
Plupload HTML4 Add Files dialog not triggering in IE

本小妞迷上赌 提交于 2019-12-01 21:44:54
I'm using Plupload (jQuery version) with HTML4 for IE, and for some reason it's not opening the File Dialog when I press the Add Files button. The Plupload container is placed in a dialog, and I call .pluploadQueue() just before I show the dialog, each time. It works fine on FF and Chrome. The Cause I call .pluploadQueue() just before I show the dialog, each time. The Solution Apparently, Plupload doesent seem to fire the dialog if the Plupload container is hidden ( display:none ) while evaluating .pluploadQueue() I had to do a display:block before calling .pluploadQueue() - since I didnt want

How do I return data via Ajax using Plupload on Upload Complete?

余生颓废 提交于 2019-12-01 05:30:46
I've been trying for the last few hours to get something... anything back from the pluploader upon completion of the queue to no avail. Here is my JS code: var uploader = $('#pluploadDiv').pluploadBootstrap(); uploader.bind("UploadComplete", function(up, files) { var obj = $.parseJSON(response.response); alert(obj.result); }); On the very last line of the upload.php script, I have: die('{"jsonrpc" : "2.0", "result" : "'.$_REQUEST['unitID'].'", "id" : "id"}'); This makes sense to me... but it's not working, the files upload without problems, but the alert doesn't even fire off... there is no

JEECG 上传插件升级——标签

扶醉桌前 提交于 2019-12-01 04:07:41
前言: 现有的uploadify上传是基于swf的,随着H5的普及,flash即将退出历史舞台,JEECG团队本着与时俱进的原则,将全面升级JEECG系统中的上传功能,采用新式上传插件plupload,此插件上传支持多种模式html5,flash,silverlight,html4,可通过配置实现优先模式,对于新版主流浏览器均可采用H5方式,对于不支持H5的低版本IE浏览器可走flash方式。以下讲解JEECG标签的升级。 一、升级步骤: 1.下载升级文件 链接: 密码:wexw 2.【新增文件】 增加JS/css,将plupload文件夹直接拷贝到src/main/webapp/plug-in/下 3.【修改文件】 拷贝BaseTag.java至src/main/java/org/jeecgframework/tag/core/easyui/下,覆盖更新,见[代码改动-1] 4.【修改文件】 拷贝Map.js至src/main/webapp/plug-in/tools/下,覆盖更新。 5.【新增文件】 拷贝UploadPlTag.java至src/main/java/org/jeecgframework/tag/core/easyui/下。 6.【新增文件】 拷贝plupload

1024程序员节宅男节日快乐 -- JAVA快速开发平台,JEECG 3.8宅男优化版本发布

雨燕双飞 提交于 2019-12-01 04:07:28
JEECG 3.8 版本发布!系统全面升级,重构上传组件、优化代码生成器机制! 导读 ⊙平台性能优化,系统更稳定,速度闪电般提升 ⊙系统上传组件全面重构,使用plupload组件,解决flash的适配问题,提升浏览器兼容性 ⊙新增adminlte首页风格,支持上方一级菜单,左下方无限级菜单导航 ⊙提供5套新的主流UI代码生成器模板(Bootstrap表单+BootstrapTable列表\ ElementUI列表表单) ⊙表单UI深度优化,平台UI风格升级一个级别 ⊙灵活通用代码生成器,新增多种bootstrap-table风格的支持,主打Bootstrap表单 ⊙大数据量table字典表,支持ajax异步加载,实现列表值替换 ⊙代码生成器支持原生word模板样式生成,优化无用代码的生成 ⊙在线文档精良制作,实时更新 ⊙消息中间件,支持模板灵活调用,可自定义传入模板数据 ⊙Vue+ElementUI风格页面优化,更美观 ⊙系统通知、公告重构,对接更便捷 ⊙Datagrid标签操作列按钮支持折叠显示,节省展示空间,自由设置 ————你想要的,都来了! 此版本系统安全性能得到大幅提升,版本更稳定、代码重构优化,上传组件使用plupload重构,解决flash问题提升浏览器兼容性,新增adminlte风格支持上方一级菜单导航。平台整体极大提升美感和代码可控性,降低了表单的开发成本

Upload directly to Amazon S3 using Plupload HTML5 runtime [closed]

懵懂的女人 提交于 2019-11-30 15:52:00
问题 It's difficult to tell what is being asked here. This question is ambiguous, vague, incomplete, overly broad, or rhetorical and cannot be reasonably answered in its current form. For help clarifying this question so that it can be reopened, visit the help center. Closed 7 years ago . I saw in one a previous post How do I make Plupload upload directly to Amazon S3?, that this is possible to direct upload from Pluplod Html5 runtime to S3. I tried your approach by hosting my "pluploader" into my

Plupload how to continue to upload after UploadComplete

萝らか妹 提交于 2019-11-30 14:38:14
I'm using plupload 1.5.7, jQuery Queue Widget, after the upload complete the Add files and Start Upload buttons disappear, replaced by a label Upload 1/1 files . Now I can't add others files, I need to refresh the page and upload other files. I've tried also the uploader.splice() and uploader.refresh() methods without success. Is it possible after an upload - of one or more files - to continue to upload? My actual configuration is: $("#uploader").pluploadQueue({ // General settings runtimes: 'html5,gears,flash,silverlight,browserplus', url: '/upload.php', max_file_size: '10mb', chunk_size:

Using plupload with MVC3

99封情书 提交于 2019-11-30 13:25:16
问题 So, I've implemented plupload using flash runtime in MVC3. It works perfectly, in the sense that it uploads using the correction Action and runs it all. However, I'd really like to be able to control the response, and handle it in plupload, but I can't seem to get any response through. I've tried overriding fileUploaded, but I can't seem to get anything out of the arguments. I've tried return simple strings, json and what have you. I can't seem to get anything out on the client side. And of

Using plupload with MVC3

∥☆過路亽.° 提交于 2019-11-30 07:21:15
So, I've implemented plupload using flash runtime in MVC3. It works perfectly, in the sense that it uploads using the correction Action and runs it all. However, I'd really like to be able to control the response, and handle it in plupload, but I can't seem to get any response through. I've tried overriding fileUploaded, but I can't seem to get anything out of the arguments. I've tried return simple strings, json and what have you. I can't seem to get anything out on the client side. And of course being sent through flash, I can't even debug the requests with firebug :/ The same with the Error

Manually trigger 'open file dialog' using plupload

亡梦爱人 提交于 2019-11-30 06:58:05
I'm using plupload to client scaling of pictures before they are uploaded. I like the feature that it gracefully falls back to html4 if the user doesn't have flash, silverlight etc engines installed. I want to be able to start the upload when the user clicks certain elements on the page and i want to handle the events (sometimes stopping a file dialog from opening). In fact i'd like to pop open the file dialog using javascript. Ok, so HTML4 (or rather the browser, except chrome :P) won't let me do this, unless the user clicks a browse-button (or an overlay covering a browse-button), so when i

Plupload how to continue to upload after UploadComplete

元气小坏坏 提交于 2019-11-29 20:34:54
问题 I'm using plupload 1.5.7, jQuery Queue Widget, after the upload complete the Add files and Start Upload buttons disappear, replaced by a label Upload 1/1 files . Now I can't add others files, I need to refresh the page and upload other files. I've tried also the uploader.splice() and uploader.refresh() methods without success. Is it possible after an upload - of one or more files - to continue to upload? My actual configuration is: $("#uploader").pluploadQueue({ // General settings runtimes: