
Mac app store productbuild

ぐ巨炮叔叔 提交于 2019-12-19 02:08:36
问题 Apple's document on submitting an app to the Mac App store contains this example use of the command productbuild, from in /Developer/usr/bin/. productbuild \ --component build/Release/ /Applications \ --sign "3rd Party Mac Developer Installer: Name1 Name2" \ --product product_definition.plist Sample.pkg When I run this command on my Sample app, I get the error: productbuild: error: No product definition plist found at "product_definition.plist". What is this product_definition.plist

The pkg created using productbuild is not getting installed on Applications/

我怕爱的太早我们不能终老 提交于 2019-12-14 02:29:01
问题 In Mac OSX when I create a package using productbuild and it creates, as you can see below how it is used, the target is given /Applications . But it never installs at that location. I tried with other paths as well for no luck. _CreateInstaller: Creating installer package /usr/bin/productbuild --component /Users/anoopvaidya/Documents/Projects/DesktopClient/ /Applications /Users/anoopvaidya/Documents/Projects/DesktopClient/MyApp.pkg Done Building Project "/Users/anoopvaidya/Documents

How do I build an OS X installer package with a custom background with productbuild?

我的梦境 提交于 2019-12-06 00:54:19
问题 I've got a project that relies on the now deprecated PackageMaker tool to create an installer for OS X. I'm working on updating it to use pkgbuild and productbuild. I'm trying to add a custom background to the installer by passing the --resources flag to productbuild with the directory containing the background image. I don't get any errors from the productbuild command, but when I open the package in Pacifist, I don't see my resources included at all. I've tried referencing the background

Mac app store productbuild

北城余情 提交于 2019-11-30 19:38:46
Apple's document on submitting an app to the Mac App store contains this example use of the command productbuild, from in /Developer/usr/bin/. productbuild \ --component build/Release/ /Applications \ --sign "3rd Party Mac Developer Installer: Name1 Name2" \ --product product_definition.plist Sample.pkg When I run this command on my Sample app, I get the error: productbuild: error: No product definition plist found at "product_definition.plist". What is this product_definition.plist, where should it come from, what should be inside it, and what tool should be used to create this

OSX .pkg installer sometimes does not install .app file

梦想与她 提交于 2019-11-30 18:18:46
My Java application has a launcher which is a .app and a helper app which is bundled with it. I am trying to make .pkg installer with a background image using the following commands: pkgbuild --root "./Temp" --identifier "" --install-location "/Applications" --sign "signature" "temp.pkg" productbuild --package-path "temp.pkg" --distribution "./Distribution.xml" --package-path "./Temp" --resources "./Resources" --sign "installer signature" "$FINAL_PKG" When I look in the directory at ./Temp both of the .app folders are there and when I deconstruct the .pkg with: pkgutil --expand

OSX .pkg installer sometimes does not install .app file

有些话、适合烂在心里 提交于 2019-11-30 02:18:58
问题 My Java application has a launcher which is a .app and a helper app which is bundled with it. I am trying to make .pkg installer with a background image using the following commands: pkgbuild --root "./Temp" --identifier "" --install-location "/Applications" --sign "signature" "temp.pkg" productbuild --package-path "temp.pkg" --distribution "./Distribution.xml" --package-path "./Temp" --resources "./Resources" --sign "installer signature" "$FINAL_PKG" When I look in the

Making OS X Installer Packages like a Pro - Xcode Developer ID ready pkg

倾然丶 夕夏残阳落幕 提交于 2019-11-26 01:23:31
问题 Note: This is for OS X Installer packages only, packages for submission to the Mac App Store follow different rules. Because of Mountain Lion\'s Gatekeeper I finally had to take my PackageMaker build script behind the barn and shoot it. PackageMaker was already removed from Xcode and moved into \"Auxiliary Tools for Xcode\", so hopefully it will be soon forgotten. The question is how do I use pkgbuild , productbuild , and pkgutil to replace it? 回答1: Our example project has two build targets: