
Editable Datatable RowKey Null

旧时模样 提交于 2020-02-24 11:22:06
问题 I have an editable Primefaces Datatable configured to call an onCellEdit() method when a cell is edited. Everything works great except that CellEditEvent.rowKey is always null in spite of setting it explicitly to a valid value in the Datatable declaration with 'rowKey='. The Primefaces Datatable documentation leads me to believe that I need the rowKey to get the contents of the row containing the cell being edited. I need the entire row's contents so I can compare the displayed data with the

primefaces data exporter XLS exporting only headers not rows

五迷三道 提交于 2020-02-16 04:21:26
问题 My problems is that when I click in the button to export data table, It exports only columns headers, my excel file is generated with none rows. <h:form> <p:dataTable id="cteTable" var="cte" emptyMessage="Nenhum Registro Localizado" reflow="true" value="#{extratorBean.ctes}" paginatorTemplate="{CurrentPageReport} {FirstPageLink} {PreviousPageLink} {PageLinks} {NextPageLink} {LastPageLink} {Exporters}" style="margin-top: 10px" paginator="true" rows="100" scrollable="true" scrollWidth="1024px">

ajax is not updating a component situated in another <ui:define

混江龙づ霸主 提交于 2020-02-07 12:30:08
问题 Hi i have a command link so when click it i action="#{projectAdminisrationMB.showGroups(userObj)}" a fieldset will be rendred <p:fieldset legend="Manage User Groups" id="manageUserGroupsFS" rendered="#{projectAdminisrationMB.manageUserGroupsFSFlag}"> when the fieldset was in the same <ui:define name="body"> everything works but when i put it in a separated ui:define it will not be rendered. Here's the code : <ui:define name="body"> <h:form id="manageProjeUFform"> <div class="right"> <p:growl

p:growl does not show global faces message

让人想犯罪 __ 提交于 2020-02-07 07:45:08
问题 I've the below command button and growl component: <p:commandButton id="reservationAdd" actionListener=" {reservationBean.addReservation()}" value="Dodaj" oncomplete="PF('wdlgAddReservation').hide();" update=":frm" action="#{linkedTimelinesController.createTimeline()}"> <f:ajax execute="reservationAdd" onevent="click" listener="#{messageControler.eventAdded()}" render="dynamic"/> </p:commandButton> <p:growl id="msj" autoUpdate="true"/> I'm adding a faces message as below: @ManagedBean public

Force selection of highlighted p:autoComplete item when panel is hidden by clicking outside

只愿长相守 提交于 2020-02-04 00:42:13
问题 I have a problem (bug?) with my auto-complete. MyFaces 2.2.9 with PrimeFaces 5.1 This below is only an example to reproduce my error. I have a auto-complete - box in my modal dialog. Case 1 : I type something select "hello" from list in autocomplete and submit. Converter gets my person id and search the right person, all works fine. Case 2 (Error 1) : I type "h" and click in my modal area the h stays and list close. (When I submit my form h only disappears, no converter call) But I think h

Force selection of highlighted p:autoComplete item when panel is hidden by clicking outside

只愿长相守 提交于 2020-02-04 00:41:21
问题 I have a problem (bug?) with my auto-complete. MyFaces 2.2.9 with PrimeFaces 5.1 This below is only an example to reproduce my error. I have a auto-complete - box in my modal dialog. Case 1 : I type something select "hello" from list in autocomplete and submit. Converter gets my person id and search the right person, all works fine. Case 2 (Error 1) : I type "h" and click in my modal area the h stays and list close. (When I submit my form h only disappears, no converter call) But I think h

Why is my p:progressBar not displayed, only the number?

こ雲淡風輕ζ 提交于 2020-01-28 11:05:22
问题 I have following XHTML file with a progress bar: <!DOCTYPE html> <html xmlns="" xmlns:h="" xmlns:f="" xmlns:p="" xmlns:pm=""> <f:view renderKitId="PRIMEFACES_MOBILE"/> <h:head></h:head> <f:event listener="#{mainOp.init}" type="preRenderView" /> <h:body id="body"> <pm:page id="page"> <pm:header title="MyProduct"> </pm:header> <pm:content id="content"> <p

p:commandLink fails to open page in new window/tab

扶醉桌前 提交于 2020-01-28 06:21:28
问题 I'm trying to create a link to open a new page in a different window/tab and display some msg from backing bean but fail to do it, wonder know why? here is my xhtml file: <html:composition xmlns="" xmlns:f="" xmlns:h="" xmlns:p="" xmlns:c="" xmlns:ui=""> <h:body> <h:form id="form66"> <p:commandLink actionListener="#

How to group headers of PrimeFaces dataTable with dynamic columns

生来就可爱ヽ(ⅴ<●) 提交于 2020-01-25 11:00:08
问题 I am using slightly modified Dynamic Columns from PrimeFaces Showcase: Dynamic columns. Now my task is to add column header grouping as here PrimeFaces Showcase: Group. I am trying to start incrementaly, but even this small code doesn't work (no header are shown): <p:dataTable id="resultTable" var="result" value="#{myBean.searchResults}"> <p:columnGroup type="header"> <p:row> <ui:repeat value="#{myBean.columns}" var="column" > <p:column headerText="#{column.header}" /> </ui:repeat> </p:row> <

JQuery Primefaces remoteCommand parameter issue

萝らか妹 提交于 2020-01-25 07:23:28
问题 My goal was to call this page with a queryString parameter (http://localhost:8080/page.html?scrapeU ... :// and then try to pull the value from the requestparametermap off the facescontext but its null in my init method. My second option is to set an inputhidden in my jQuery(document).ready function but the below syntax doesn't work. Anyone know how to get this to work either way? Thanks for the help! <?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?> <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01/