
How to set the width of a React component during test?

喜你入骨 提交于 2020-06-10 08:02:46
问题 I'm trying to test a slider component. This slider component can be variable in width. When you click on the "track" of the slider it should change the value and trigger an onChange callback. The value is a based on where you click on the track. If you click the halfway point when the min value is 100 and the max value is 200 , then it should report a value of 150 . The problem I'm running into is that when I render the component using ReactTest.renderIntoDocument the component doesn't have

Display Image On PHP WebPage Instead Of Downloading Using PhantomJS

拈花ヽ惹草 提交于 2020-06-08 13:23:13
问题 I am trying to capture some screenshot of Web URLs so for this purpose, I searched everything on Google up to 10 pages and found nothing to clear my mind so finally asking for help here. To have a better screenshot of my URLs, after searching many plugins, APIs, and codes, I found PhantomJS much reliable and recommended by many developers. Finally, I created my script to capture the screenshot below using Windows 10 and Wamp Local Server later will host my script on Linux based shared web

Display Image On PHP WebPage Instead Of Downloading Using PhantomJS

北城以北 提交于 2020-06-08 13:23:06
问题 I am trying to capture some screenshot of Web URLs so for this purpose, I searched everything on Google up to 10 pages and found nothing to clear my mind so finally asking for help here. To have a better screenshot of my URLs, after searching many plugins, APIs, and codes, I found PhantomJS much reliable and recommended by many developers. Finally, I created my script to capture the screenshot below using Windows 10 and Wamp Local Server later will host my script on Linux based shared web

How to Generate PDF in node.js

一个人想着一个人 提交于 2020-05-25 05:00:25
问题 I want to generate a module which will generate PDF by taking input as my Invoice and that PDF file is send to clients mail id automatic. In 1st step i got some code and try to generate PDF. That code is working fin and i am able to generate the PDF. but i am not able to open the file. for code i use this link: 回答1: Install and the install the phantom node module Here is an example of rendering a pdf

How to Generate PDF in node.js

偶尔善良 提交于 2020-05-25 05:00:11
问题 I want to generate a module which will generate PDF by taking input as my Invoice and that PDF file is send to clients mail id automatic. In 1st step i got some code and try to generate PDF. That code is working fin and i am able to generate the PDF. but i am not able to open the file. for code i use this link: 回答1: Install and the install the phantom node module Here is an example of rendering a pdf

How to Generate PDF in node.js

ぐ巨炮叔叔 提交于 2020-05-25 05:00:06
问题 I want to generate a module which will generate PDF by taking input as my Invoice and that PDF file is send to clients mail id automatic. In 1st step i got some code and try to generate PDF. That code is working fin and i am able to generate the PDF. but i am not able to open the file. for code i use this link: 回答1: Install and the install the phantom node module Here is an example of rendering a pdf

How to avoid being detected as bot on Puppeteer and Phantomjs?

Deadly 提交于 2020-05-24 11:32:53
问题 Puppeteer and PhantomJS are similar. The issue I'm having is happening for both, and the code is also similar. I'd like to catch some informations from a website, which needs authentication for viewing those informations. I can't even access home page because it's detected like a "suspicious activity", like the SS: I discovered that the problem doesn't happen when I tested on Postman using a header named Cookie and the value of it's cookie caught on browser,

How to avoid being detected as bot on Puppeteer and Phantomjs?

谁都会走 提交于 2020-05-24 11:32:10
问题 Puppeteer and PhantomJS are similar. The issue I'm having is happening for both, and the code is also similar. I'd like to catch some informations from a website, which needs authentication for viewing those informations. I can't even access home page because it's detected like a "suspicious activity", like the SS: I discovered that the problem doesn't happen when I tested on Postman using a header named Cookie and the value of it's cookie caught on browser,


余生长醉 提交于 2020-05-09 10:35:03
前端测试一直是前端项目开发过程中及其重要的一个环节,高效的测试方法可以减少我们进行代码自测的时间,提高开发效率,如果你的代码涉及的测试用例较多,而且项目需要长期维护,这时就可以考虑使用一下自动化测试了。 一、前端自动化测试   前端自动化测试一般是指是在预设条件下运行前端页面或逻辑模块,评估运行结果。预设条件应包括正常条件和异常条件,以达到自动运行测试过程、减少或避免人工干预测试的目的。在前端自动化测试中,我们通常是通过不同的工具来解决不同场景下不同的问题的。就测试类型来看,主要分为BDD(Bebavior Driven Developement,行为驱动测试)和TDD(Testing Driven Developement,测试驱动开发)。BDD可以让项目成员(甚至是不懂编程的)使用自然描述语言来描述系统功能和业务逻辑,从而根据这些描述步骤进行系统自动化的测试;TDD则要求在编写某个功能的代码之前先编写测试代码,然后只编写使测试通过的功能代码,通过测试来推动整个开发的进行。这有助于编写简洁可用和高质量的代码,并加速实际开发过程   BDD和TDD均有各自的适用场景,BDD一般更偏向于系统功能和业务逻辑的自动化测试设计,而TDD在快速开发并测试功能模块的过程中则更加高效,以快速完成开发为目的。下面我们看下BDD和TDD具体的特点:   BDD的特点: -


戏子无情 提交于 2020-05-09 08:50:48
前端测试一直是前端项目开发过程中及其重要的一个环节,高效的测试方法可以减少我们进行代码自测的时间,提高开发效率,如果你的代码涉及的测试用例较多,而且项目需要长期维护,这时就可以考虑使用一下自动化测试了。 一、前端自动化测试   前端自动化测试一般是指是在预设条件下运行前端页面或逻辑模块,评估运行结果。预设条件应包括正常条件和异常条件,以达到自动运行测试过程、减少或避免人工干预测试的目的。在前端自动化测试中,我们通常是通过不同的工具来解决不同场景下不同的问题的。就测试类型来看,主要分为BDD(Bebavior Driven Developement,行为驱动测试)和TDD(Testing Driven Developement,测试驱动开发)。BDD可以让项目成员(甚至是不懂编程的)使用自然描述语言来描述系统功能和业务逻辑,从而根据这些描述步骤进行系统自动化的测试;TDD则要求在编写某个功能的代码之前先编写测试代码,然后只编写使测试通过的功能代码,通过测试来推动整个开发的进行。这有助于编写简洁可用和高质量的代码,并加速实际开发过程   BDD和TDD均有各自的适用场景,BDD一般更偏向于系统功能和业务逻辑的自动化测试设计,而TDD在快速开发并测试功能模块的过程中则更加高效,以快速完成开发为目的。下面我们看下BDD和TDD具体的特点:   BDD的特点: -