
Table relationship to ensure table filters with the date slicer when the dates in table overlap

僤鯓⒐⒋嵵緔 提交于 2020-04-30 11:07:31
问题 I have a table Staff Booking containing Start date and End Date for a job. I also have a calculated table filed with Date Range 2 = CALENDAR(MIN('Staff Booking'[Start Date]), MAX('Staff Booking'[End Date])) I want to eventually make a relationship between these two table such that: 1) When the date slicer range is defined, the jobs that overlap the slicer are filtered (using the start dat and end date columns) 2) And for the jobs that overlap, if the start date < min(slicer date) then start

Table relationship to ensure table filters with the date slicer when the dates in table overlap

99封情书 提交于 2020-04-30 11:07:25
问题 I have a table Staff Booking containing Start date and End Date for a job. I also have a calculated table filed with Date Range 2 = CALENDAR(MIN('Staff Booking'[Start Date]), MAX('Staff Booking'[End Date])) I want to eventually make a relationship between these two table such that: 1) When the date slicer range is defined, the jobs that overlap the slicer are filtered (using the start dat and end date columns) 2) And for the jobs that overlap, if the start date < min(slicer date) then start

DAX measure not working when RLS is turned on - Join paths are expected to form a tree

半世苍凉 提交于 2020-04-11 17:12:18
问题 In Power BI, I have the following error for a measure when RLS is turned on (this error does not show when RLS is off): Join paths are expected to form a tree but the table has two join paths These are the relevant relationships in the model: I have an inactive relationship. This inactive relationship is used in the measure with the problem. But as it is inactive, I would have thought it wouldnt be an issue?? The measure is: TTipsInvs = VAR SalesValue = CALCULATE ( SUM (

Power Bi DAX: Divide Value and set it for each week

天涯浪子 提交于 2020-03-25 13:42:35
问题 I have a target value of 20 for January but it is 20 for the month, i need to show this over each week. I have to divide the target by 4 if there are 4 weeks in a month and by 5 if there are 5 weeks in a month. It is as simple as that, i am using a line and clustered column chart to display my data, i need the target spread out into each week of the month. I also need another field to do this but im sure i can replicate your formula and make it applicable. I have added a WeeksinMonth column

Power Bi DAX: Setting a target per week

空扰寡人 提交于 2020-03-05 00:34:12
问题 I have encountered a problem with my data. I had some help with this morning but it would be best to make a new question. Here is the link to the previous question: Power Bi DAX: Divide Value and set it for each week I asked to get a weekly target from my monthly target, needed to divide my target by amount of weeks in a month, which we have figured out. Now my data is showing only for the first of every month because the column where I have put it only has the first of each month as the date

Power Bi DAX: Setting a target per week

最后都变了- 提交于 2020-03-05 00:33:25
问题 I have encountered a problem with my data. I had some help with this morning but it would be best to make a new question. Here is the link to the previous question: Power Bi DAX: Divide Value and set it for each week I asked to get a weekly target from my monthly target, needed to divide my target by amount of weeks in a month, which we have figured out. Now my data is showing only for the first of every month because the column where I have put it only has the first of each month as the date

How to refresh report that uses custom functions on Power BI Service using functions?

蹲街弑〆低调 提交于 2020-03-04 21:34:37
问题 Can some one please help me convert this code below in the form of functions so that the code is easy to re use instead of hardcoding the URL's to avoid the error for data source which comes in the current code ? This is with reference to a fix in page How to refresh report that uses custom functions on Power BI Service? page which when in tried works but has lot of repetitive code? BaseUrl = "https://jira.domain.com/rest/api/2/search?jql=project in ('ABC','DEF') AND issuetype = Bug AND

Power Bi DAX: Show data from 6 months past start date

强颜欢笑 提交于 2020-03-04 19:41:26
问题 i have been having trouble trying to figure out how to show my data past a date that is 6 months past the start date. I need to show the values that are after the 6 months past the start date. Each date is different for each person i have the formula as a calculated column for the 6 months: +6m = DATEADD('Employee List'[Emp. Dates].[Date], +6, MONTH) A measure will not work because i cannot apply it to my table as it comes up with an error. How do i get it to work? Should i scrap the +6m

Azure Analysis Services vs Direct Query

风流意气都作罢 提交于 2020-02-25 03:27:44
问题 I'm tring to assess the best approach, in terms of cost and performance, in accessing data and running queries on a dataset using Power BI with Azure Analysis Services or Power BI with Direct Query. I have trie to illustrate both approaches with the following diagram. From the diagram steps 4 and 5 describe accessing data in Azure Data Lake using Power BI with Direct Query. Wherease, steps 4 and 6 describes accessing data using Power BI with Azure Analysis Services. From my own research,

How to calculate daily percentage over month on month volume?

旧街凉风 提交于 2020-01-16 16:13:13
问题 I am trying to sum the volume based on month and year for certain records in the given data and then for the given month I am trying to calculate the daily percentage arrival in power bi for the record Person A,1/1/2018,Project,100,1 it should be 100/220 Below is the example data: Resource Name,Month,RecordType,Actual,Flag Person A,1/1/2018,Project,100,1 Person A,1/2/2018,Support,40,1 Person A,1/3/2018,Training,50,1 Person A,1/4/2018,Unavailable,30,1 Person A,2/1/2018,Project,80,1 Person A,2