
How to disable WPF Tablet Support in Surface 4 Pro?

旧城冷巷雨未停 提交于 2019-12-10 17:25:41
问题 I've inherited an WPF application that targets Net 3.5, And I have to install it in a Surface Pro 4 (I5). The application is hanging in different points, and I have observed that animations sometimes never fire the completed event (maybe they end up at some point, but not at the time expressed in Duration property). As a turnaround, I tried Disable the RealTimeStylus for WPF Applications but after several trials, I noticed that although the DisableWPFTabletSupport method is executed and

How to display a PDF document in a Microsoft Surface application?

馋奶兔 提交于 2019-12-10 13:02:23
问题 I want to display a PDF document in my Microsoft Surface application. I did some searching and found a lot of possibilities, but all of the seem to have a little drawback if used in Microsoft Surface. This insteresting approach seems nice, but I have trouble to check how to enable scrolling. Any idea how to enable scrolling in there? 回答1: In our application we have the need to display a lot of content that is provided as PDF from our customers. Instead of directly displaying the PDF we create

Detect when ScrollViewer has stopped scrolling

你说的曾经没有我的故事 提交于 2019-12-08 05:52:37
问题 I have a SurfaceListBox that inside has a ScrollViewer . I have access to that ScrollViewer and I want to detect when the scrolling ends. Since it is a touch app and I can drag it, right now I'm detecting the PreviewTouchUp to do what I want, however, if I do a fast swipe, like you would do on a smartphone, because the content of the ScrollViewer is still dragging/scrolling, the PreviewTouchUp does not reflect the end of the scrolling, but is instead triggered before. I have tried

Can Surface SDK run on Visual Studio 2012?

强颜欢笑 提交于 2019-12-07 02:30:31
问题 I need to create a WPF app using the Surface SDK. I am using Visual Studio 2012, and according to this SO post, VS2012 doesn't allow that. However, since this was posted before it was officially released, I want to make sure I'm not missing something. I just need a few of the touch/swipe controls that come with it. Is there a different option for VS2012? The other developer is using 2010, so it needs to be able to still run on his machine. It's a very simple app that I just need to hammer out

WPF: how to bind lines to UI elements?

可紊 提交于 2019-12-06 10:31:29
问题 I use this method to bind a Line to the center of two ScatterViewItems: private void BindLineToScatterViewItems(Shape line, ScatterViewItem origin, ScatterViewItem destination) { // Bind line.(X1,Y1) to origin.ActualCenter BindingOperations.SetBinding(line, Line.X1Property, new Binding { Source = origin, Path = new PropertyPath("ActualCenter.X") }); BindingOperations.SetBinding(line, Line.Y1Property, new Binding { Source = origin, Path = new PropertyPath("ActualCenter.Y") }); // Bind line.(X2

Surface SDK only for surface

时光毁灭记忆、已成空白 提交于 2019-12-06 09:15:09
This might be a stupid question, but I couldn't find the answer anywhere. Does the Microsoft Surface SDK 2.0 only work with Microsoft Surface products, or can I use it with other touchscreens? I really just like the way the SurfaceTextBox control works (popping up a onscreen keyboard when clicked) and was wondering if I could use it in a program I'm making (which uses a Elo touchscreen monitor, not multi-touch). Edit Thanks for the responses. I downloaded and installed the SDK 2.0 and tried to run the sample apps that are included. They don't seem to respond to my finger touches but do work if

How to install Microsoft® Surface® 2.0 SDK without installing Visual Studio

大兔子大兔子 提交于 2019-12-06 03:19:59
I have a kiosk application build on Microsoft® Surface® 2.0 SDK and WPF. The device for deployment is a kiosk and Visual Studio is not installed. When running the application on the kiosk I miss some dlls Microsoft.Surface.Core , so I tried to install Microsoft® Surface® 2.0 SDK but it require VS. Error: You must install Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 or Microsoft Visual C# 2010 express before you install Microsoft Surface 2.0 sdk. I would like to know a work around in order to install SDK without having VS... or an alternative approach? The SDK requires Visual Studio, but the runtime does not.

Identifying mobile devices paired via bluetooth with PixelSense

感情迁移 提交于 2019-12-06 03:06:57
问题 I want to be able to pair Microsoft PixelSense hardware with multiple mobile devices via bluetooth and I want PixelSense to know which device is which. So if I place two phones on a table, PixelSense should be able to label them by device name. My initial thought was to have the phone display an Identity Tag that has encoded its Bluetooth MAC address so that it could associate them but PixelSense sees in infrared and can't read the phone screen so that idea is out. Can anyone think of another

Inject/simulate WPF routed mouse click events

大兔子大兔子 提交于 2019-12-06 01:46:53
I have some straight WPF 3.5 controls handling left mouse clicks that I need to use within a Surface app (SDK 1.0). The problem I am facing is that do not work by default. I am thinking of wrapping each control in a SurfaceContentControl and translating ContactTouchDown or ContactTapGesture events to corresponding MouseDown events. The problem boils down to - how to "inject" or simulate arbitrary routed mouse events? I have tried InputManager.Current.ProcessInput() but didn't get very far. Any help is appreciated. Try to use AutomationPeer classes. For example ButtonAutomationPeer is for

Can Surface SDK run on Visual Studio 2012?

假装没事ソ 提交于 2019-12-05 05:53:00
I need to create a WPF app using the Surface SDK. I am using Visual Studio 2012, and according to this SO post, VS2012 doesn't allow that. However, since this was posted before it was officially released, I want to make sure I'm not missing something. I just need a few of the touch/swipe controls that come with it. Is there a different option for VS2012? The other developer is using 2010, so it needs to be able to still run on his machine. It's a very simple app that I just need to hammer out, so I'm looking for the fastest, easiest method. Both of us and the end application is to run on