
OpenCV in Qpython

痞子三分冷 提交于 2021-01-01 07:28:26
问题 I'm developing a project (in Python) that does video processing using OpenCV. Now I'm planning to implement that in my android phone. I read that Qpython supports python on android. So is there any way to import third party libs like OpenCV in Qpython. Thanks in advance. 回答1: You can install opencv from qpython libraries(install from QPypi). QPython --> Libraries --> QPypi --> opencv-qpython --> install Use it as import cv 回答2: In Qpython3 there is a pip program (not sure if on qpython too)

qpython not able to download requests module

若如初见. 提交于 2020-07-05 12:21:12
问题 I am using qpython for programming python on android.In my script I am importing requests module and so I have tp install requests module from pip.When I run pip install requests command I get the following error: error build/lib.linux-armv71-2.7/requests/auth.py:operation not permitted qpython I get this error twice while installing requests and so I am not being able to run my script. 回答1: You might need to manually download requests, extract and move it to your Lib/site-packages/Requests/

qpython not able to download requests module

◇◆丶佛笑我妖孽 提交于 2020-07-05 12:19:15
问题 I am using qpython for programming python on android.In my script I am importing requests module and so I have tp install requests module from pip.When I run pip install requests command I get the following error: error build/lib.linux-armv71-2.7/requests/auth.py:operation not permitted qpython I get this error twice while installing requests and so I am not being able to run my script. 回答1: You might need to manually download requests, extract and move it to your Lib/site-packages/Requests/

qpython not able to download requests module

久未见 提交于 2020-07-05 12:18:48
问题 I am using qpython for programming python on android.In my script I am importing requests module and so I have tp install requests module from pip.When I run pip install requests command I get the following error: error build/lib.linux-armv71-2.7/requests/auth.py:operation not permitted qpython I get this error twice while installing requests and so I am not being able to run my script. 回答1: You might need to manually download requests, extract and move it to your Lib/site-packages/Requests/

qpython not able to download requests module

时光怂恿深爱的人放手 提交于 2020-07-05 12:18:32
问题 I am using qpython for programming python on android.In my script I am importing requests module and so I have tp install requests module from pip.When I run pip install requests command I get the following error: error build/lib.linux-armv71-2.7/requests/auth.py:operation not permitted qpython I get this error twice while installing requests and so I am not being able to run my script. 回答1: You might need to manually download requests, extract and move it to your Lib/site-packages/Requests/

qpython3 读取安卓lastpass Cookies

邮差的信 提交于 2020-02-29 06:42:26
之前我的博客写了python读取windows chrome Cookies,沿着同样的思路,这次本来想尝试读取安卓chrome Cookies, 但是可能是chrome的sqlite3版本比较高失败了,so改成读取lastpass 的Cookies。 背景介绍: qpython3 是一个基于sl4a实现的能让python3跑在安卓手机上集成环境。 lastpass 是一个密码管理器,安卓版lastpass 内置了一个web浏览器。经分析lastpass的Cookies的表名,字段名与chrome一样,且value明文存储不加密。 requests 是一个python 第三方http库,qpython3中集成了。 sqlite3 是一个嵌入式数据库,很多软件和APP用到了sqlite。比如chrome lastpass浏览器用来存储cookies和访问记录之类的信息。 由于找不到好的方法让python代码以root权限读取其它APP数据的方法, 于是采用调用命令su -c cp 的方法直接把文件拷贝到SD卡再读取。 以下代码是qpython3下读出lastpass cookies并成功用于发送博客园闪存的例子: 运行环境 qpython3 安卓4.4 必须root 手机索尼L39H 安卓版lastpass,运行前需要在lastpass中登录一次博客园。 #-*-coding

qpython android IOError: [Erno 2] No such file or directory

守給你的承諾、 提交于 2020-01-24 15:37:49
问题 I am trying to call an image from a simple python script in qpython but get the error message: qpython android IOError: [Erno 2] No such file or directory I am wondering if I am using the correct directory convention? here is the code: import numpy as np from PIL import Image spinner = { 1: Image.open('storage/emulated/0/qpython/scripts/shapes/norm.jpg','r'), 2: Image.open('storage/emulated/0/qpython/scripts/shapes/square.jpg','r'), 3: Image.open('storage/emulated/0/qpython/scripts/shapes/fly

Qpython unicode strings

房东的猫 提交于 2020-01-24 12:18:11
问题 I'm trying to port a Python 3.5 project from PC to Android QPython3 but for the line:- if ch = in u'\x00\xe0': ch = getwch() I'm getting this when I run it:- if ch = in u'\x00\xe0': ^ SyntaxError: invalid syntax I thought QPython3 was supposed to run all 3.x scripts and the Unicode 'u' prefix isn't a new addition so what can the problem be? Are hex numbers in strings treated differently? 回答1: To answer my own question, after much fiddling about I got it to work using:- if ch in bytes([0x00,

Can you update QPython3 version of Python3?

百般思念 提交于 2020-01-01 10:03:48
问题 I want to install biopython on Qpython3 but it says that I have python 3.2 and need version 3.3 or greater. Is there no version of QPython3 available with a higher version? Can I update it somehow? -Thanks 回答1: There's something in the wiki about changing the core http://wiki.qpython.org/zh/diveinto/#how-to-replace-the-python-core but it is rather short and cryptic, ending with More detail coming soon ... 回答2: Now, you can install qpy36 (http://qpy36.qpython.org/) to update QPython3's core.

Can you update QPython3 version of Python3?

谁说我不能喝 提交于 2020-01-01 10:02:14
问题 I want to install biopython on Qpython3 but it says that I have python 3.2 and need version 3.3 or greater. Is there no version of QPython3 available with a higher version? Can I update it somehow? -Thanks 回答1: There's something in the wiki about changing the core http://wiki.qpython.org/zh/diveinto/#how-to-replace-the-python-core but it is rather short and cryptic, ending with More detail coming soon ... 回答2: Now, you can install qpy36 (http://qpy36.qpython.org/) to update QPython3's core.