

北慕城南 提交于 2021-02-17 02:41:45
1.启动流程一览,图片中不考虑ATF(arm trust firmware),加上ATF,则preloader和LK之间插上个ATF 2.启动流程分析 1 .上电后启动ROM中的代码 从reset vector开始启动 初始化stack空间 找到并初始化启动设备(sd/nand/emmc) 加载preloader到SRAM中,并跳转到preloader中执行代码 2 .preloader执行 创建c运行环境 必要的硬件初始化 加载ATF(安全相关) 加载并跳转到lk执行 3 .lk执行 获取preloader中传递的参数 使能mmu 初始化必要的硬件设备 设置启动模式 加载并跳转到kernel执行 4 .kernel执行 函数执行入口stext start kernel boot param kthread kernel_init init.rc   来源: oschina 链接:

mtk preloader

守給你的承諾、 提交于 2021-02-17 02:15:20
preloader按照mtk的说法是MTK in-house developed loader,也就说是mtk内部开发的一个loader,那么单独编译preloader也是可以的,使用命令./mk project_name n pl。 来源: oschina 链接:

Delay between Preloader and Stage shown

别等时光非礼了梦想. 提交于 2021-02-11 12:52:24
问题 I have a program that uses a simple preloader while the init() method creates the main gui. Everything works fine but after the init() method completes and the preloader disappears, there's a noticeable delay before the main stage shows up. I say noticeable because it can be as much as 7 seconds, enough for a user to get confused. I tried to put as little as possible in the start() method: public void start(Stage stage) { /*Scene*/ scene = new Scene(root, 1200, 700); stage.setScene(scene);

Atlas-SoC board preloader troubleshooting

扶醉桌前 提交于 2021-01-29 06:46:45
问题 I just bought a new Cyclone V board from Terasic ( Atlas-SoC ) and planned to build a bare metal application. At first, I used the GSRD provided by Terasic. The example project is from version 14.0 and my 17.1 Quartus asked me to launch an update to those 14.0 IP, but I saw that they already compile everything and I had a handoff file folder. All I needed to do was just make a preloader and uboot. Then I followed these steps (from rocketboard and many places else): Generate .rbf file. I made


风格不统一 提交于 2020-08-17 08:25:18
英雄介绍 崴博.派克诞生于遥远西方的勇士之地,拥有着高超的机械技艺,善于运用各种工具来实现一些看似不可能完成的事。游历王者大陆时机缘巧合遇到了年轻的墨子,与之成为好友。后协助大宗师墨子建造了大陆第一雄城,被后人称为上古文明终结后最伟大的奇迹——长安!长安以“方舟”为驱动核心中枢,配合层出不断的机关,守护着华丽的大明宫。派克为人低调,不喜出现在大众视野,他是需求人性启迪的理想主义者,信奉着唯有光荣进化才能实现人类的全部潜能。 姓名: 崴博.派克(webpack) 热度排名: T0 胜率: 98% 登场率: 80%(中大型项目90%) Ban率: 10% 操作难度: ★★★★★ 技能: 被动:(自成长型魔械技术) cd:0秒 派克开场就会携带者他的专属装备【loader】,能够提供给他属性,并且能在商店里升级为进阶物品【plugin】,从而增强他的技能。 虹吸能量(entry 入口) 派克指定初始装备开始进化的准备,期间享受韧性加成20%,升级后可指定多个装备进化。 (entry用于指定入口文件,可配置一个或多个。) 基础使用: module.exports = { entry: './path/to/my/entry/file.js' // 默认可配置一个路径字符串 }; 进阶使用: 字符串:默认普通路径字符串 ./src 。 1 const config = { 2 entry:


不问归期 提交于 2020-05-09 21:09:06
英雄介绍 崴博.派克诞生于遥远西方的勇士之地,拥有着高超的机械技艺,善于运用各种工具来实现一些看似不可能完成的事。游历王者大陆时机缘巧合遇到了年轻的墨子,与之成为好友。后协助大宗师墨子建造了大陆第一雄城,被后人称为上古文明终结后最伟大的奇迹——长安!长安以“方舟”为驱动核心中枢,配合层出不断的机关,守护着华丽的大明宫。派克为人低调,不喜出现在大众视野,他是需求人性启迪的理想主义者,信奉者唯有光荣进化才能实现人类的全部潜能。 姓名: 崴博.派克(webpack) 热度排名: T0 胜率: 98% 登场率: 80%(中大型项目90%) Ban率: 10% 操作难度: ★★★★★ 技能: 被动:(自成长型魔械技术) cd:0秒 派克开场就会携带者他的专属装备【loader】,能够提供给他属性,并且能在商店里升级为进阶物品【plugin】,从而增强他的技能。 虹吸能量(entry 入口) 派克指定初始装备开始进化的准备,期间享受韧性加成20%,升级后可指定多个装备进化。 (entry用于指定入口文件,可配置一个或多个。) 基础使用: module.exports = { entry: './path/to/my/entry/file.js' // 默认可配置一个路径字符串 }; 复制代码 进阶使用: 字符串:默认普通路径字符串 ./src 。 const config = { entry:

AS3 Preloader which loads itself, not an external swf

不想你离开。 提交于 2020-01-17 01:25:37
问题 How can I create a preloader which does this? I have seen many examples of code to load an external swf, but never something that loads itself. Thanks for the help, this is driving me crazy... 回答1: alternatively ... You can try FlashDevelop's Preloader template, makes it really easy 回答2: It's really simple. First you need to move everything except the preloader off the first frame. Everything else is basically the same as an external preloader - the only difference is that you're checking the

How do i play a song from library when the preloader is a “x”% of total loaded?

假装没事ソ 提交于 2020-01-16 18:59:12
问题 I am currently undertaking a final exam based on the presentation of an offline portfolio and I need to make a preloader, where when the process of loading is 25% of total bytes, to play a sound that is imported into the library. I've tried several ways and can’t do it. I'll leave you the code for my preloader. //(also this code is a mouse loader in text form) this.loaderInfo.addEventListener(ProgressEvent.PROGRESS,checkingProgress); function checkingProgress(event:ProgressEvent):void{ var

How to go about writing a Javascript pre-loader?

*爱你&永不变心* 提交于 2020-01-13 18:56:50
问题 I'm not talking about how to pre-load images using Javascript, I am thinking more along the lines of a Flash preloader which displays some sort of feedback while the SWF loads. The site in question has heavy Javascript usage and requires many large images at page load so I wish to hide the site behind a loading screen till the initial images are all loaded. 回答1: I wrote a jQuery plugin called waitForImages that lets you do this. The callbacks allow you to do whatever when each image has

prevent Adobe Edge preload.js file from loading jquery

ぐ巨炮叔叔 提交于 2020-01-11 10:00:11
问题 First I have to say that I am not a professional programmer but designer learning by doing. So I am afraid I need simple explanations if possible. I am using Edge animate as parts of a website with the help of a particular script (by Andrew Trice, see here: ). I also succeeded in storing only 1 Edge preload.js file in my libs folder. In it I introduced a variable at the end in order to be able to load Edge