
OS X launchd.plist

隐身守侯 提交于 2021-01-28 14:02:16
问题 Here's my plist file <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC -//Apple Computer//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN > <plist version="1.0"> <dict> <key>Label</key> <string>com.homebrew.autoupdate</string> <key>ProgramArguments</key> <array> <string>/usr/local/bin/brew_up</string> </array> <key>StartInterval</key> <integer>86400</integer> <key>StandardErrorPath</key> <string>/usr/local/var/log/brew.log</string> <key>StandardOutPath</key>

Cannot play videos with AVPlayer when NSAllowsArbitraryLoadsInWebContent is true

末鹿安然 提交于 2021-01-28 04:51:25
问题 I have a very small application with AVPlayer . I am using the following code to play a video: if let urlToPlay = URL(string: "http://some_video.m3u8") { self.player = AVPlayer.init(url: urlToPlay) self.player!.play() } I also added some lines into the file "Info.plist" to be able to play videos with HTTP schemas: <key>NSAppTransportSecurity</key> <dict> <key>NSAllowsArbitraryLoads</key> <true/> </dict> And it works fine. But later I found a flag called NSAllowsArbitraryLoadsInWebContent . I

XCBUtil.PropertyListConversionError in Xcode

穿精又带淫゛_ 提交于 2021-01-01 02:59:29
问题 When I try to run my project, I get this error, pointing to my localized .strings file: read failed: The operation couldn’t be completed. ( XCBUtil.PropertyListConversionError error 1.) What can I do to fix this issue? 回答1: There is a formatting error inside the .string file that the error is pointing at. Localizable .strings files should contain strings in quotes (if they contain more than one word and/or special characters) and semicolons at the end of lines, like such: string = translation

update CFBundleShortVersionString with script gives error in Xcode 11

China☆狼群 提交于 2020-06-29 05:05:12
问题 I am trying to update with this script my extension app which is inside the main app. In general when i commit with svn, the version of my main app update, now i need to update the extension version also. I am trying to use the following script but seems it gives error. any idea? this is the example: version_number=$1 build_number=$2 # echo "version_number is $version_number" echo "build_number is $build_number" pruvitInfoPlist="ServiceExtension/Info.plist" /usr/libexec/PlistBuddy -c "Set

Can´t load plist file, Error Failed to parse Plist data type:key

折月煮酒 提交于 2020-06-17 06:05:06
问题 I get the error from the title in my xamarin forms app. It doesn't have that error before I update VS2017. I did this because I need some libraries for unity (and load all the others related to games). Now I can't even load the iOS part in Xamarin Forms, it says is not available. This is my Info.plist <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" ""> <plist version="1.0"> <dict> <key>UIDeviceFamily<

Can´t load plist file, Error Failed to parse Plist data type:key

假如想象 提交于 2020-06-17 06:04:36
问题 I get the error from the title in my xamarin forms app. It doesn't have that error before I update VS2017. I did this because I need some libraries for unity (and load all the others related to games). Now I can't even load the iOS part in Xamarin Forms, it says is not available. This is my Info.plist <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" ""> <plist version="1.0"> <dict> <key>UIDeviceFamily<

Where can i find info.plist file?

为君一笑 提交于 2020-05-11 03:47:21
问题 I am reading an iOS dev book and in it saw a reference to a info.plist file used as part of an Obj-C project. Unfortunately, the book did not explicitly say where the file may be found? Where is this file located? How can i gain access to it as part of Xcode? 回答1: The Info.plist file is by default located in the root folder of your application's bundle, it's derived from the {ProjectName}-Info.plist file in the Xcode project. By default it's listed in a group called Supporting Files . 回答2:

Where can i find info.plist file?

时间秒杀一切 提交于 2020-05-11 03:47:19
问题 I am reading an iOS dev book and in it saw a reference to a info.plist file used as part of an Obj-C project. Unfortunately, the book did not explicitly say where the file may be found? Where is this file located? How can i gain access to it as part of Xcode? 回答1: The Info.plist file is by default located in the root folder of your application's bundle, it's derived from the {ProjectName}-Info.plist file in the Xcode project. By default it's listed in a group called Supporting Files . 回答2:


放肆的年华 提交于 2020-05-05 20:03:33
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h> #import "FJDog.h" #define path @ "/Users/IOS1601/Desktop/plist 文件 /plist1.plist" #define path1 @ "/Users/IOS1601/Desktop/plist 文件 /data.plist" #define path2 @ "/Users/IOS1601/Desktop/plist 文件 /plist2.plist" int main( int argc, const char * argv[]) { @autoreleasepool { // 只能存数 NSString,NSData,NSData,NSNumber,BOOL //NSArray(NSMutableArray),NSDictionary(NSMutableDictionary) 其他类创建的对象不能存储 // 包括系统其他的类 //========= 创建 plist 文件 ( 往 plist 文件里写数据 )=========== //1. 先创建一个数组或者一个字典 ( 注意数组的数组元素和 // 字典的键值对的值都只能是 plist 能够存储的类型 ); NSDate * date = [ NSDate date ]; // 获取当前时间

What is the use of plist?

蓝咒 提交于 2020-04-29 10:15:18
问题 In my application, I am using a plist . Please, can anyone explain what are the uses of plist with an example or a sample code? 回答1: In the context of iPhone development, Property Lists are a key-value store that your application can use to save and retrieve persistent data. All iPhone applications have at least one of these by default, the Information Property List: The information property list is a file named Info.plist that is included with every iPhone application project created by