

被刻印的时光 ゝ 提交于 2019-11-28 21:49:15
本文以某新闻单位多媒体数据库系统为例,提出建立企业用户认证中心,实现基于安全策略的统一用户管理、认证和单点登录,解决用户在同时使用多个应用系统时所遇到的重复登录问题。 随着信息技术和网络技术的迅猛发展,企业内部的应用系统越来越多。比如在媒体行业,常见的应用系统就有采编系统、排版系统、印刷系统、广告管理系统、财务系统、办公自动化系统、决策支持系统、客户关系管理系统和网站发布系统等。由于这些系统互相独立,用户在使用每个应用系统之前都必须按照相应的系统身份进行登录,为此用户必须记住每一个系统的用户名和密码,这给用户带来了不少麻烦。特别是随着系统的增多,出错的可能性就会增加,受到非法截获和破坏的可能性也会增大,安全性就会相应降低。针对于这种情况,统一用户认证、单点登录等概念应运而生,同时不断地被应用到企业应用系统中。 统一用户管理的基本原理 一般来说,每个应用系统都拥有独立的用户信息管理功能,用户信息的格式、命名与存储方式也多种多样。当用户需要使用多个应用系统时就会带来用户信息同步问题。用户信息同步会增加系统的复杂性,增加管理的成本。 例如,用户X需要同时使用A系统与B系统,就必须在A系统与B系统中都创建用户X,这样在A、B任一系统中用户X的信息更改后就必须同步至另一系统。如果用户X需要同时使用10个应用系统,用户信息在任何一个系统中做出更改后就必须同步至其他9个系统

Accessing signing/encryption in a browser's Keystore using JavaScript - sample code? (WebCryptoAPI)

女生的网名这么多〃 提交于 2019-11-28 21:28:45
I have a web server that allows access only using X509 authentication. Works like a charm. Now I want to extend the use of the X509 certificates (which are stored in the user's browser keystore) to Sign data before it is sent to the server (using JavaScript and HTTPPost) Decrypt data read from the server (where it gets encrypted using the user's public key stored there) I found this example doing RSA Signature which is pretty close.... only it does take the key from a HTML textarea. I want to read it from the key store. Now crypto is quite in flux: Mozilla w3C Internet Explorer 11++ Chome and

Implementing X509TrustManager - passing on part of the verification to existing verifier

佐手、 提交于 2019-11-28 21:27:38
I need to ignore the PKIX path building exception PKIX path building failed: ption: unable to find valid certification path to requested target I know how to do this by writing my own class implementing X509TrustManager where I always return true from isServerTrusted . However, I don't want to trust all servers & all clients. I want all the default verification to be done for clients as is done currently. For servers, I want to ignore server cert verification


拥有回忆 提交于 2019-11-28 21:01:46
数字签名 用自己的私钥给数据加密就叫数字签名 公钥传输威胁 在A和B的通信中,C可以把自己的公钥发给A,让A把C的公钥当成B的公钥,这样的话.B拿到加密数据反而无法解密,而C却可以解密出数据.从而实现C截获AB之间的数据 所以在两者的通信中必须要对公钥的来源进行确认 A和B如果想安全交换公钥,就必须通过CA(证书颁发机构) 证书的通信过程 A和B首先都内置了CA的公钥 根CA的证书是自己给自己签名的(自签名) CA和证书 PKI: Public Key Infrastructure 签证机构:CA(Certificate Authority) 注册机构:RA 证书吊销列表:CRL 证书存取库: X.509:定义了证书的结构以及认证协议标准 版本号 序列号 签名算法 颁发者 有效期限 主体名称 主体公钥 CRL分发点 扩展信息 发行者签名 SSL SSL(Secure Socket Layer)和TLS(Transport Layer Security )本身是一个东西 实现功能: 机密性 认证 完整性 重放保护(正确同样的数据不能重复发送) 两阶段协议,分为握手阶段和应用阶段 握手阶段(协商阶段): 客户端和服务器端认证对方身份(依赖于PKI体系,利用数字证书进行 身份认证),并协商通信中使用的安全参数、密码套件以及主密钥. 后续通信使用的所有密钥都是

