
PSCP file from Windows to Linux using private/public keys

 ̄綄美尐妖づ 提交于 2019-12-30 11:03:42
问题 I can transfer file using PSCP: C:\>pscp -pw <password> -r -p <path of the file> user@Server:<path file to stored> But not using the public/private key. Steps followed: Generate public and private keys using PuTTYgen. Copy the public key to authorized_keys of Remote Server Save the private key to key.ppk in Windows server Then C:\>pscp -i privatekey pathofthefile user@server:pathfiletostored It gives "Fatal: Network error: Connection refused" Can someone please help? 回答1: Use the following

How can I get SCP and ftp (from command line, not plugin) working within hudson

假如想象 提交于 2019-12-23 07:04:08
问题 I am running hudson CI server on a win32 machine. After the build succeeds I want the exe created to be put on a public website. The hudon plugins for SCP and ftp were not working the way I wanted (mostly because it chooses some odd directories for where to place them) so I made my own script for a command line scp that hudson calls. For some reason though when run under the hudson environment the scp bat file hangs. It works fine when I call it from a command line though on the same machine.

Using echo y as an automated response to a pcp hostkey prompt

本小妞迷上赌 提交于 2019-12-17 20:32:55
问题 I am building a batch file so that I can push firmware to 600 plus devices. If I am at a command prompt I can run the following command on a single line that will push the firmware and answer yes to the SSH key prompt. echo y | pscp -v -scp -pw password C:\CNA1000\Firmware\CNA1504v1.1.7\ root@ The echo y | answers yes to the SSH keys prompt. However when I try to add it to a batch file I get an error in the command prompt that it did not like the password.

PuTTY PSCP error “Local to local copy not supported” when username contains a slash

寵の児 提交于 2019-12-09 16:41:09
问题 I am trying to move a file from my local Windows machine to a remote Linux server using PSCP. I am connected to the VPN so that I can access my remote Linux machine with my username and password. My PSCP command for transfer is: pscp C:\Users\username\Desktop\list.txt PEM\username@ This result in the error Local to local copy not supported I have tried this command just for a trial pscp C:\Users\username\Desktop\list.txt username@

Cannot compile PuTTY, Plink or Pscp on Windows due to missing Windows/MSVC subdirectory

倾然丶 夕夏残阳落幕 提交于 2019-12-08 15:18:31
I need to download and compile plink/pscp on my Windows. Since I need specific version (0.69), I searched for the tag, and checked out to that commit. In putty readme, they write that if I want to compile on windows, there is Visual studio solution: Inside the windows/MSVC subdirectory are MS Visual Studio project files for doing GUI-based builds of the various PuTTY utilities. These have been tested on Visual Studio 7 and 10. You should be able to build each PuTTY utility by loading the corresponding .dsp file in Visual Studio. For example, MSVC/putty/putty.dsp builds PuTTY itself, MSVC/plink

Cannot compile PuTTY, Plink or Pscp on Windows due to missing Windows/MSVC subdirectory

安稳与你 提交于 2019-12-08 03:49:36
问题 I need to download and compile plink/pscp on my Windows. Since I need specific version (0.69), I searched for the tag, and checked out to that commit. In putty readme, they write that if I want to compile on windows, there is Visual studio solution: Inside the windows/MSVC subdirectory are MS Visual Studio project files for doing GUI-based builds of the various PuTTY utilities. These have been tested on Visual Studio 7 and 10. You should be able to build each PuTTY utility by loading the

PuTTY PSCP error “Local to local copy not supported” when username contains a slash

拥有回忆 提交于 2019-12-04 04:38:11
I am trying to move a file from my local Windows machine to a remote Linux server using PSCP. I am connected to the VPN so that I can access my remote Linux machine with my username and password. My PSCP command for transfer is: pscp C:\Users\username\Desktop\list.txt PEM\username@ This result in the error Local to local copy not supported I have tried this command just for a trial pscp C:\Users\username\Desktop\list.txt username@ The above command resulted in asking me the password. However, when I type in the password,

PSCP copy files from godaddy to my windows machine

一世执手 提交于 2019-12-03 16:19:16
问题 I want to take backup of my website which is hosted on godaddy. I used pscp command from my windows dos and try to download whole public_html folder. my command is : pscp -r user@host:public_html/ d:\sites\; Files are downloading properly and folders also. But the issue is public_html and other subfolders has two folder like "./" and "../". Due to these two folders my copy is getting failed and I am getting "security violation: remote host attempted to write to " a '.' or '..' path!"error.

putty from a batch file and a script?

泄露秘密 提交于 2019-12-02 05:49:01
问题 I have a batch file that opens putty just fine. c:\putty.exe root@ -pw boyhowdy. But to make this work for me I need to understand how to include a script of a command so it will run under the putty tool. Like mount –o remount,rw / . Or is this something I can do with a tool called pscp. I am a nube to these tools and really could use some guideance. I have a bunck of these scripts and would really like to automate them. Thankyou 回答1: If your goal is to execute shell commands