
Passing array data from PHP to JasperReports (with PHP/JavaBridge)

点点圈 提交于 2019-12-04 15:12:29
I'm currently trying to create a pdf from a php script. I have JasperReports & PHP/JavaBridge up and running, and it works creating pdf files when sending strings & integers as parameters. I've used the guides from Jasper Reports and PHP & Bullet-Proof Jasper Reports and PHP to help set up PHP/JavaBridge and Jasper reports. This is how my php script currently looks like (very similar to the example from the previously mentioned guide): <?php /** * see if the java extension was loaded. */ function checkJavaExtension() { if(!extension_loaded('java')) { $sapi_type = php_sapi_name(); $port =


淺唱寂寞╮ 提交于 2019-11-29 18:03:41
去年做平安银行的时候,用到了PHP-Java-Bridge,后来写了一篇博客记录使用PHP-Java-Bridge的一些心得(连接:。 后来有很多陆陆续续的朋友在做平安银行接口使用 PHP-Java-Bridge,看了我那篇博客也有点蛋疼(可能是那个时候才开始写博客,思路、条理和描述之类的不是很清楚)。 最近使用PHP-Java-Bridge做平安银行开发的人还挺多,好些朋友都来问过,现在抽空专门写一篇关于平安银行支付使用 PHP-Java-Bridge的教程,希望给能帮到的人。 使用环境: PHP版本:最高为5.4,当前测试为5.4/5.3 JDK:官方最新版本,当前测试为1.8和linux自带openjdk 操作系统:Windows7 32位/64位 | Linux(Centos6.5,5.9) 1、使用PHP-Java-Bridge 下载以下文件,放到你的项目中 文件下载: 2、正确的放置jar包 1)、将你的平安银行支付相关的jar包放到java的jar下面 2)、将php-java-bridge文件放到java的jar下面 以上所有jar文件已经打包: 下载以下文件,放到安装的java的jar下面 文件下载: http:/

How to call custom java methods from PHP?

放肆的年华 提交于 2019-11-29 12:07:29
I am new to both PHP and Java. Currently I am working on a project which call java class and its methods in the PHP code. I am creating a proof of concept for this. The problem is I am not able to connect custom class I have created in java. More over it could be said I don't know how to do it. I have used and javabridge.jar files to connect to the system classes but not able to connect to a simple class. The step I have followed is: Created a java package, class called clsForPHP and it has a method sum() which takes 2 parameters and returns integer value. (This is created using


血红的双手。 提交于 2019-11-28 18:04:30
/**============================================================ * @author ken( * @date 2014-09-09 * ==============================================================**/ /**============================================================ * 版本与环境 * ==============================================================**/ 版本: 1、PHP版本:最高为5.4,当前测试为5.4/5.3 2、JDK:官方最新版本,当前测试为1.8 3、php-java-bridge:官方最新版本,当前测试为6.2.1 4、操作系统:Windows7 32位/64位 | Linux(Centos6.5) /**============================================================ * 安装和使用 * ==============================================================**/ 第一步

How to call custom java methods from PHP?

跟風遠走 提交于 2019-11-28 05:53:27
问题 I am new to both PHP and Java. Currently I am working on a project which call java class and its methods in the PHP code. I am creating a proof of concept for this. The problem is I am not able to connect custom class I have created in java. More over it could be said I don't know how to do it. I have used and javabridge.jar files to connect to the system classes but not able to connect to a simple class. The step I have followed is: Created a java package, class called clsForPHP and