Digital certificates: What is the difference between encrypting and signing

≡放荡痞女 提交于 2019-11-28 18:03:11
问题 I am relatively new to PKI, certificates and all related stuff. As far as I understand in public-key cryptography one encrypt with a public key and decrypt with a private key. Only one private key can correspond to any public key but the opposite is not true. Is it correct? Or is it one to one mapping? So, the way digital signature works is that the content of a certificate is hashed and then "signed" with a private key. The signature is verified then with the corresponding public key. So,

Java X509 Certificate parsing and validating

白昼怎懂夜的黑 提交于 2019-11-28 18:01:40
I'm trying to process X509 certificates in several steps and running into a couple of problems. I'm new to JCE so I not completely up to date on everything yet. We want to be able to parse several different X509 certificates based on different encodings (PEM, DER and PCKS7). I've exported the same certificate from in PEM and PCKS7 format using FireFox (certificate including chain). I've left couple lines out that are not needed for the questions public List<X509Certificate> parse(FileInputStream fis) { /* * Generate a X509 Certificate initialized with the data read from the

How does keytool protect keys?

柔情痞子 提交于 2019-11-28 14:17:11
When you are building a key store with the Java Keytool utility, how are the keys protected? I've read through the documentation, and I realize that each private key has a key password, and then the store has a store password. But what mechanism is used to protect the data? Is it an encryption cipher? If so, what is the algorithm? I'm focused specifically on how keytool does the protection when it is building a JKS file. Sun's default JKS keystore uses a proprietary algorithm, primarily to get around exporting restrictions on standard algorithms. The algorithm is implemented in this class, sun

12-kubernetes Dashboard 认证及分级授权

我的未来我决定 提交于 2019-11-28 08:02:47
目录 部署 dashboard 查看 开放访问 配置dashboard用户 1. token 令牌认证 创建一个 serviceAccount dashboard-admin 绑定 clusterbinding 的 sa 获取 serviceaccount 的 dashboard-admin 的secret信息 2. kubeconfig 文件认证 创建一个 serviceAccount 创建 rolebinding 绑定 def-ns-admin 创建集群和创建kubeconfig配置文件 拿到 def-ns-admin 用户的base64格式的token 设置 set-credentials 保存至 def-ns-admin.conf 配置 def-ns-admin.conf 上下文 配置当前上下文 测试使用kubeconfig文件登陆 基于 tls 验证 创建 dashboard 专用的 tls 证书 生成dashboard 用户的私钥 生成证书签署请求 给dashboard证书签证 创建 dashboard 对应的 secret 部署 dashboard 官方文档地址 根据官方文的安装介绍,直接远程执行即可,这里先下载下来,然后执行: [root@master ~]# wget

RedHat5.6、6.0使用CentOS yum源

末鹿安然 提交于 2019-11-28 05:43:09
如何修改Centos yum源 -------------------------------------- 国内yum源: 163和搜狐的yum源 。 本文章介绍的yum源支持的版本是CentOS 5系列,理论上支持RHEL5系列。 更新方法如下: 先进入yum源配置目录 cd /etc/yum.repos.d 备份系统自带的yum源 mv CentOS-Base.repo 下载其他更快的yum源 中科大的yum源:(现在打不开 了 ) wget 163的yum源: wget 修改CentOS-Base.repo (不修改会报错),下载到本地把“$releasever”,替换成“5” sohu的yum源 wget 更新玩yum源后,建议更新一下,使操作立即生效 yum makecache RedHat5.6使用CentOS yum源更新的方法 ========================================================

Mutual-authentication with web services

╄→гoц情女王★ 提交于 2019-11-28 04:44:00
Currently, I've been successful implementing Mutual Authentication security so long as the client accesses the website using a web browser, because browsers take care of all the certificate exchange for you. Now I need to create a secure interface with which users can access web services over HTTPS, using the mutual authentication required by the server. First off, are there any resources anyone knows of that can help me with this? I've looked for quite some time and found nothing. Any other tips anyone can give me on how to go about this? Secondly, I think my biggest roadblock is my lack of