
ServerSelectionTimeoutError Pymongo

夙愿已清 提交于 2020-03-26 04:19:22
问题 I'm trying out pymongo for the first time and I keep getting a ServerSelectionTimeoutError. When using mongo commandline to login I run a command as follows $ mongo-3.0 --ssl --sslAllowInvalidCertificates -u content -p MongoDB shell version: 3.0.12 Enter password: and I'm able to connect fine but with pymongo I get the error pymongo.errors.ServerSelectionTimeoutError: [Errno 60] Operation timed out My code is as follows from pymongo import MongoClient

Match multiple conditions in an aggregate under expressions

梦想与她 提交于 2020-03-22 12:56:31
问题 sample format of document: { "_id": { "$oid": "5e158e2de6facf7181cc368f" }, "word": "as luck would have it", } I am trying to match multiple conditions in an expression as: query = { "$match": { "$expr": {"$eq": [{"$strLenCP": "$word"}, 6], '$lt': [ { '$size': { '$split': [ "$word", " " ] } }, 2 ] } } } And pipe line as follows: pipeline = [query] cursor_objects = db['test'].aggregate(pipeline) In the above query I am trying to achieve word length must be 6 and it doesn't contain any spaces

How to get the length of a cursor from mongodb using python?

岁酱吖の 提交于 2020-03-21 11:15:20
问题 I'm looking for a feasible way to get the length of cursor got from MongoDB. 回答1: The cursor.count method is deprecated since pymongo 3.7. The recommended method is to use the count_documents method of the collection. 回答2: cursor.count() Counts the number of documents referenced by a cursor. Append the count() method to a find() query to return the number of matching documents. The operation does not perform the query but instead counts the results that would be returned by the query. db


元气小坏坏 提交于 2020-02-28 01:06:16
我想执行以下查询: db.mycollection.find(HAS IMAGE URL) 正确的语法应该是什么? #1楼 在pymongo中,您可以使用: db.mycollection.find({"IMAGE URL":{"$ne":None}}); 因为pymongo将mongo“ null”表示为python“ None”。 #2楼 尚未提及的替代方法,但是对于某些方法(不适用于NULL条目)可能是更有效的选择,即使用 稀疏索引 (仅当字段中存在某些内容时才存在 索引中的 条目)。 这是一个示例数据集: { "_id" : ObjectId("544540b31b5cf91c4893eb94"), "imageUrl" : "" } { "_id" : ObjectId("544540ba1b5cf91c4893eb95"), "imageUrl" : "" } { "_id" : ObjectId("544540c51b5cf91c4893eb96"), "imageUrl" : "" } { "_id" : ObjectId("544540c91b5cf91c4893eb97"),


风流意气都作罢 提交于 2020-02-27 12:16:28
  1、启动mongodb mongod 启动 查找db目录,默认是在 C:/data/db 更换目录启动:mongod --dbpath=D:\mongodb\data\db [thread1] waiting for connections on port 27017 看到这句话,说明启动成功 默认端口:27017   2、mongodb的指令 show databases 查询当前服务器磁盘中的数据库 use dbname 切换或者在内存中创建数据库 当dbname 存在时切换 当dbname不存在时,在内存中创建数据库 show tables 查询当前数据库磁盘中的数据表(Collection) db 代表当前使用的数据库 查询当前使用的数据库名 db.tablename 查看或者创建当前数据库下的数据表(内存中) MongoDB 使用了不存在的对象即创建该对象   3、数据类型    Object ID :Documents 自生成的 _id #不能被json String: 字符串,必须是utf-8 Boolean:布尔值,true 或者false (这里有坑哦~在我们大Python中 True False 首字母大写) Integer:整数 (Int32 Int64 你们就知道有个Int就行了,一般我们用Int32) Double:浮点数 (没有float类型


