Using pytables, which is more efficient: scipy.sparse or numpy dense matrix?
When using pytables , there's no support (as far as I can tell) for the scipy.sparse matrix formats, so to store a matrix I have to do some conversion, e.g. def store_sparse_matrix(self): grp1 = self.getFileHandle().createGroup(self.getGroup(), 'M') self.getFileHandle().createArray(grp1, 'data', M.tocsr().data) self.getFileHandle().createArray(grp1, 'indptr', M.tocsr().indptr) self.getFileHandle().createArray(grp1, 'indices', M.tocsr().indices) def get_sparse_matrix(self): return sparse.csr_matrix((self.getGroup(), self.getGroup().M.indices, self.getGroup().M.indptr)) The trouble is