

白昼怎懂夜的黑 提交于 2020-10-02 22:26:22
本Blog来源于实际项目,所采用框架组合中,OpenCV实现算法主体、 pybind11完成OpenCV的Python封装、 django提供 Web应用服务,三者协同配合,共同实现 “ 网络后端调用OpenCV算法,解决特定问题”的目标。 由于pybind11在windows和在linux下的部署安装,都已经分别专门撰文,本文以django的配置和整体集成为重心。最终调用的 OpenCV算法,也以GOWarper来表示。 一、Django的下载和测试 1、在管理员权限下,直接可以使用pip进行安装。      pip3 install django 如果网络正常,那么可以通过      pip3 show django 查看django版本和django安装路径:    2、创建一个django project 在空文件夹下,使用以下命令创建django project startproject mysites 我们可以使用vscode来查看,其中较为关键的几项: ----- Django项目里面的工具,通过它可以调用django shell和数据库等。 ---- 包含了项目的默认设置,包括数据库信息,调试标志以及其他一些工作的变量。 ----- 负责把URL模式映射到应用程序。

What are the next step after compiling PYBIND11_MODULE in C++ file

亡梦爱人 提交于 2020-08-10 19:02:58
问题 I was trying to use PYbind 11 to wrap the following small C++ test programme into a Python module, so I can call the test C++ function from python files. My problem is : while the C++ file compiled successfully, I have no clue as to what steps to take next to import the newly created module file in python. I tried to run "from example import add" in a test Python file in Spyder but received error message saying there is no module named example. I'm using Windows10 (x64bit), Python3.7 and

What are the next step after compiling PYBIND11_MODULE in C++ file

只谈情不闲聊 提交于 2020-08-10 19:02:18
问题 I was trying to use PYbind 11 to wrap the following small C++ test programme into a Python module, so I can call the test C++ function from python files. My problem is : while the C++ file compiled successfully, I have no clue as to what steps to take next to import the newly created module file in python. I tried to run "from example import add" in a test Python file in Spyder but received error message saying there is no module named example. I'm using Windows10 (x64bit), Python3.7 and

Pybind11: Why doesnt asyn call from python execute the callbacks properly in C++?

人盡茶涼 提交于 2020-05-17 06:12:25
问题 I have a python method which is implemented like this: def start(self): try: self.is_running = True self._main_loop() except Exception as ex: path='exceptions-servicecore.log' track = traceback.format_exc() exception_time ="%d/%m/%Y %H:%M:%S") with open(path, 'a') as f: f.writelines(f'\n{exception_time} : exception occured {ex.args} \n{track}') def start_async(self): st = threading.Thread(target=self.start) st.start() The _main_loop() here then runs bunch of commands