyle: bsSizeable and use the below code inside of the FormCreate , but this does not worked: procedure TfrmBase.FormCreate(Sender: TObject); begin SetWindowLong(Handle ,GWL_STYLE ,GetWindowLong(Handle, GWL_STYLE) AND (NOT WS_CAPTION) AND (NOT WS_THICKFRAME) ); Refresh; FormColor :=

Clear TEdit control rad studio delphi

烈酒焚心 提交于 2019-12-02 10:40:08
问题 When use TEdit control on the right side stay small icon 'x'. How after click on icon clear TEdit box. Tnx all! 回答1: Delphi provide TClearEditButton to clear the TEdit content. It can be added by right clicking and selecting AddItem - TClearEditButton from the popup menu. It also has a Click procedure overriden in FMX.Edit unit like: procedure TClearEditButton.Click; var EditTmp: TCustomEdit; begin inherited Click; EditTmp := GetEdit; if EditTmp <> nil then begin if EditTmp.Observers

Clear TEdit control rad studio delphi

柔情痞子 提交于 2019-12-02 06:18:10
When use TEdit control on the right side stay small icon 'x'. How after click on icon clear TEdit box. Tnx all! Sami Delphi provide TClearEditButton to clear the TEdit content. It can be added by right clicking and selecting AddItem - TClearEditButton from the popup menu. It also has a Click procedure overriden in FMX.Edit unit like: procedure TClearEditButton.Click; var EditTmp: TCustomEdit; begin inherited Click; EditTmp := GetEdit; if EditTmp <> nil then begin if EditTmp.Observers.IsObserving(TObserverMapping.EditLinkID) then if not TLinkObservers.EditLinkEdit(EditTmp.Observers) then Exit;

Firemonkey & Android 64-bit requirement

家住魔仙堡 提交于 2019-12-01 21:36:57
问题 Starting August 1, 2019: All new apps and app updates that include native code are required to provide 64-bit versions in addition to 32-bit versions when publishing to Google Play. How in a Firemonkey application, can I set app to meet 64-bit requirements? I'm using Embarcadero RAD Studio 10.3. 回答1: It's impossible to compile a 64bit Android app with RAD Studio 10.3. Android 64bit support is only coming in RAD Studio 10.3.3 as can be seen from the latest August 2019 Roadmap. So you'll need