
Mirror (flip) a View / ProgressBar

邮差的信 提交于 2021-02-08 13:16:19
问题 I have a custom built circular progress bar used for a seconds counter on a clock, which I'd like to flip, so that the clock is counting counter-clockwise. Searching here for a solution, I found this: Right to Left ProgressBar? Which obviously works for a horizontal progress bar, but I can't simply rotate it 180 degrees, since that will just move the clock 180 degrees and it will still be ticking clockwise. Is there any other way to mirror a ProgressBar, or any View? Edit: Just found "android

Android custom circular ProgressBar direction

青春壹個敷衍的年華 提交于 2021-01-27 04:01:52
问题 I have a custom Circular Progressbar. This is the drawable I have for it to be determinate: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <layer-list xmlns:android=""> <item android:id="@android:id/secondaryProgress"> <shape android:innerRadiusRatio="6" android:shape="ring" android:thicknessRatio="20.0" android:useLevel="true"> <gradient android:centerColor="#999999" android:endColor="#999999" android:startColor="#999999" android:type="sweep" /> </shape> <

Display progress during matrix loop?

耗尽温柔 提交于 2019-12-25 09:48:02
问题 I'm making a chessboard , I want to see progress while it's done. Chessboard is not classical, it contains millions of fields, the process of creation itself takes time. Sometimes the creation process takes up to 2 minutes. I want to visually see when the process itself will be over. It does not have to be a progress bar, it can be any control that will not slow down the process itself. When I use Progress.Dispatcher.Invoke (() ... I actually slow down the creation process and it takes 5

Display progress during matrix loop?

China☆狼群 提交于 2019-12-25 09:47:33
问题 I'm making a chessboard , I want to see progress while it's done. Chessboard is not classical, it contains millions of fields, the process of creation itself takes time. Sometimes the creation process takes up to 2 minutes. I want to visually see when the process itself will be over. It does not have to be a progress bar, it can be any control that will not slow down the process itself. When I use Progress.Dispatcher.Invoke (() ... I actually slow down the creation process and it takes 5

Need a progress indicator for a Perl system() command using T:R:G mod

大城市里の小女人 提交于 2019-12-21 20:00:51
问题 I want a progress indicator that takes the output of a Perl system('make') and for each line output to STDOUT from the make command, I want to output a dot as a progress indicator. Unfortunately, I'm using the Term::ReadLine::Gnu Perl mod. How do I redirect STDOUT to capture and count the lines as the make command is running? 回答1: #!/usr/bin/perl my $command = "make"; open (my $cmd, "$command |"); while(<$cmd>){ print "."; } print "\n"; 回答2: make >& >(while read f; do echo -n .; done; echo)

Is it better to show ProgressBar UserForms in VBA as modal or modeless?

空扰寡人 提交于 2019-12-18 05:54:35
问题 Is it better to show ProgressBar UserForms in VBA as modal or modeless? What are the best practices for developing progress indicators in VBA? Modeless UserForms require the use of Application.Interactive = False , whereas Modal UserForms by their very nature block any interaction with the application until the core procedure has finished, or is cancelled. If Application.Interactive = False is used, however, the Esc key interrupts code execution, so the use of Application.EnableCancelKey =

How to display indeterminate NSProgressIndicator in the NSOutlineView?

南笙酒味 提交于 2019-12-18 05:06:26
问题 I need to display a progress of loading of item's children. Please advise how to implement a progress indicator like it's done in Mail application: Progress Indicator in Outline View P. S. Here a source code of using indicator sub-views: 回答1: This is harder than it should be, because Apple does not provide an NSProgressIndicatorCell. While table and outline views support the idea of

How to display indeterminate NSProgressIndicator in the NSOutlineView?

故事扮演 提交于 2019-12-18 05:06:16
问题 I need to display a progress of loading of item's children. Please advise how to implement a progress indicator like it's done in Mail application: Progress Indicator in Outline View P. S. Here a source code of using indicator sub-views: 回答1: This is harder than it should be, because Apple does not provide an NSProgressIndicatorCell. While table and outline views support the idea of

Change mouse cursor to busy mode when PrimeFaces ajax request is in progress

a 夏天 提交于 2019-12-06 22:41:46
问题 it is possible to change the mouse cursor's form into busy mode (for example: hourglass) when processing ajax button in JSF (specifically primefaces)? I want to change my cursor's form while my p:dataTable is loading data when i navigate it to the next page. Thanks. 回答1: You can achieve this with a little help of CSS and jQuery. With CSS, you can create a class which changes the cursor on the entire document. With jQuery, you can add/remove that CSS class. Under the covers, PrimeFaces uses

Change mouse cursor to busy mode when PrimeFaces ajax request is in progress

ぐ巨炮叔叔 提交于 2019-12-05 02:38:53
it is possible to change the mouse cursor's form into busy mode (for example: hourglass) when processing ajax button in JSF (specifically primefaces)? I want to change my cursor's form while my p:dataTable is loading data when i navigate it to the next page. Thanks. You can achieve this with a little help of CSS and jQuery. With CSS, you can create a class which changes the cursor on the entire document. With jQuery, you can add/remove that CSS class. Under the covers, PrimeFaces uses jQuery for the ajax magic and you can for PrimeFaces <4 hook on standard jQuery ajaxStart and ajaxStop events