三世轮回 提交于 2020-02-27 12:04:14
#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding:utf-8 -*- """ MongoDB存储 在这里我们来看一下Python3下MongoDB的存储操作,在本节开始之前请确保你已经安装好了MongoDB并启动了其服务,另外安装好了Python 的PyMongo库。 连接MongoDB 连接MongoDB我们需要使用PyMongo库里面的MongoClient,一般来说传入MongoDB的IP及端口即可,第一个参数为地址host, 第二个参数为端口port,端口如果不传默认是27017。 """ import pymongo client = pymongo.MongoClient(host = 'localhost' , port = 27017 ) """ 这样我们就可以创建一个MongoDB的连接对象了。另外MongoClient的第一个参数host还可以直接传MongoDB的连接字符串,以mongodb开头, 例如:client = MongoClient('mongodb://localhost:27017/')可以达到同样的连接效果。 """ # 指定数据库 # MongoDB中还分为一个个数据库,我们接下来的一步就是指定要操作哪个数据库,在这里我以test数据库为例进行说明,所以下一步我们 # 需要在程序中指定要使用的数据库。 db =

Using a fake mongoDB for pytest testing

不羁岁月 提交于 2020-02-21 12:53:10
问题 I have code that connects to a MongoDB Client and I'm trying to test it. For testing, I don't want to connect to the actual client, so I'm trying to figure out make a fake one for testing purposes. The basic flow of the code is I have a function somewhere the creates a pymongo client, then queries that and makes a dict that is used elsewhere. I want to write some tests using pytest that will test different functions and classes that will call get_stuff . My problem is that get_stuff calls

Using a fake mongoDB for pytest testing

孤人 提交于 2020-02-21 12:51:49
问题 I have code that connects to a MongoDB Client and I'm trying to test it. For testing, I don't want to connect to the actual client, so I'm trying to figure out make a fake one for testing purposes. The basic flow of the code is I have a function somewhere the creates a pymongo client, then queries that and makes a dict that is used elsewhere. I want to write some tests using pytest that will test different functions and classes that will call get_stuff . My problem is that get_stuff calls

Using a fake mongoDB for pytest testing

非 Y 不嫁゛ 提交于 2020-02-21 12:51:33
问题 I have code that connects to a MongoDB Client and I'm trying to test it. For testing, I don't want to connect to the actual client, so I'm trying to figure out make a fake one for testing purposes. The basic flow of the code is I have a function somewhere the creates a pymongo client, then queries that and makes a dict that is used elsewhere. I want to write some tests using pytest that will test different functions and classes that will call get_stuff . My problem is that get_stuff calls


岁酱吖の 提交于 2020-02-08 00:16:26
在之前因为把user文件夹里的中文名修改了,同时记得也要把电脑的环境变量修改过来,这个是前提! 然而,环境变量修改也无法使用pip安装python第三方模块,我在这里提供两种实用方法! 下面以安装关于MongoDB数据库pymongo模块为例。 第一种 在使用第一种方法之前,请检查电脑的pip是否更新了。 如果更新了还是不行,请尝试以下这条命令: python -m pip install pymongo 进入python环境进行检验并打印pymongo模块的版本。 第二种 支持从根本上解决问题,那么根本问题是什么呢? 是因为它在安装的时候就已经把安装时的路径写入了底层源码,我们修改环境变量后也只是根据当前电脑的文件目录查找出的路径与底层的并不匹配而引发异常。 所以,我们修改pip.exe源码里的路径,简单而带点粗暴! 以下利用HEdit(十六进制修改工具)打开pip.exe并进行修改(毕竟时底层代码,切记谨慎操作): 如果你的电脑并没有HEdit工具,关注微信公众号”盲点“回复:HEdit 即可获取。 接着进行检验并安装pymongo模块: 到这,两种方法介绍完成! 一个关于程序员杂谈的公众号,欢迎关注! 有不足之处望留言指正 ——————END—————— Programmer:柘月十七 来源: CSDN 作者: 柘月十七 链接: