
Best way to test a Microsoft Surface application

孤人 提交于 2019-12-05 03:37:04
问题 Recently I was doing a lot of development in Microsoft Surface application's. I also read something about how these applications can be tested. Currently I'm using Unit tests (package Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting) to test the low level functionality of single methods. The user interface I'm testing with the Surface Simulator API. For both approaches I always create a extra project in the same solution. But I'm not really sure if this is really a good approach. Unit testing is

Identifying mobile devices paired via bluetooth with PixelSense

泪湿孤枕 提交于 2019-12-04 08:45:24
I want to be able to pair Microsoft PixelSense hardware with multiple mobile devices via bluetooth and I want PixelSense to know which device is which. So if I place two phones on a table, PixelSense should be able to label them by device name. My initial thought was to have the phone display an Identity Tag that has encoded its Bluetooth MAC address so that it could associate them but PixelSense sees in infrared and can't read the phone screen so that idea is out. Can anyone think of another way to do this? Microsoft has demonstrated a way to do this in their Mobile Connect sample application

Best way to test a Microsoft Surface application

早过忘川 提交于 2019-12-03 20:15:56
Recently I was doing a lot of development in Microsoft Surface application's. I also read something about how these applications can be tested. Currently I'm using Unit tests (package Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting) to test the low level functionality of single methods. The user interface I'm testing with the Surface Simulator API. For both approaches I always create a extra project in the same solution. But I'm not really sure if this is really a good approach. Unit testing is more or less ok, but the tests for the user interface are more or less limited by clicking various

WPF: Binding to commands in code behind

两盒软妹~` 提交于 2019-11-30 02:02:55
问题 I have a WPF Microsoft Surface Application and I'm using MVVM-Pattern. I have some buttons that are created in code behind and I would like to bind commands to them, but I only know how that works in the XAML like this: <Custom:SurfaceButton Command="{Binding SaveReservationCommandBinding, Mode=OneWay}"/> But I cannot do it like this because my buttons do not exist in the XAML, only in the code behind. So how would a command binding like that works in code behind? 回答1: Assuming that you have