
Convert RSACryptoServiceProvider RSA XML key to PKCS8

我的梦境 提交于 2019-12-12 08:54:24
问题 I use RSACryptoServiceProvider in my C# code, and it's working good I could Export RSA XML private and public keys, but for some reason I need to convert this key to *.pem with format (PKCS8 Unencrypted) my private key like <RSAKeyValue> <Modulus>zYs6baSaRDgLc5fG3/ozwGwS8OAvxd9quE2su+7//Lnz2WuIbe8jMc5kL7p2gsPZUEoB88SFHdGZSYiZJhERDc/1iQ4VsW2/ra8DBW+1m3K33EDvvI3rJ0NIyuRNuwoYql3hYdY0cdW6Gru9ZARCpptgBSJEiUSPjlzDEXz3RaU=</Modulus> <Exponent>AQAB</Exponent> <P

Logstash HTTP output can't post to to HTTPS endpoint requiring client certificates

时光毁灭记忆、已成空白 提交于 2019-12-12 03:06:39
问题 I'm currently attempting to send some sample events from Logstash receiving servers on our production environment to a testing env via the http output. The server on the receiving end is a custom Nginx HTTPS endpoint which accepts post data (endpoints for both single events, and bulk events to support Elasticsearch bulk indexing format) and places it into a redis queue, which is eventually read by Logstash processing servers. The current http output on the logstash receiving server looks

How to convert pkcs8 key file to DER format in #C?

旧巷老猫 提交于 2019-12-10 12:15:05
问题 How to convert pkcs8 key file to DER format, to get Private and Public key in Xml format? with openssl I can do it using: openssl pkcs8 -inform DER -in aaa010101aaa_FIEL.key -out aaa.txt aaa010101aaa_FIEL.key is bynary file I'm trying to do it with Bouncy Castle library but I have problems to create new EncryptedPrivateKeyInfo(... there is a post to do that in java, but i need it in c# How to read a password encrypted key with java? 回答1: BouncyCastle documentation is pretty sparse and I haven

Connecting a Google Cloud SQL Postgres Database to Google Data Studio

强颜欢笑 提交于 2019-12-08 10:01:05
问题 I am going through the exact same process as the answered question found here (Connect a Google CloudSQL Postgres database to Data Studio), but I am not as advanced a user as most. I am encountering a similar problem to what was mentioned in the above question, and then some: I have created a client certificate and downloaded the client-cert.pem, client-key.pem and the server-ca.pem files to my local machine. I received the same error when attempting to link Data Studio to our Google Cloud

Connect a Google CloudSQL Postgres database to Data Studio

独自空忆成欢 提交于 2019-12-08 08:27:12
问题 I am trying to connect a Postgres database hosted in a google Cloud Sql instance to Data Studio. I have followed the instructions (found here but to my disappointment, I still cannot connect to the database from Data Studio. I think the problem lies with the SSL connection, as if I enable "non-secure connections" in the options in CloudSql I can successfully connect from Data Studio. I have created the 3 files required for the ssl

how to load the private key from a .der file into java private key object

不想你离开。 提交于 2019-12-08 02:20:35
问题 I'm writing a java program to import private keys from files within the file system and make a private key object, using java... I could do it for files in .pem format but, with .der format, I had no idea what to do, since I couldnt firstly detect the algorithm used to generate the keys. within .pem files I could determine the algorithm from the header for PKCS#1 which have a header like -----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY---- formats and used the bouncycastle pem reader for those in PKCS#8 which have

Connect a Google CloudSQL Postgres database to Data Studio

你说的曾经没有我的故事 提交于 2019-12-06 16:27:42
I am trying to connect a Postgres database hosted in a google Cloud Sql instance to Data Studio. I have followed the instructions (found here ) but to my disappointment, I still cannot connect to the database from Data Studio. I think the problem lies with the SSL connection, as if I enable "non-secure connections" in the options in CloudSql I can successfully connect from Data Studio. I have created the 3 files required for the ssl connection to work: Client certificate Client key Server certificate I have uploaded them in the relevant

how to load the private key from a .der file into java private key object

社会主义新天地 提交于 2019-12-06 08:08:56
I'm writing a java program to import private keys from files within the file system and make a private key object, using java... I could do it for files in .pem format but, with .der format, I had no idea what to do, since I couldnt firstly detect the algorithm used to generate the keys. within .pem files I could determine the algorithm from the header for PKCS#1 which have a header like -----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY---- formats and used the bouncycastle pem reader for those in PKCS#8 which have a header -----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY----- but with those in .der format no idea :( also if anyone have an

Encrypted Private Key to RSA Private Key

限于喜欢 提交于 2019-12-05 12:35:11
I have an Encrypted Private Key(say,servenc.key) in below format: -----BEGIN ENCRYPTED PRIVATE KEY----- MIIC2TBTBgkqhkiG9w0BBQ0wRjAlBgkqhkiG9w0BBQwwGAQSIFFvMaBFyBvqqhY6 yTV2fMVVAgIUczAdBglghkgBZQMEASoEEGRetyFtHhnJ7TZTM2qolWkEggKAFg/h GERtM1loEd+u8VAtLwTzBiXE5pmRpp/hX/1HrbBnzFjAsNtWlEtzpSuxuCoXtMst uKRB8qveHlfTQPzopkRZtljfOkD1DhdJz8BXSZrFmVkMrUq6m4Y/rnqTqI5JmtmQ qAXTBbl7u8TwMnqIaoSInEHnc+aiFT3KJuIq6PZy2rGKWGW2WB/OML2gANvHBI9n gyOo4VZHNsR6VBbCRJErUFhF5Wk2/YJD9ejnvXH6pJFqZYvnCFjkSlR+4MdCHBSo Ld0IoFjQ6X1uLLglFf/rQGKEQruLjTKmz6oe8nZIzrOoLmArir0DGTakEt0K6mha

Encode publicKey on Java Card

生来就可爱ヽ(ⅴ<●) 提交于 2019-12-04 16:44:40
How to encode an ECDSA PublicKey on Java Card so that after I can decode it on another platform (e.g. sending the encoded key in a response APDU and processing it in a standard Java application)? keyPair.getPublic().getEncoded() on Java would do the trick with PKCS#8 encoding, but as far as I know getEncoded() is not available on the Java Card platform. You can implement this function like this: Card side: 1 KeyPair.getPublicKey() --> publicKey; 2 publicKey.getW() --> W; 3 Send W to outside; Standard java application side: 1 get W data bytes; 2 W data bytes --> ECPoint; 3 Build PublicKey with