AES_128_CTR encryption by openssl and PyCrypto
Wondering the right way to convert a AES_128_CTR encryption by openssl to PyCrypto. First, I did an encryption by openssl as following: openssl enc -aes-128-ctr -in input.mp4 -out output.openssl.mp4 -K 7842f0a1ebc38f44e3e0c81943f68582 -iv d01f40dfc8ec8cd9 And then, I tried to do the same thing through PyCrypto: from Crypto.Cipher import AES from Crypto.Util import Counter key = '7842f0a1ebc38f44e3e0c81943f68582' iv = 'd01f40dfc8ec8cd9' ctr_e =, initial_value=int(iv, 16)) encryptor ='hex'), AES.MODE_CTR, counter=ctr_e) with open('output.pycrypto.mp4', 'wb')