
How to call Identity Server 4 with Postman for login

北城余情 提交于 2021-02-05 20:26:40
问题 I've a solution in Visual Studio 'TourManagement' which contains 2 projects of .Net core. One is IDP using Identity Server 4, second project is RESTful API of TourManagement secured by IDP project. My question is how can i call Identity Server 4 using Postman to get tokens and call TourManagement Bands API by passing these tokens in header return from identity server in postman? My code is below. Startup Class in IDP Project using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Builder; using Microsoft.AspNetCore

TypeError: Object of type ObjectId is not JSON serializable

北城余情 提交于 2021-02-05 12:17:23
问题 I have been developing a simple, here is the code: from flask import Flask, request, jsonify, make_response from pymongo import MongoClient from bson import ObjectId app = Flask(__name__) client = MongoClient("mongodb://") db = client.bizDB businesses = @app.route("/api/v1.0/businesses", methods=["GET"]) def show_all_businesses(): page_num, page_size = 1, 10 if request.args.get("pn"): page_num = int(request.args.get("pn")) if request.args.get("ps"): page_size =

平台项目~ 数据库平台建设-简介

此生再无相见时 提交于 2021-02-05 10:04:54
一 前沿简介 如何一步步构建自己的数据库平台 二 技术介绍 后端语言 python 后端框架 django-rest-framework 前端动态 vue+vuex+axios 前端ui element ui 前端ui框架 vue-admin 三 开发工具 我推荐pycharm 很经典的开发IDE工具,可以同时进行drf和vue框架开发 四 前后端分离框架 优点 现在流行的python框架都已经在遵循前后端分离策略,这样能更好的让前端研发帮你拓展功能 能降低学习成本,更好的分离业务逻辑 缺点 任何关于安全或者逻辑的判断可能都需要前后端都做,防止出现安全问题,我列了以下几点 1 认证登录 2 权限菜单 3 传递数据的有效值判定等 五 开发流程 1 后端python构建 api接口 2 采用postman测试api接口调用 3 前端vue构建 4 前后端进行数据交互 六 关键点注意 1 在开发一个功能模块前一定要设计完整的流程,比如数据库查询模块,考虑各种情况和限制,设计出完善的功能流程,在后期能避免开发的低效率问题 2 前后端数据交互制定一个标准的数据格式,通用在各个功能模块,形成统一的标准 3 项目前期以实现功能项目为主,不要怕代码繁琐重复,后期经验丰富了再来精简代码,封装模块组件 4 多多和研发人员和其他同行进行交流,参与平台测试.不断的改进功能设计,能帮你构建一个更加健壮的平台

message -“could not read a hi value - you need to populate the table: hibernate_sequence”

拟墨画扇 提交于 2021-02-05 05:01:04
问题 My problem is as follows: When i create POST request in "Postman" app. This is what i try to POST {"name": "John Doe", "email":"", "city": "London"} I am getting the following error: { "timestamp": "2018-11-19T20:16:00.486+0000", "status": 500, "error": "Internal Server Error", "message": "could not read a hi value - you need to populate the table: hibernate_sequence; nested exception is could not read a hi value - you need to

message -“could not read a hi value - you need to populate the table: hibernate_sequence”

房东的猫 提交于 2021-02-05 04:58:05
问题 My problem is as follows: When i create POST request in "Postman" app. This is what i try to POST {"name": "John Doe", "email":"", "city": "London"} I am getting the following error: { "timestamp": "2018-11-19T20:16:00.486+0000", "status": 500, "error": "Internal Server Error", "message": "could not read a hi value - you need to populate the table: hibernate_sequence; nested exception is could not read a hi value - you need to

API Post request in Google App Script not working

杀马特。学长 韩版系。学妹 提交于 2021-02-04 21:27:46
问题 I managed to do the API POST request through Postman but once modified for Google App Script it doesn't work. I think it might be related to the body format, I can't replicate the new URLSearchParams() object in GAS (I'm sending a JSON I believe). Thanks. Postman (working) - JavaScript Fetch var myHeaders = new Headers(); myHeaders.append("Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"); var urlencoded = new URLSearchParams(); urlencoded.append("client_id", "XXXX"); urlencoded.append(

