Iterate a backed up ascii text file, find all instances of {LINE2 1-9999} replace with {LINE2 “line number the code is on”}. Overwrite. Faster?
This code works. I just want to see how much faster someone can make it work. Backup your Windows 10 batch file in case something goes wrong. Find all instances of string {LINE2 1-9999} and replace with {LINE2 "line number the code is on"}. Overwrite, encoding as ASCII. If _61.bat is: TITLE %TIME% NO "%zmyapps1%\*.*" ARCHIVE ATTRIBUTE LINE2 1243 TITLE %TIME% DOC/SET YQJ8 LINE2 1887 SET ztitle=%TIME%: WINFOLD LINE2 2557 TITLE %TIME% _*.* IN WINFOLD LINE2 2597 TITLE %TIME% %%ZDATE1%% YQJ25 LINE2 3672 TITLE %TIME% FINISHED. PRESS ANY KEY TO SHUTDOWN ... LINE2 4922 Results: TITLE %TIME% NO "