
Playlist for WPF MediaElement app

假装没事ソ 提交于 2019-12-10 18:13:45
问题 I'm learning C# and WPF by building a WMP-type app. The code below runs fine, selecting a movie from the listbox runs it in the media element. The problem I'm having is finding a way to automatically start the next movie after one ends. Thank You. The xml file that provides a list of movies: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?> Bear c:\movies\Bear.wmv Butterfly c:\movies\Butterfly.wmv Lake c:\movies\Lake.wmv xaml <Window x:Class="WpfAppPlaylistTest.Window1" xmlns="http://schemas

Retrieve Video IDs contained in a Playlist - YouTube API v3

戏子无情 提交于 2019-12-10 15:59:56
问题 I've been using the following method to retrieve all video IDs, titles, and default thumbnail images contained within a specific YouTube playlist for use in a dynamic playlist carousel (The IDs are then passed to an array which is used to dynamically create a thumbnail carousel. Note the 'playlist' variable is defined via an externalized XML value): // Get YouTube Playlist values var playListURL = '' + playlist + '?v=2&alt=json&callback=?'; var

Soundcloud API not returning all tracks from playlist through Python

纵然是瞬间 提交于 2019-12-10 15:27:05
问题 I recently started to use the Soundcloud API to develop a simple app which saves data on playlists. However, it seems to me that not all tracks from playlists are being returned. I'm using the following code: import soundcloud, shelve, time client = soundcloud.Client(client_id=CLIENT_ID, client_secret=CLIENT_SECRET, username=E-MAIL, password=PASSWORD) playlists = client.get('/users/24196709/playlists', limit=1) tracknames = [] trackids= [] for pl in playlists: for track in pl.tracks: print

Creating Playlist via code

橙三吉。 提交于 2019-12-10 00:05:24
问题 For my latest project i want the user to be able to make playlist and save them to the phone. I want to make so when they make them in the application they will also show up when they look in the built in music app. Whats the best way of doing this? I know i will probably have to use MediaStore but other than that I'm a tad lost. Any information would help, just need a nudge in the right direction - Thanks 回答1: You can use the content URI found in Media.AudioStore.Playlist class to access the

Shuffle Playlist fix for Youtube API

人走茶凉 提交于 2019-12-08 11:26:12
问题 So while I was trying to create an embedded playlist on my website, and get it to shuffle, I found out that there is a bug in the YouTube API that wasn't fixed and won't let anyone use the Shuffle functionality. So I'm trying to create a work around. I figured I could make a Random number replace the index number of the playlist. That worked fine, and let me shuffle the playlist, as long as I manually entered the Max and Min for the Random number generator. see it here:

Playlist (embedded ) broken on iOS

别等时光非礼了梦想. 提交于 2019-12-08 09:56:44
问题 Since Oct 17th (2013) Embedded Playlist no longer work on iOS (iPad, iPhone) Verified on iPad2 (iOS6) , iPhone4s (iOS7) Verifed with a few different playlists. Verified by many others I repeat this is about the STANDARD EMBEDDED PLAYLIST as it is shown on Youtube-website below the videos (share >embed) (ie: NOT any special API-script , NOT any "comma-separated-list" NOT cuePlaylist, NOT SWFobj ..but the SIMPLE STANDARD PLAYLIST EMBED CODE) as it is shown on Youtube´s website below all videos

Playlist (embedded ) broken on iOS

别说谁变了你拦得住时间么 提交于 2019-12-08 08:37:20
Since Oct 17th (2013) Embedded Playlist no longer work on iOS (iPad, iPhone) Verified on iPad2 (iOS6) , iPhone4s (iOS7) Verifed with a few different playlists. Verified by many others I repeat this is about the STANDARD EMBEDDED PLAYLIST as it is shown on Youtube-website below the videos (share >embed) (ie: NOT any special API-script , NOT any "comma-separated-list" NOT cuePlaylist, NOT SWFobj ..but the SIMPLE STANDARD PLAYLIST EMBED CODE) as it is shown on Youtube´s website below all videos that are part of a playlist. They simply don't load and nothing appears just a plain black screen. When

Ruby on Rails: Get mediaplayer information (iTunes, TRAKTOR, Cog; current song + playlist)

纵饮孤独 提交于 2019-12-08 08:16:25
问题 I want to write a small web app which does this things: deliver a web page to display the current song and some meta data provide a web api which can be queried for the next song to allow the page to update without page load No big deal, the only part I can't estimate is if it's possible to access the current song of iTunes, TRAKTOR and if possible Cog from a ruby on rails application. It would be especially nice if I can access the playlist, too to display the following song, too. 回答1: I

Integrating youtube playlists in android

感情迁移 提交于 2019-12-08 06:35:36
问题 I want to integrate youtube playlist in android such that when user open the playlist it displays all the videos of that playlist..Below is the working code of integrating youtube video to android.Here I am providing video id inside loadVideo() method.But i don't know how to integrate playlists..I want to know how to proceed in that ? public class YoutubeActivity2 extends YouTubeBaseActivity implements YouTubePlayer.OnInitializedListener { private YouTubePlayer YPlayer; private static final

Youtube V3 api Load Multiple Playlists

徘徊边缘 提交于 2019-12-08 06:07:45
问题 I just want to load multiple playlists based on multiple playlistID's, the problem is playlistid can insert only not multiple comma seperated. $PlylistIds = 'PLbVdwtmx18stbIbCu-bONmOSP4JLOPF9I, PL7668E699EA971785'; $response = file_get_contents(",snippet&playlistId=$PlylistIds&maxResults=5&key=MYAPIKEY"); $searchResponse = json_decode($response,true); print_r($searchResponse); When i sent 1 playlist id it works but when i