Checking a value in a nested JSON using Postman

≡放荡痞女 提交于 2021-02-04 06:15:00
问题 I have a nested JSON returned from an API that I am hitting using a GET request, in POSTMAN chrome app. My JSON looks like this "result": [ { "_id": "some_id", "name": "India", "code": "IN", "link": "", "closingTime": "2017-02-25T01:12:17.860Z", "openingTime": "2017-02-25T06:12:17.205Z", "image": "image_link", "status": "online", "serverStatus": "online", "games": [ { "_id": "some_game_id1", "name": "Cricket" }, { "_id": "some_another_id1", "name": "Baseball" }, { "_id":

Checking a value in a nested JSON using Postman

拜拜、爱过 提交于 2021-02-04 06:14:37
问题 I have a nested JSON returned from an API that I am hitting using a GET request, in POSTMAN chrome app. My JSON looks like this "result": [ { "_id": "some_id", "name": "India", "code": "IN", "link": "", "closingTime": "2017-02-25T01:12:17.860Z", "openingTime": "2017-02-25T06:12:17.205Z", "image": "image_link", "status": "online", "serverStatus": "online", "games": [ { "_id": "some_game_id1", "name": "Cricket" }, { "_id": "some_another_id1", "name": "Baseball" }, { "_id":


↘锁芯ラ 提交于 2021-02-03 10:04:21
1.创建接口用例集(没区别) Postman是Collections,Jmeter是线程组,没什么区别。 2.步骤的实现(有区别) Postman和jmeter都是创建http请求 区别1:postman请求的请求URL是一个整体,jmeter分成了4个部分(协议、主机、端口、路径) 区别2:postman可以在请求中直接填写请求头信息, jmeter需要通过添加http请求头管理器添加请求头 区别3:对于cookie,postman可以对cookie做管理,但是jmeter只需添加http cookie管理器即可完成cookie的处理,并且是自动处理cookie信息,所以jmeter的cookie管理更简单 Postman在pre-request script可以添加前置请求,获取响应数据,比较容易进行json结果的处理,很方便的提取json数据——————jmeter不仅可以处理json数据,(json提取器),还可以提取其他数据(正则表达式提取器) 3数据用例的实现 区别1:jmeter比较适合进行数据与操作分离,而postman比较适合把数据和操作放在一起,显然postman操作更简单,jmeter更便于维护 区别2: postman也支持csv数据文件的导入,但是每次执行时都需要收工加载数据文件。不方便(所以只能做半自动化) Jmeter可以进行完全自动化


旧时模样 提交于 2021-02-02 21:58:32
这篇没有规整的文字叙述,是一些知识的杂谈记录~~~ 在我们做接口测试的时候,经常需要验证发送的消息是否正确,或者在出现问题的时候,查看手机客户端发送给server端的包内容是否正确,就需要用到抓包工具。 常用的抓包工具有fiddler、wireshark、httpwatch、 firebug、F12等。抓包抓的是协议,fiddler抓的是HTTP、HTTPS协议,wireshark抓的是其他协议。fiddler、wireshark可以修改接口的参数和返回值,常用的F12调试工具只可以查看接口的参数和响应值。 一般情况下,做接口测试时,必须有详细的接口文档,接口测试往往伴随着自动化即接口自动化测试,既然有接口文档,就可以直接使用了,为什么要抓包?一直知道fiddler抓包,也抓过包,但是一直不知道为什么要抓包,抓包用来干啥?现在来大概的解释一下: 1.在不知道接口的情况下 2.在知道接口,想查看接口数据的情况下 3.用来查看接口的安全性 比如:1.2:web端点击搜索按钮,没有查到数据。F12打开,点击搜索按钮,network中查看具体协议,则可以查看到此接口的参数和返回值。若参数传错,前端的锅;若响应异常,没有调通后台接口;若有响应,响应值错误,后台的锅。 2.3:支付订单的时候,fiddler请求前断点,修改5000元为50元,造成数据串改,不安全。用户登录的时候